
pò chǎn bǎo hù
  • bankruptcy protection
  1. 美国嘉迈金融集团(CapmarkFinancialGroupInc.)称其可能向债权人寻求破产保护。

    Capmark Financial Group said it might seek bankruptcy protection from its creditors .

  2. 在2009年年中寻求破产保护以后,通用汽车(GeneralMotors)股份变得一文不值。

    General Motors ' shares became worthless after it sought bankruptcy protection in mid-2009 .

  3. 上周,好莱坞制片公司相对论传媒(RelativityMedia)提交了破产保护申请。

    Last week Relativity Media , a Hollywood film studio , filed for bankruptcy protection .

  4. 经过几年的挣扎之后,日本航空(JapanAirlines)终于申请破产保护。

    Japan Airlines Files for Bankruptcy Japan Airlines has filed for bankruptcy protection after struggling for years .

  5. 进入破产保护程序仍然是通用汽车(generalmotors)的选择之一,如果这家汽车制造商无法与工会及债券持有人就重组事宜达成一致的话。

    Entering bankruptcy protection remains a possibility for General Motors if the carmaker fails to reach agreements with unions and bondholders on restructuring .

  6. 据知情人士说,克莱斯勒已聘请JonesDay就可能提出破产保护申请向其提供法律咨询。

    Chrysler has hired Jones Day to provide legal counsel for a possible bankruptcy-court filing , according to people familiar with the matter .

  7. 上周美国煤炭集团博地能源(PeabodyEnergy)在约60亿美元债务的重压下申请破产保护。

    Last week US coal group Peabody filed for bankruptcy under the weight of about $ 6bn in debt .

  8. 萨博上一次提交破产保护申请是在2009年2月,在那之前,它当时的所有者通用汽车(GeneralMotors)自己也正打算在美国申请破产保护。

    Saab last entered administration in February 2009 after General Motors , its owner at the time was itself preparing to file for bankruptcy protection in the US .

  9. 提供过渡贷款和dip贷款,并为破产保护申请设定一个远远短于最终实施时的最后期限。

    Providing bridge financing and a dip loan , and setting a much shorter deadline for filing than was ultimately adopted .

  10. 今年7月结束破产保护后,通用汽车将国际总部定在了上海,其与上海汽车工业(集团)总公司(ShanghaiAutomotiveIndustryCorp。

    After emerging from bankruptcy protection in July , GM located its international headquarters in Shanghai , where it has a flagship joint venture with Shanghai Automotive Industry Corp.

  11. 通用汽车发言人哈里斯(SteveHarris)表示,我们还没到要考虑破产保护的境地。

    GM spokesman Steve Harris said , 'We continue to hold the position that bankruptcy is not an option .

  12. 从保险到物流等多个行业的疲弱表现以及电子产品零售商circuitcity申请破产保护的消息,逆转了之前的涨势并推低了主要股指。

    The poor performance of sectors ranging from insurance to logistics , and the announcement that the electronics retailer circuit city had filed for bankruptcy protection , reversed early gains and sent major stock indexes lower .

  13. 美国抵押贷款市场的动荡昨日又造成一个牺牲者,身为美国十大房屋贷款机构之一的americanhomemortgageinvestment申请破产保护。

    The turmoil in the US mortgage market claimed another victim yesterday when American home mortgage investment , one of the top 10 home lenders in the US , filed for bankruptcy protection .

  14. 就在雷曼9月份申请破产保护几周前,她辞掉工作,去MIT继续学业。

    She quit her job to attend MIT just a couple of weeks before Lehman 's September bankruptcy filing .

  15. 经纪自营商MFGlobal周一成为欧元区危机在美国的最大受害者。该公司申请破产保护,此前,它曾大举押注欧洲主权债务市场。

    MF Global became the largest US casualty of the eurozone crisis on Monday as it filed for bankruptcy protection after making big bets on the European sovereign debt market .

  16. 当伦敦黑色出租车的制造商英国锰铜控股(manganesebronzeholdings)本周表示将进入破产保护程序时,许多英国人表达了震惊和难过。

    When manganese bronze holdings , the company that makes London black taxis , said it was entering administration this week , many Britons expressed shock and remorse .

