
pò chǎn cái chǎn
  • Bankruptcy property;bankrupt property
  1. 第一,阐述了破产财产的一般理论。

    First , has explained the general theory of the bankrupt property .

  2. 论矿业权能否成为破产财产

    An Essay on whether Mineral Right can Become Bankrupt Property

  3. 已作为担保物的财产不属于破产财产;

    Property that already constitutes security collateral is not bankruptcy property ;

  4. 论破产财产的处置及相关立法思考

    On the Treatment of the Insolvent Properties and Relevant Legislation Thought

  5. 我国司法实践中破产财产的认定及相关问题的思考

    Of Our Country Judicial Practice Bankrupt Property Assert and Relevant Thinking of Problem

  6. 其次,论述了破产财产划分的二维标准,关于破产财产时间标准的膨胀主义和固定主义;

    Secondly , it is stated the two-dimension standard dividing the bankruptcy property ;

  7. 第四部分对我国关于破产财产的立法状况进行了介绍。

    The fourth is to introduce our nation 's legislation of bankruptcy property .

  8. 第二部分介绍了破产财产的特征;

    The second depicts the characteristics of bankruptcy property ;

  9. 破产财产多样性对破产制度的影响

    How the Diversity of the Bankrupt Property Affect the Legal System of Bankruptcy

  10. 法院指定一名破产财产托管人以管理债务人的财产。

    The court appointed a bankruptcy trustee to administer the property a debtor .

  11. 第三部分是破产财产的分类;

    The third is to classify bankruptcy property ;

  12. 第四,银行破产财产的分配顺序及原则。

    Fourth , the order for the distribution of assets in the bankruptcy proceedings .

  13. 破产财产托管人:是指由法院指定的管理破产了的公司或者个人的事务的托管人。

    Court-appointed trustee who will administer the affairs of a bankrupt company or individual .

  14. 浅谈企业破产财产的界定

    On the Definition of Insolvent Properties of Enterprises

  15. 破产财产构成要件研究

    Studies of the General Elements of Bankruptcy Estate

  16. 关于已设立担保物权的财产能否成为破产财产的问题。

    Whether the property which has already been guaranteed can become the bankruptcy property .

  17. 两岸破产财产范围之比较研究

    On Comparing the Scope of the Bankruptcy Property of Mainland with That of Taiwan

  18. 讨论通过破产财产的处理和分配方案。

    To discuss and adopt a plan for the disposition and distribution of bankruptcy property .

  19. 我国合伙企业财产由三部分构成,相应地合伙企业破产财产也有三部分构成。

    Our partnership property consists of three parts , corresponding to the partnership bankruptcy property .

  20. 我国合伙企业破产财产分配制度还存在不足,需要加以完善。

    Partnership Bankruptcy property distribution system is inadequate and it still needs to be improved .

  21. 试谈企业破产财产的确认

    Talking about the Confirmation of Enterprise Bankruptcy

  22. 破产财产问题研究

    Research on the Problem of Bankruptcy Property

  23. 破产财产的界定及清偿

    Definition and Discharge of Bankruptcy Property

  24. 破产财产制度及其研究亟待深化及研究方法的创新。

    The bankruptcy property system and its study need to deepen and the study methods need to innovate .

  25. 破产财产优先拨付破产费用后,按照下列顺序清偿

    After the prior deduction of bankruptcy expenses from the bankruptcy property , repayment shall be made in the following order

  26. 本文认为管理人具有中立性,独立性的地位,并致力于维护与破产财产有涉各方利益主体合法权益。

    Study concluded that insolvency administrator is of neutrality , independence and safeguarding legitimate rights and interests of all parties .

  27. 在界定了破产财产的范围之后,又对要分配破产破产的这些分配的利益主体进行了分类,同时对破产财产分配的利益主体进行了分析。

    After defining the scope of the bankrupt property , it turns to the classification and the analysis of the distributor .

  28. 在为施乐公司工作的三年中,我用业余时间学习并掌握了购买破产财产的技巧。

    For three years , while working for Xerox , I spent my spare time learning to master the art of buying foreclosures .

  29. 破产财产的管理、变卖和分配所需要的费用,包括聘任工作人员的费用;

    The expenses needed for the management , sale and distribution of the bankruptcy property , including the expenses of hiring work personnel ;

  30. 由于船舶管理公司本身资产构成的特殊性决定了其破产财产的特殊性和破产债权构成上的特殊性。

    The particularity of the property constitution of the ship management companies leads to the particularity of their bankruptcy property and bankruptcy claims .