
pò chǎn fèi yòng
  • costs for bankruptcy proceedings
  1. 债务人财产不足以清偿破产费用的,管理人应当提请人民法院终结破产程序。

    If the property of the debtor is insufficient to discharge the bankruptcy expenses , the administrator shall petition the people 's court to terminate the bankruptcy procedure .

  2. 导致破产的部分费用来自可能发生的法律诉讼。

    Part of the ruinous expense comes from the poten-tial for lawsuits .

  3. 破产,和费用直接地以合法的破产程序连接。

    Altman ( 1984 ) determines these components as indirect and direct cost of bankruptcy .

  4. 债权人参加破产程序的费用不得作为破产债权。

    The expenses of creditors for participating in the bankruptcy proceedings may not constitute bankruptcy claims .

  5. 破产财产优先拨付破产费用后,按照下列顺序清偿

    After the prior deduction of bankruptcy expenses from the bankruptcy property , repayment shall be made in the following order

  6. 破产财产不足以支付破产费用的,人民法院应当宣告破产程序终结。

    With respect to enterprises whose bankruptcy property is insufficient to cover bankruptcy expenses , the people 's court should declare termination of bankruptcy proceedings .

  7. 这些成本表现为在破产程序中所发生的破产费用、职工安置费、资产变价损失、利润损失、资金成本的增加等形式。

    The costs include bankruptcy fees , employee settlement fees , loss on realization of assets , loss of profits , and increase of capital costs etc.

  8. 新破产法不仅把共益债务和破产费用区别开来,而且还大大扩充了共益债务的内容。

    Not only common benefits debt system be distinguished from bankruptcy expenses in the new Bankruptcy Law , but also greatly expanded the contents of common benefits debt as well .

  9. 在我国以往的司法实践中,出现过涉及破产法共益债务的部分内容,但都被当作破产费用的一部分。

    In our country former judicature practice , appears has involved the bankruptcy law altogether to benefit the debt the partial contents , but is treated all as the bankrupt expense a part .