
pò chǎn chénɡ xù
  • insolvency proceedings;bankruptcy proceedings;procedure of bankruptcy;bankrupt procedure
  1. 学理上,破产程序除了将债权的个别实现程序转化为总括执行程序之外,原则上不应改变破产程序开始前后各种实体权利既定的优劣地位。

    Theoretically the bankrupt procedure in principle should not alter any substantive right 's positions around the beginning of the procedure , except converting the individual action into collection .

  2. 破产法律制度的核心是使各债权人公平受偿,担保权人在破产程序中的别除权能得以行使。

    The core of bankrupt law system is to be returned back equally of each creditor , the person of the warrant power can be performed in bankrupt procedure .

  3. 去年春天开始的罢工一结束,这家公司就进入了破产程序。

    The company is in bankruptcy proceedings in the wake of a strike that began last spring .

  4. 破产程序保护债务人免受债权人的讨债。债务人可以申请破产,这叫做“自愿破产”。

    Bankruptcy . A debtor may file for bankruptcy , which is called " voluntary bankruptcy " .

  5. 其它次贷主要发放机构还包括NewCenturyFinancialCorp。在2007年其破产程序进行中,调查人员指称该公司采取了激进的行为方式,使风险等级上升到危险水平,并最终达到致命水平。

    Among the other top originators were New Century Financial Corp , which was alleged by investigators in its 2007 bankruptcy proceedings to have made aggressive manner that elevated the risks to dangerous and ultimately fatal levels .

  6. 没有得到政府救助而崩溃的雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)目前正处于破产程序,其股价近几周从0.05美元上涨至0.2美元。

    Shares of Lehman Brothers , left to fail by the government and currently in bankruptcy proceedings , rose from five cents to 20 cents in recent weeks .

  7. 去年9月15日,当其控股公司进入第11章破产程序时,盖特纳领导的纽约联邦储备银行(NewYorkFed)试图维持其投行部门的运营,从而令其能够实现有序破产。

    On September 15 , when its holding company went into Chapter 11 bankruptcy , the New York Fed , under Mr Geithner , tried to keep its investment banking arm going so that it could be wound down in an orderly way .

  8. 他夸耀道,与rockwelldriveline(万向集团2002年对其进行投资时,该公司正经历破产程序)组建的一家合资企业,并未削减任何在美国的就业机会。

    He boasts that a joint-venture with Rockwell driveline , an axle-maker that was undergoing bankruptcy proceedings when Wanxiang invested in 2002 , has not lost any jobs in the US .

  9. Norex公司获得的一份解密的中情局(CIA)备忘录,文件显示,Sidanco公司官员后来从法庭获得了推迟破产程序的裁定,但是武装护卫却阻止法警交付相关文件。

    When Sidanco officials obtained court orders to postpone the proceedings , armed guards blocked bailiffs from delivering the documents , according to a declassified CIA memo obtained by Norex .

  10. 通过破产程序来减少负债在欧洲是行不通的。

    Shedding liabilities through insolvency proceedings seems a non-starter in Europe .

  11. 破产程序是企业退出市场的正常渠道。

    Bankruptcy procedure is the natural channel of enterprises entering into market .

  12. 别除权就是在破产程序中存在的一种很特殊的权利。

    Exemption right is a special kind of right in bankruptcy procedure .

  13. 公司预计将在整个破产程序中继续正常经营。

    The airline expects to continue normal operations throughout the bankruptcy proceedings .

  14. 在破产程序中,无担保债权人通常在有担保的借贷人之后才能获得清偿。

    In a bankruptcy , unsecured creditors get repaid after secured lenders .

  15. 商合伙破产程序与实体问题研究

    Research on the Bankruptcy Procedure and Essence of Commercial Partnership

  16. 第二节为跨境破产程序的法律适用问题。

    Section Two is on the law application in cross-border insolvency proceedings .

  17. 破产程序保护债务人免受债权人的讨债。

    Bankruptcy protects the debtor from debt collection by creditors .

  18. 破产程序应从民事诉讼法中剔除;

    The bankrupt proceedings should be eliminated from the civil procedural law ;

  19. 通常的破产程序不应当适用于银行。

    Normal insolvency procedures should not be applied to banks .

  20. 论破产程序对担保物权优先性的限制

    A Study on Restriction on Priority of Secured Creditor during the Bankruptcy Proceeding

  21. 破产程序必须经过法官的批准。

    Bankruptcy is a process that has to be approved by a judge .

  22. 破产程序的启动机制研究

    A Study on the Initiated Mechanism in Bankruptcy Procedure

  23. 中资银行传统上一直不愿强迫贷款者进入破产程序。

    Traditionally , Chinese banks have been reluctant to force anyone into bankruptcy .

  24. 第四章探讨了关联交易在破产程序中的撤销问题。

    In fourth chapter , the author reviews the revocation in bankruptcy procedures .

  25. 论存款保险机构在银行破产程序中的地位

    A Research on the Role of Deposit Insurers in the Bank Insolvency Proceedings

  26. 国营企业的特殊性也体现在其破产程序之中。

    The specificity of stated-owned enterprise is also reflected in the bankruptcy proceedings .

  27. 再次,在公司破产程序中增加信息披露制度。

    Third , increase information disclosure system in the company went bankrupt program .

  28. 破产程序中别除权的保护

    The Protection of the Power in the Bankruptcy Procedure

  29. 规范破产程序,鼓励企业兼并,促进再就业

    " Standardize Bankruptcy procedures , encourage merging of enterprises and promote re-employment "

  30. 为解决这一难题,笔者认为启动破产程序是关键。

    The author believes that initiating the bankruptcy would be the key issue .