
  1. 它对培养国人良好的习惯、改革社会陋习、转移社会风气、改造生活环境等方面起到了积极作用。

    It has played a positive role for culture of people of good habits , reform of the social bad habits , transfer of the social atmosphere , the transformation of the living environment .

  2. “三寸金莲”作为封建社会的陋习在各朝各代都出现过,其根源是受中国封建社会女性美观念的影响。

    As one of corrupt customs ," bound-feet " occurring in various dynasties results from the influence of aesthetic standard on female in the feudal society in China .

  3. 赌博是人类社会历史的产物,逐渐演变成了一种社会陋习和犯罪行为。

    Gambling is the result of the history of human society , and gradually evolves into a kind of bad social habit and criminal activity .

  4. 我得措辞谨慎地指出,西方社会好不容易懂得了让女性接受教育的价值,但现在是时候向一些社会陋习宣战了。

    I 'll be careful in stating that in Western societies , we finally believe in valuing education for women , but we now have to turn to social practices .