
  • 网络Bankruptcy Reconciliation System
  1. 破产和解制度刍议

    On Bankruptcy Reconciliation System

  2. 破产清算制度、破产和解制度与破产重整制度构成了现在各国破产法的整个体系。

    Bankruptcy liquidation system , bankruptcy reconciliation system and bankruptcy reorganization system now constitute the States of the entire system of bankruptcy law .

  3. 破产和解制度是一种缓和的预防清算的制度。

    Bankruptcy reconciliation is a kind of harmonious system preventing bankruptcy liquidation .

  4. 第一部分:对破产和解制度的本质分析。

    Its abstract is as follows : Part one : The nature analysis of bankruptcy conciliation .

  5. 本章是在前几章对破产和解制度有了深刻认识与了解的基础上,对我国目前的破产和解制度提出了几点缺点以及完善和解制度的建议。

    This chapter put forward defects of reconciliation system and proposals perfecting the system based on cognition and realization of reconciliation system in anterior chapters .

  6. 破产和解制度是债务人不能清偿债务时,为避免受破产宣告或破产分配,与债权人就债务清偿事务达成和解以预防破产的制度。

    Bankruptcy conciliation is the system concerning about liquidation conciliation between creditor and debtor , who can not pay off debts and want to avoid bankruptcy announcement or distribution .

  7. 破产和解制度是破产程序法中的一项重要的预防破产制度,我国现行法律对破产和解有相应的规定,但规定并不完善。

    Bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings is an important method to prevent bankruptcy , the current law on bankruptcy and a corresponding requirements is not complete and needs to be improved .

  8. 破产和解制度强调债务的减额或延期偿还,通过恢复债务人的偿债能力以达到避免债务人破产的目的。

    The lightening or moratorium of debt is emphasized in the system of bankruptcy conciliation in order to attain the goal avoiding the debtor 's bankruptcy by resuming his ability of debt redemption .

  9. 理论上,破产和解制度具有弥补破产清算程序不足的功能,可以达到对债权人、债务人和社会公益平衡保护的功效。

    Theoretically , the system of bankruptcy conciliation has a function accounting for the discrepancies of the settlement procedure of bankruptcy , and can attain the efficacy preserving the debtors , the creditors and balance of the public interests in society .

  10. 本文力图通过界定和考察破产和解制度的历史渊源和基础理论,分析破产和解制度面临的挑战,在此基础上检讨我国破产和解制度中存在的缺陷,就我国破产和解制度的完善提出建议。

    This paper will try to analyze the challenges faced by the system of bankruptcy conciliation by defining and investigating its historical origins and basic theory , check and discuss the present problems in it and present the suggestions in regard to its improvement on the above basis .

  11. 论我国破产和解与重整制度的构建

    The Discussion on Constructing the Systems of Composition with Creditors and the Reorganization of Bankruptcy in China

  12. 并对破产和解与重整制度及其主要特征作了必要的论述,并对破产和解与重整程序作了必要比较。

    It discussed the content and characteristics of the system of composition with creditors and the system of reorganization and compared them .

  13. 本文在第一部分首先对破产和解与重整制度的历史背景作了必要的回顾。

    The first part of the article reviews the historical background of the system of composition with creditors and the system of reorganization .

  14. 公司重整制度是继破产制度与和解制度之后产生的一项防止公司企业破产倒闭的重要法律制度,我国现行立法上尚无此制度。

    Corporate Reorganization is being an important legal system to defend the large-lot producer bankruptcy after the bankruptcy and compromised system , but , this system doesn 't exist in China .

  15. [1]破产重整制度和破产和解制度是预防企业破产清算的两种典型制度。

    Bankruptcy reorganization and bankruptcy reconciliation are two kinds of typical patterns preventing bankruptcy liquidation .

  16. 在这种情况下,只要企业有一线希望我们就要积极的挽救,争取使影响降到最低,破产清算制度与破产和解制度显然做不到这一点。

    Under such circumstances , as long as the enterprise with a glimmer of hope we will have a positive remedy the situation to try to minimize the impact .

  17. 而后又对自由财产制度、破产免责制度、破产失权与复权制度等实体制度以及简易程序制度、破产和解制度等程序制度的构建提出了一些立法建议。

    In the body part , the author proposes several suggestions on the construction of substantive systems like Free Property System , Bankruptcy Disclaimer System , Bankruptcy Losing Right and Rehabilitation System , and procedural systems like Summary Procedure System and Bankruptcy Reconciliation System .