
  • 网络social security;social safety;SSN;societal security
  1. 以此类推,人口增长率缓慢下来时就会给社会安全基金的财经带来压力

    Analogously , the slowdown in population growth puts pressure on Social Security finances .

  2. 艾米丽透过社会安全数据来研究个人主义,观察经济情况好时与差时父母给孩子们都取了什么名字。

    Emily measured individualism by looking at social security data to see what parents named their kids during good and bad economic times .

  3. 散布危害社会安全的谣言将被判入狱8年。

    You could face up to eight years in jail for spreading rumours considered prejudicial to security

  4. 社会安全管理委员会(SocialSecurityAdministration)是一个肩负重大责任的庞大的机构。

    The Social Security Administration is an enormous organization with enormous responsibilities .

  5. 从NSF工资里扣除社会安全险也是不允许的。

    Social Security deductions are withheld from the NSF salary .

  6. 第二个条件将与社会安全网有关,这已成为世界银行和IMF为其援助项目装点门面的标志性手段。

    The second condition would relate to social safety nets , which had become standard embellishments to World Bank / IMF adjustment programmes .

  7. 这部影片是根据伊丽莎白·沙娜希的小说《TheBlankWall》改编而成,是戴维·西格和史考特·麦基合作的第二部影片,前一部影片《缝合》与本片相似的主题是关于社会安全遭到破坏。

    Based on Elizabeth Sanaxy 's novel " The Blank Wall , " the film is the second feature by David Siegel and Scott McGehee , whose previous film , " Suture , " contained similar themes about the disruption of stability .

  8. 让我们再回到模式,为了提取policyholder-information复杂类型中的xs:string类型的社会安全号,XMLBeans提供了以下方法

    Returning to the schema , to fetch the social security number of type xs : string that 's inside the policyholder-information complex type , XMLBeans provides the following method

  9. 结果往往是大批人面临失业,却又得不到社会安全网的保护。

    Consequent unemployment too often comes with no protective safety net .

  10. 特定个人的社会安全账号。

    The number of a particular individual 's social security account .

  11. 农村流动人口与城市社会安全:理论命题和政策建议

    Rural Migrants and Urban Public Security : Theoretical Statements and Policy Suggestion

  12. 社会安全运行可以由六个指标来衡量。

    Social safety running can be judged by six standards .

  13. 建立社会安全保护体系,保障社会可持续发展

    Building up the safety-guaranteeing system and safeguarding the sustainable development of society

  14. 转型的初级群体与社会安全问题

    The Transitional Primary Community and Its Problems of Social Safety

  15. 我要如何申请社会安全卡?

    How do I apply for a Social Security card ?

  16. 为国家经济和社会安全保障提供技术支持。

    Rendering technical support to national economic and social security .

  17. 中国居民社会安全感调查

    The Survey of Chinese Residents ' Social Safety Feelings

  18. 中国人的社会安全感也同样如此。

    Social security for a chinese was just that .

  19. 法律的任务之一就是保证实现社会安全。

    One of the important functions of law is to protect the safety .

  20. 非法经济:对国际经济和社会安全的巨大威胁

    Illegal Economies : A Great Threat to the International Economy and Social Security

  21. 申请社会安全保障卡需要两份文件。

    You need two documents to apply for ssc .

  22. 医药逆向物流事关企业利益、社会安全以及环境保护。

    Medicine reverse logistics effects on enterprise benefits , society safety and environment protection .

  23. 城市移民的文化矛盾与社会安全

    The Cultural Conflict and Social Security of Urban-Immigrants

  24. 你的社会安全卡号码是什麽?

    What is your Alien Registration Card number ?

  25. 对社会安全网及其他社会保障计划的支持总额达45亿美元。

    Support for safety nets and other social protection programs totaled $ 4.5 billion .

  26. 社会安全监测预警系统研究

    Study on Warning-In-Advance Monitoring System of Social Safety

  27. 这里根本没有任何社会安全网方案。

    Social safety net programs are virtually non-existent .

  28. 政府就社会安全系统计算机化的项目招标。

    The government invited tenders for a project to computerise the social security system .

  29. 全球化、治理失效与社会安全

    Globalization , Governance Failure and Social Security

  30. 参与和治理:中国社会安全网建设的战略选择

    Participation and Governance : Strategic Options for the Erection of Social Safety Net in China