
  1. 破产程序终结后,未得到清偿的债权不再清偿。

    After the termination of bankruptcy proceedings , claims that have not been repaid shall no longer be repaid .

  2. 合伙人破产程序终结后,合伙人作为法律主体资格不因此而消灭,还需要继续生存下去,自由财产制度对合伙人至关重要。

    After the end of bankruptcy proceedings , the partners have to live , so free property system is vital to partners .

  3. 三鹿破产程序裁定的终结导致结石患儿面临零赔偿。

    The bankruptcy proceedings of Sanlu compony leads to the children suffered calculus facing zero compensation .

  4. 作者首先明确了个人破产免责制度的内涵,即破产债务人在破产程序终结后,对其未能依破产程序清偿的剩余债务,免除其继续清偿的责任。

    The author first defines the meaning of personal bankruptcy exemption system . Insolvent debtor in the bankruptcy proceedings , the insolvency proceedings for failing to pay off its remaining debts to pay off exempt from its responsibility .

  5. 破产财产不足以支付破产费用的,人民法院应当宣告破产程序终结。

    With respect to enterprises whose bankruptcy property is insufficient to cover bankruptcy expenses , the people 's court should declare termination of bankruptcy proceedings .