
  • 网络Social;social need
  1. 孤独感的社交需要理论认为孤独感是对社交需要未满足的反应,强调孤独感的情感或感受层面;

    Social Needs Theory suggests loneliness is a response to a relational deficit , and emphasizes the affective aspects of loneliness ;

  2. 开始吸烟的平均年龄为22.59±5.43岁,最主要的原因是好奇、社交需要和解乏。

    Average age of start smoking was 22 . 59 ± 5 . 43 year . The main reasons for starting were curiosity , social needs and fatigue releasing .

  3. 吸烟者主要吸烟原因是好奇、社交需要、解乏、时髦。

    The main reasons for start smoking were curiousness , social interaction and to release fatigue .

  4. 作为外交语言的一种策略和语言技巧,恰当地运用委婉语言可以满足特殊的社交需要,完成交际任务。

    As one of the tactics and speech skills , appropriate euphemistic wording can meet the special requirements of social contact and accomplish the communicative task .

  5. 作为外交辞令的一种策略手段和言语技巧,恰当运用模糊语言能满足特殊的社交需要,能起到几种修辞和交际功能。

    As one of the tactics and speech techniques of diplomatic language , proper fuzzy wording can meet the special needs of social contact , and carry out several rhetorical and communicative functions .

  6. 组织行为学家目前已经知道,人们往往和那些坐在自己附近的人互动得更多,但他们从来不清楚这是否只是一种社交需要。

    Specialists in organisational behaviour have known for a while that people tend to interact much more with those who sit nearby , but it has never been clear whether that was just social grooming .

  7. 吸烟者中,吸烟动机49.5%为了社交需要,28.6%为了得到愉快和减轻疲劳,20.9%为了缓解紧张,16.3%为了潇洒气派;

    Among all the smokers , 49.5 % is for sociality , 28.6 % is for pleasure and relaxation from fatigue , 20.9 % is for relaxation from tension , 16.3 % is for having a good manner ;

  8. 影响网络数字谐音词生成与传播的心理动因,由网民的社交需要及实现自我价值的需要来驱动。

    We analyze the cause of formation of psychological motivations that cause the creation and transmission of internet numerical homophones . They are driven by net users ' need for social communication and need for the realization of self-value .

  9. 皮尤中心主要研究人们的网络行为。该调研负责人,资深研究专员玛丽马登表示:网络社交需要警觉性,不仅要关注自己发布的内容,还有朋友们发布的与你有关的文章。

    Social networking requires vigilance , not only in what you post , but what your friends post about you , said Mary Madden , a senior research specialist who oversaw the study by Pew , which examines online behavior .

  10. 尽管它并不完美,但对于那些出于工作或社交需要不得不继续使用社交媒体、但又想要保护心理健康的人而言,“悲伤屏蔽”依然是个非常给力的工具。

    And though the app is imperfect , it 's important to recognize that Sadblock is still an incredibly useful tool for people who need to continue to engage with social media for work or companionship and want to protect their mental health while doing so .

  11. Web上的社交网络需要大量具有各种专业领域和行为模式的用户。

    Social networks on the Web require a large number of users with a variety of specialist areas and behavior patterns .

  12. 对于构建成功的社交软件需要提防的陷阱来说,他的论点及后续的讨论都提供了很有趣的见解。

    His arguments as well as the discussion that has followed provide interesting insights into pitfalls that need to be avoided for building successful social software .

  13. Fitocracy是一个健身社交网络,需要你手动输入锻炼内容,从而获得积分和升级。

    Fitocracy is a fitness social network that requires you to manually enter your work-out in order to gain points and move through the system .

  14. 当然,基本的尊重和社交礼仪还是需要的。

    Of course , the basic respect and social etiquette are still necessary .

  15. 李子勋说,社交活动也需要花费时间和精力。

    Socializing also requires time and energy .

  16. 人类本质上是社交生物,需要通过与他人建立有意义的联系来最大限度地取得健康与幸福感。

    People are fundamentally social beings who require meaningful connections with others to maximize health and well-being .

  17. 白宫冠状病毒工作组协调员表示,尽管对病毒的预测是积极的,但社交距离措施需要持续整个夏天。

    The White House Coronavirus Task Force coordinator says social distancing measures need to continue through the summer despite positive projections on the virus .

  18. 能理解并使用浅易的日常生活用语及基础词汇与片语,能够满足在有关教育,培训和社交的实际需要。

    Can understand and use familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases satisfying practical needs in connection with education , training and social roles .

  19. 当然,基本的尊重和社交礼仪还是需要的。在与同事或下属互动时,确实需要注意交流方式。

    Of course , the basic respect and social etiquette are still necessary . When interacting with colleagues or subordinates , do pay attention to how you communicate with them .

  20. 4.Checkonthecompany'ssocialmediapolicy.弄清公司的社交媒体政策你需要了解新雇主的社交媒体政策。

    Check out your new employer 's social media policy .

  21. 尽管拥有多达7亿消费者的庞大用户群,已成立18年的雅虎公司在搜索、社交和移动等需要与谷歌、Facebook齐头并进的领域中根本连一个必备产品都还没有打造出来。

    Though it has a vast user base of 700 million consumers , 18-year-old Yahoo has utterly failedto produce the must-use products in search , social , and mobile that it needs to keep pace with Google and Facebook ( FB ) .

  22. 每一场会议,甚至是社交活动,都需要一定程度的准备。

    Every meeting , including social events , merits some degree of prep work .

  23. 需要社交能力而不需要数学能力的职业,数量也有增加,如律师和儿童护理工作者。

    The jobs that require social skills but not math skills have also grown ; lawyers and child-care workers are an example .

  24. 促使这些实践活动兴起的非正式性和社交动机,不需要维持一个支付系统所需的管理费用,也不需要层级管理结构。

    The informality and social motivations that gave rise to these practices did not require the overheads of a payment system . Nor did they require managerial hierarchies .