
pò chǎn fēn pèi
  • bankruptcy distribution
  1. 华盛顿BakerHostetlerLLP合伙人、重组业务负责人沃克曼(DonaldWorkman)说,在破产分配中,普通股股东通常会被排除在外。

    In a bankruptcy distribution , common shareholders are typically wiped out , says Donald Workman , a partner and the head of the restructuring practice at Baker Hostetler LLP in Washington .

  2. 我国破产分配的顺位设计实验设计与误差分配

    On the Project of Sequence Relating to Bankruptcy Distribution The design of experiment and error distribution

  3. 同时破产分配制度是一种集体清偿制度,其本质特点是公平公正的清偿。

    The bankruptcy distribution system is also a collective payment system and its essential feature is the fair and just distribution .

  4. 破产分配中的顺位设计关系着具体债权人的债权实现的可能和程度。

    The project of sequence in bankruptcy distribution is related to possibility and degree that the specific creditor can achieve property .

  5. 我国破产分配顺位的重构&“破产分配顺位”学术讨论综述

    Reconstruction of the seniority order in distributing insolvent properties & a summary of the seminar on " the seniority order in distributing insolvent properties "

  6. 破产分配制度是破产制度中最重要最关键的部分,破产法的核心问题就是如何确定破产财产并将其分配给他人。

    The bankruptcy distribution system is the central part of the bankruptcy system which determines what belongs to the bankruptcy property and how to distribute them .

  7. 而破产分配制度设计的合理与否,对企业破产时对经济伤害的大小起着关键性的作用。

    And whether the bankruptcy distribution system is designed to be just or not , it will play a crucial role in resulting in the economic damage to the bankrupted enterprise .

  8. 我国合伙企业破产财产分配制度还存在不足,需要加以完善。

    Partnership Bankruptcy property distribution system is inadequate and it still needs to be improved .

  9. 破产财产分配或案件执行过程中,歇业或破产的企业、公司经理人的工资债权能否也堪如雇工工资一样优先受偿?

    In the course of property distribution and case execution of bankrupt industries and companies , should their managers ' salary be payed in advance like the workers ?

  10. 第三十七条清算组提出破产财产分配方案,经债权人会议讨论通过,报请人民法院裁定后执行。

    Article 37 . The distribution plan for the bankruptcy property shall be proposed by the liquidation team , adopted by the creditors meeting and submitted to the people 's court for judgment before implementation .

  11. 在银行破产财产分配完或因故没有必要继续进行清算程序,破产管理人向法院提出终结破产清算程序后,法院依法裁定终结破产清算程序。

    After insolvency administrator finishing allocating bankruptcy property or there is no need to continue the liquidation for some reasons , insolvency administrator can file court the application to end liquidation procedure . The court will make a order to terminate liquidation procedure .

  12. 第四,银行破产财产的分配顺序及原则。

    Fourth , the order for the distribution of assets in the bankruptcy proceedings .

  13. 在破产财产的分配问题上,要注意优先保护公积金中心、养老金中心等特殊机构的存款债权。

    It is necessary to give priority attention to the protection of the central provident fund , pension and other special agencies of the central deposit claims .

  14. 然而,在实践中,对于破产财产的分配,破产法并不是笼统上将所有债权人和相关权利人的请求额按比例平均分配的,而是根据不同的权利性质加以区别对待的。

    However , as to distribution of the bankruptcy properties , the Bankruptcy Law does not distribute properties in proportion according to creditors and obliges ' request in practice , but differs with different droit characters .

  15. 第四部分研究的是马尔可夫环境下的对偶风险模型分红,得到盈余累积现值和它的高阶矩以及破产前有分配盈余的概率所满足的微积分方程组,并且给出了求解方程组的具体方法。

    In the fourth Chapter , We study dividend under Markov-modulated dual risk models , get the present value of accumulated surplus and its higher order moments and the distribution of surplus before bankruptcy satisfied by the probability calculus equation , and gives the solution of equation Group specific methods .

  16. 我们找到了破产之前第一次分配的红利和全部红利的期望值所满足的线性方程组(第一次红利是指盈余过程第一次超过b而产生的红利)。

    In Section 2.3 we find that the expected value of the first dividend ( the dividend paid at the first hitting time of ( b ,∞) for the surplus process ) before ruin satisfies a set of linear equations , and obtain its solution .

  17. 本文讨论的方法可以推广至一般企业,工厂破产时的资产分配中去。

    In addition , this paper presents a calculating procedure for τ - value method which can be applied to general estate assignment problems for bankrupted enterprises .

  18. 破产清算人实施多次破产分配的,应当公告本次分配的财产额和债权额。

    Where the bankruptcy assignee makes distribution for several times , it shall publicize the amount of property and creditors rights for distribution this time .

  19. 在界定了破产财产的范围之后,又对要分配破产破产的这些分配的利益主体进行了分类,同时对破产财产分配的利益主体进行了分析。

    After defining the scope of the bankrupt property , it turns to the classification and the analysis of the distributor .

  20. 本文研究企业破产问题,利用对策论方法讨论破产企业的财产分配方式,给出了顺序比例规则,在一定条件下,得到3人破产对策的C-值,σ-值,Ap规则一致。

    Making use of game theory , we discuss distributive patterns of bankruptcy enterprises property . The order proportion rule is given . Under some conditions , we obtain that c value ,σ value , Ap rule of a three-person bankruptcy game are identical .

  21. 基于保护劳动者弱势群体利益的考虑,人们开始探讨能否对现行破产法进行修改,进一步提升劳动债权在破产财产分配中的受偿地位。

    People begin to discuss whether to modify the bankruptcy law and upgrade the payment sequence of the creditor 's rights of laborer during the distributions of the insolvent possession in order to protect the laborer 's benefits .

  22. 破产和解制度是债务人不能清偿债务时,为避免受破产宣告或破产分配,与债权人就债务清偿事务达成和解以预防破产的制度。

    Bankruptcy conciliation is the system concerning about liquidation conciliation between creditor and debtor , who can not pay off debts and want to avoid bankruptcy announcement or distribution .

  23. 根据我国现行的破产法,在从属公司破产时,控股公司基于不公平行为的债权是与其他债权人一同参与破产分配的,这对其他债权人是很不公平的。

    According to the current bankruptcy law , in the subsidiary company bankruptcy , holding company based on inequitable conduct claims is associated with other creditors to participate in bankruptcy allocation ; this is very unfair to other creditors of subsidiary company .