
  • 网络Bankruptcy Reorganization System;corporate reorganization
  1. 破产重整制度是继破产清算、破产和解以后产生的一种新兴制度。

    Bankruptcy reorganization system is a new system that has emerged following bankruptcy liquidation and bankruptcy reconciliation .

  2. 银行破产重整制度能挽救危机银行,维持金融系统的稳定,备受各国重视。

    The bankruptcy reorganization system can save the crisis bank , maintain the financial system stability , is taken seriously by various countries .

  3. 重整效力的优先化。破产重整制度虽然是实践的产物而不是理论的产物。

    This system isn 't the product of theory but practice .

  4. 包括破产重整制度的概念、特征,中国与韩国破产重整制度的历史沿革。

    Contains definition , feature and the history of China and Korea .

  5. 关于建构中国企业破产重整制度的思考

    Establishing the Institution of Enterprise 's Bankruptcy Reorganization in China

  6. 论破产重整制度的立法目的及其实现基础

    On the Legislative Objective of the Bankruptcy - Reorganization System and Its Reached-Foundation

  7. 论破产重整制度之精神

    On the spirit of the insolvency reorganization system

  8. 本文首先论述了破产重整制度的基础问题。

    First of all , we will discuss the basic conception of Bankruptcy Reorganization .

  9. [1]破产重整制度和破产和解制度是预防企业破产清算的两种典型制度。

    Bankruptcy reorganization and bankruptcy reconciliation are two kinds of typical patterns preventing bankruptcy liquidation .

  10. 第二部分介绍了破产重整制度的价值取向,以及其发展的过程。

    Then , the author introduces the value orientation of the Reorganization and its developing process .

  11. 破产重整制度是现代破产法律制度中最重要的制度之一。

    The bankrupt rectification system is one of the most important systems of modern bankrupt legal system .

  12. 因此,破产重整制度是处理金融行业经营风险的一种合适的制度安排。

    Therefore , the insolvency reorganization of commercial bank is an appropriate arrangement of mitigation of banking risks .

  13. 破产重整制度作为公司破产制度的重要组成部分,己为多数市场经济国家采用。

    Reorganization as an important part of the bankruptcy law system , has been used for most market economies .

  14. 认真分析和研究这些相同和不同会有助于我们全面准确地理解和掌握破产重整制度的本质。

    Comparing these identities and differences carefully will help us comprehend and command the nature and function of reorganization institution .

  15. 破产重整制度中的一个核心问题是负债企业提起重整以后,其经营管理权应该由哪一方来控制。

    A key problem of the reorganization law is which party may control the indebted enterprise after the petition of the reorganization proceeding .

  16. 二是简单介绍了中美破产重整制度的发展历史并做简单的评述。

    The second part is a brief introduction of history of bankruptcy reorganization in China and America , and then make a simple comment .

  17. 我国破产重整制度是随着我国社会主义市场经济的不断发展完善而建立起来的,对指导我国企业的破产重整起着重要的作用。

    With the continuous development and improvement of Chinese economy , We has established the Insolvency Reorganization , It plays an important role in bankruptcy .

  18. 总体上讲,我国破产重整制度还不成熟,在实践方面还明显不足,尚处于探索阶段。

    Generally speaking , our bankruptcy reorganization system is still not mature , also obviously deficient in practice , still in the stage of exploration .

  19. 国际金融危机给我国破产重整制度发挥其效用提供了机会与平台,因而产生了诸多破产重整成功的案例。

    The international financial crisis provides our bankruptcy reorganization system with the opportunity and platform to play its utility , generating many successful bankruptcy reorganization cases .

  20. 破产重整制度是我国破产法新确立的一项以拯救财务陷入困境的企业为目的的法律制度。

    Bankruptcy Reorganization is a new legal system in Bankruptcy Law in our country , which is established in order to save the companies in financial trouble .

  21. 破产重整制度作为我国新破产法中首次规定的一种创新性制度,必须合理的平衡和处理雇员利益和企业利益的关系。

    Bankruptcy reorganization , as a business to be built for the purpose of the system , representatives of national insolvency laws of the modern development of the main trend .

  22. 破产重整制度的价值追求决定重整计划拟定过程要充分体现公正合理原则和效率原则。

    The value pursuit of the bankruptcy reorganization system determines that fair and reasonable principles as well as efficiency principles should be fully embodied at the process of reorganization plan designed .

  23. 以破产重整制度的兴起与发展为视角,从破产法立法理念和世界兴起的破产法改革浪潮两个方面介绍了破产重整制度的确立及地位。

    It sees from the rise and development of the reorganization system , introduces the establishment and status of reorganization from the establishment concept and worldwide revolutionary wave of the Insolvency Law .

  24. 破产重整制度的运用,体现了再建主义、竞争择优和社会本位的精神,是破产法律制度的新发展。

    The application of the insolvency reorganization system , which has reflected the reconstruction doctrine , competition mechanism and the social standard , is a new development of the insolvency legal system .

  25. 本文通过介绍破产重整制度的相关理论,探析其制度精神,希望有利于破产重整制度在未来的立法和实践中的理解和运用。

    This essay analyses the spirit of the insolvency reorganization system by introducing its relevant theories , in order to be helpful for the future legislation and the understanding and application in practice .

  26. 在此基础上,论文又从效率和公平价值目标出发,对进一步完善我国破产重整制度的各种机制设计提出了若干改进建议。

    At the end of this article , according to the efficiency and fairness value-objective , the author proposes a number of suggestions for the improvement of the reorganization system in the Chinese Bankruptcy Law .

  27. 经过了三年的实施,我们在司法实践中看到了破产重整制度带给了濒临破产企业焕然一新的生机,见证了不少企业经过重整实现了复兴,再续昔日的辉煌。

    After three years of implementation , we have saw in the judicial practice the bankruptcy restructuring system brought the new life to the brink of bankruptcy companies , and we witnessed many enterprises achieved a revival through restructuring .

  28. 作为积极拯救困境企业的破产重整制度,对其进行研究具有重大的意义,企业重整能促进企业的复苏、繁荣昌盛和经济的可持续发展;有利于构建社会主义和谐社会,贯彻以人为本的人文精神。

    As a bankruptcy reorganization system aiming to positively save enterprises in trouble , a research into it is of importance for promoting enterprise recovery , prosperity and sustainable development of the economy , constructing the socialistic harmonious society , and implementation of humanistic spirit of " people-oriented " .

  29. 破产重整制度是新破产法草案中引进的一项法律制度,是积极拯救困难企业的有力法律措施,与和解制度、破产制度一起构成现代破产法律制度的三大基石。

    The insolvency reorganization system , as a legal system introduced in the new insolvency law draft and the effective legal measure to save the predicament enterprises , has become one of the three foundations of the modern insolvency legal system together with the conciliation system and the bankruptcy system .

  30. 中澳破产企业重整制度比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Reorganization of the Insolvent Corporations in Australia and China