  17. 美国所有主要汽车制造商上月的销量均较4月份有所增长,高折扣甚至提振了处于破产保护之中的通用汽车(generalmotors)与克莱斯勒(chrysler)的销售业绩。

    All major carmakers posted higher sales in the US last month than in April , with heavy discounting boosting even general motors and Chrysler , which are both in bankruptcy protection .

  18. 优秀的在华销售业绩也提高了困境中西方汽车制造商的收入,其中包括通用汽车(GM)。该公司经历了动荡的2009年,先是进入破产保护、而后又重返市场。

    The impressive sales performance has also boosted the revenues of beleaguered western carmakers , including General Motors , which had a tumultuous 2009 that saw it enter and exit bankruptcy .

  19. 今年7月,圣路易斯的PatriotCoalCorp.申请破产保护。之前不久,该公司丢掉了一份向亚洲一家钢铁企业供应煤炭的合同。

    In July , Patriot Coal Corp. of St. Louis filed for bankruptcy protection , shortly after it lost a contract for coal bound for an Asian steelmaker .

  20. 本月,一家私人股本集团退出了北美最大的汽车零部件供应商德尔福(Delphi)的重组工作。该公司自2005年秋天以来就一直处于破产保护状态。

    A private equity group withdrew this month from the restructuring of Delphi , North America 's biggest supplier , which has been under bankruptcy protection since autumn 2005 .

  21. 通用汽车(GeneralMotors)昨日上调了中国今年汽车销量预测。该公司正忙于向亚洲客户保证,在美国申请破产保护,不会影响其在重要且高增长的亚洲市场的运营。

    General Motors yesterday increased its forecast for Chinese vehicle sales this year as it rushed to reassure Asian customers that its US bankruptcy filing would have no impact on its operations in crucial , high-growth Asian markets .

  22. 这些违约许多都来自于债台高筑的美国石油出口商,比如目前正寻求破产保护的能源XXI(EnergyXXI)。

    Many of these stem from highly indebted US oil explorers , such as Energy XXI , which is now seeking bankruptcy protection .

  23. 莫德里克曾购买美国中小企业商贷机构CIT大笔债务,后来CIT走出了破产保护申请(Chapter11)的阴影,为该基金带来200%的回报率。

    Mudrick bought a large stake in cit ( CIT ) debt , which rallied from Chapter 11 and generated a 200 % return for the fund .

  24. 在其破产保护申请中,AMR称有大约250亿美元的资产和300亿美元左右的负债。

    In its bankruptcy filing the company said it had assets of about $ 25bn and liabilities of about $ 30bn .

  25. amr在一份声明中表示,破产保护申请十分困难,但很必要,这将增强自身的竞争力。

    AMR said in a statement that the filing was difficult but necessary and would allow it to become more competitive .

  26. 通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)将于今日在纽约申请破产保护,以一种不体面的方式,结束其作为美国工业实力的象征、以及在20世纪大部分时间位居全球最大汽车制造商的历史。

    General Motors will file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in New York today in a humiliating fall from grace for a symbol of America 's industrial might and the world 's biggest carmaker for much of the 20th century .

  27. 在与债券持有人融资失败之后,美国金融出贷方CIT集团申请破产保护。

    The US lender , CIT Group , has filed for bankruptcy protection , after a debt-exchange offer to bondholders failed .

  28. 在未能找到买家后,opti一周前申请破产保护。

    Opti filed for credit protection a week ago after failing to find a buyer .

  29. 随着通用汽车(GM)最终于6月1日申请破产保护,一些对此持批评意见的人士已经提出,筹划这起破产案的应该是美国国会,而非白宫特别小组。

    As General Motors finally filed for bankruptcy yesterday , some critics of the move have already made the case that Congress , not a White House task force , should have planned the bankruptcy .

  30. 如今,沃尔玛(WALMART)是美国最大雇主,丰田汽车(Toyota)是全球最大汽车制造商,而通用汽车申请了破产保护。

    Today , Wal-Mart is America 's largest employer , Toyota is the world 's largest carmaker and GM is expected to file for bankruptcy .