
pò chǎn jiè xiàn
  • limits of bankruptcy
  1. 虚假破产是指关联企业本来达不到破产界限,但出于逃避债务或者其他非法利益之目的,而掩盖企业经营的真实情况或者捏造虚伪事实,有意促使企业破产。

    False bankruptcy refers to the fact that affiliated enterprise push its member which does not reach the limit of bankruptcy to go bankruptcy in order to escape from debts or get unlawful interest by conceal the real facts or make-up facts of the enterprise .

  2. 破产原因是指法院在何种情况下可以宣告债务人破产的状态,也是法院判断是否宣告债务人破产的标准和理由,是划分是否破产的界限,是破产开始的重要条件,也是破产程序启动的实质要件。

    The bankruptcy cause is the situation that the court claims a debtor 's bankruptcy . It is the standard and reason of bankruptcy for the court to make a decision . It is also the beginning of bankruptcy procedure .