
  • 网络bankruptcy reorganization;corporate reorganization;re-habilitation
  1. 对破产重整程序中债权人利益保护的思考

    Thoughts on Protecting the Interests of Creditors in Bankruptcy Reorganization Proceedings

  2. 破产重整机构选任模式的比较研究

    A Study by Comparison of Management Organ in Bankruptcy Reorganization

  3. 中国破产重整立法模式研究

    Study on the Legislative Model of the Reorganization Law of China

  4. 论法院在企业破产重整程序中的角色

    On the Role of the Courts in the Corporate Reorganization Procedures

  5. 鉴于破产重整程序中的公司的特殊性,我们需要对这一问题进行深入研究。

    So we need to deeper the research of this problem .

  6. 重整效力的优先化。破产重整制度虽然是实践的产物而不是理论的产物。

    This system isn 't the product of theory but practice .

  7. 论破产重整程序中的担保物权

    On the Security Interests in the Bankruptcy Process of Reorganization

  8. 企业破产重整计划强行批准的原则及限制

    Principles and Restrictions of Mandatory Ratification to Reorganization Plan for Enterprise Bankruptcy

  9. 包括破产重整制度的概念、特征,中国与韩国破产重整制度的历史沿革。

    Contains definition , feature and the history of China and Korea .

  10. 论破产重整中债权人利益保护的问题与对策

    Problems and Solutions about Protecting Creditors ' Interests in the Bankruptcy Reorganization

  11. 关于建构中国企业破产重整制度的思考

    Establishing the Institution of Enterprise 's Bankruptcy Reorganization in China

  12. 破产重整中经管债务人的监督机制研究

    The Research of Supervision Scheme for Debtor in Possession in Bankruptcy Reorganization

  13. 论破产重整制度的立法目的及其实现基础

    On the Legislative Objective of the Bankruptcy - Reorganization System and Its Reached-Foundation

  14. 第三部分主要介绍我国破产重整中管理人制度的缺陷。

    The third chapter introduces the defects of the administrator in bankruptcy reorganization .

  15. 论破产重整制度之精神

    On the spirit of the insolvency reorganization system

  16. 第四部分提出关于破产重整中管理人的具体制度设计的建议。

    Chapter four is to design the system of the administrator in bankruptcy reorganization .

  17. 本文首先论述了破产重整制度的基础问题。

    First of all , we will discuss the basic conception of Bankruptcy Reorganization .

  18. 高科奶业作为托管方,并无权对企业进行破产重整。

    The Gaoke dairy were not right to apply bankruptcy reorganization as Custody square .

  19. [1]破产重整制度和破产和解制度是预防企业破产清算的两种典型制度。

    Bankruptcy reorganization and bankruptcy reconciliation are two kinds of typical patterns preventing bankruptcy liquidation .

  20. 所以,设立重整制度,建立完善的银行破产重整监管体制有着非常重要的意义。

    Therefore , establish the reforming system and prefect the bank bankruptcy reorganization are critical .

  21. 破产重整中的债权人保护问题

    Protecting creditors in bankruptcy and reorganization

  22. 企业破产重整价值评估探讨&兼与程虹、袁国栋商榷

    Evaluation of the Value Reorganized Bankrupted Enterprises & A Discussion with Cheng Hong , Yuan Guo-dong

  23. 第二部分介绍了破产重整制度的价值取向,以及其发展的过程。

    Then , the author introduces the value orientation of the Reorganization and its developing process .

  24. 破产重整制度是现代破产法律制度中最重要的制度之一。

    The bankrupt rectification system is one of the most important systems of modern bankrupt legal system .

  25. 论破产重整中的公司治理&美国经验及其借鉴

    Corporate Governance in Insolvency Reorganization

  26. 破产重整制度是继破产清算、破产和解以后产生的一种新兴制度。

    Bankruptcy reorganization system is a new system that has emerged following bankruptcy liquidation and bankruptcy reconciliation .

  27. 另外,笔者对破产重整机关做出了一些有益的探讨。

    In addition , the author had also made some useful study of the bankruptcy Reorganization organs .

  28. 因此,破产重整制度是处理金融行业经营风险的一种合适的制度安排。

    Therefore , the insolvency reorganization of commercial bank is an appropriate arrangement of mitigation of banking risks .

  29. 这部分从中国首例破产重整案着手,探讨新《企业破产法》在重整这一板块中可能出现的问题及解决对策。

    This part is started with the first bankruptcy reorganization case to analyze the possible problems and countermeasures .

  30. 第二将破产重整概念与破产清算概念、破产和解概念进行对比,分析总结破产重整制度的特点。

    Second , compare reorganization with Bankruptcy Liquidation and Compromise , analyze and summarize the characteristics of Reorganization .