
  1. 第二部分通过对两大法系有关破产程序启动的比较法考察总结了对我国的启示。

    The second part summaries the insolvency proceedings of Two Schools of Comparative Law summed up the Enlightenment .

  2. 但现在,美国、欧洲等国家的立法与实践表明,在破产程序启动后,法院通常允许执行仲裁协议。

    Whereas the legislation and practice of United States , Europe and other countries in the modern world show that in the insolvency proceedings , the bankruptcy courts usually compel arbitration .

  3. 第四部分从与执行程序相衔接的角度提出解决破产程序启动问题的对策,分别从促使申请主体启动破产程序和确立法院依职权启动破产程序两方面展开论述。

    The fourth part of the process of convergence and execution from the point of insolvency proceedings to propose solutions to this problem , respectively , from the parties to apply for insolvency proceedings to promote and establish the insolvency proceedings of the Court discussed two fronts .

  4. 破产程序的启动机制研究

    A Study on the Initiated Mechanism in Bankruptcy Procedure

  5. 但是同一般企业相比,金融机构破产在破产原因、破产程序启动、破产重整程序、破产清算程序、破产责任等诸多方面都有明显的不同。

    Compared with common enterprises , the bankruptcy of financial institutions is different in the cause of bankruptcy , insolvency proceedings , bankruptcy reorganization procedures , liquidation procedures and bankruptcy responsibilities .

  6. 主要涉及以下几个方面:对个人破产立法模式的选择、破产原因、破产财产范围、破产免责、人格破产与复权、破产程序的启动、破产和解和破产简易程序。

    Mainly involves the following aspects : individual bankruptcy legislation mode selection , the reasons for bankruptcy , insolvency estate , bankruptcy , individual bankruptcy and right , insolvency proceedings , insolvency and bankruptcy summary reconciliation .

  7. 破产原因是指法院在何种情况下可以宣告债务人破产的状态,也是法院判断是否宣告债务人破产的标准和理由,是划分是否破产的界限,是破产开始的重要条件,也是破产程序启动的实质要件。

    The bankruptcy cause is the situation that the court claims a debtor 's bankruptcy . It is the standard and reason of bankruptcy for the court to make a decision . It is also the beginning of bankruptcy procedure .