
  • 网络bankruptcy ability
  1. 自然人破产能力研究

    No the Bankruptcy Ability of the Natural Person

  2. 从民办学校法律属性谈起,引出民办学校具有破产能力。

    From the private school law attribute about private schools , lead with bankruptcy ability .

  3. 第一章分析合伙企业的破产能力问题。

    Chapter one analyzes the bankruptcy capability of partnership enterprises .

  4. 确定自然人破产能力之机理

    How to Define Capabilities of a Natural Person 's Bankruptcy

  5. 建议以后赋予自然人破产能力,结合我国国情建立自然人破产制度。

    It is suggested to establish the system of the bankruptcy of natural persons .

  6. 破产能力是指有破产原因的债务人具有的法律上为破产程序之进行的资格。

    Capacity of bankruptcy refers to the qualification of a bankruptcy-needing debtor in legally permitted procedure .

  7. 煤的润湿性及吸附性对煤成浆性的影响破产能力探究

    The effect of wetting ability and adsorptive capacity of coal on the slurry ability on Bankruptcy ability

  8. 笔者在概述破产能力的定义及其立法模式后,从两方面进行论述:第一,三地区破产能力的规定差异较大;

    With a introduction of the definition and legislative modes of bankruptcy competence , two aspects are studied .

  9. 因文章篇幅所限,本义仪对破产能力、破产原因、破产免责、债权人自治、财产管理人五个方面的中外破产法律进行比较研究。

    Bankruptcy reason , bankruptcy exemption , Creditor autonomy and Property administrator of Chinese and Foreign bankruptcy law .

  10. 不利于构建和谐社会的民间债务纠纷时有发生,这与个人破产能力的阙如有关。

    The fact that the occasional liability disputes has to do with the absence of capability of individual bankruptcy .

  11. 研究探讨自然人的破产能力,目的还是为建立自然人破产制度打下理论基础。

    The purpose of studying the bankruptcy capacity of natural persons is to establish the bankruptcy system foundation in theory .

  12. 首先,对合伙企业是否具有破产能力学说及国内外立法进行分析的基础上,从理论上和实践上得出了合伙企业具有破产能力。

    First , partnerships have the ability of bankruptcy on the basis of analysis theory and practice about domestic and international legislation .

  13. 通过对法人、自然人破产能力的分析,得出合伙企业也具备破产能力。

    The conclusion that partnership enterprises are capable of being insolvent results from the analysis on the insolvent capability of legal entities and natural persons .

  14. 目前世界上许多国家赋予了自然人破产能力,我国尚未赋予自然人破产能力,而我国现已具备了建立自然人破产制度的现实基础。

    At present , many countries in the world have entitled the capacity of bankruptcy to individual while China has not kept in pace with this .

  15. 本章分为三部分,结合破产能力制度理论,从破产制度层面分析基金会适用该制度的可行性。

    This chapter is divided into three parts , analysis from the bankruptcy system level the feasibility of the bankruptcy system for Foundation , with the bankruptcy ability institutional theory .

  16. 最后,总结全文,认为赋予基金会破产能力具有必要性、可行性,合乎我国制度建设的规律和国际趋势,理论界应当予以重视。

    Finally , concluding the paper hold that the Bankrupt Foundation has given the necessity , feasibility , constructive to our system in line with the law and international trends , theory community should take it seriously .

  17. 其次,从国外、国内两个角度,讨论基金会破产能力的立法现状,认为我国破产制度适用范围较窄,有必要适时予以拓宽,赋予基金会破产能力。

    Secondly , from foreign and domestic point of view , discuss the legislative status of the Foundation bankruptcy , that the narrow scope of our bankruptcy system , it is necessary to broaden the timely , given the Foundation Bankrupt .

  18. 首先在概念上对自然人的破产能力加以明确,然后回顾自然人破产的历史演变过程,从纵向的和横向的角度对自然人破产立法例加以比较研究,最后对我国的立法选择提出建议。

    First , the concept of the natural person bankruptcy will be clarified , and then the history and evolution of natural person bankruptcy will be reviewed . The legislations on Bankruptcy will be compared from the perspectives of vertical and horizontal .

  19. 记住“破产管理能力”和最大限度。

    Remember " receivership capability " and also capacity .

  20. 决定破产管理能力的是什么?

    And what determines receivership capability ?

  21. 在第三节,笔者探讨了跨境破产主体能力的法律适用问题。

    In Section Three , I discuss the law application of the capability of the subject in cross-border insolvency .

  22. 这就是如何致力于自己的相关事物!它使你为更加引人注目的和急速的变化做好准备!这就是“破产管理能力”。

    This is how work on the self works ! It prepares you for even more dramatic and rapid changes ! And this is " receivership capacity " .

  23. 欧盟各国91家金融机构的压力测试结果定于明天公布,测试将评估银行承受再次出现的经济疲弱及家庭、公司和主权领域破产的能力。

    The results of the stress tests on 91 financial institutions across the European Union , due to be released tomorrow , will assess the banks ' ability to withstand renewed economic weakness and bankruptcies in the household , corporate and sovereign sectors .

  24. 为此,我们进一步采用Logit模型,从融资成本、破产风险、负债能力约束、代理成本和控制权等因素多角度考察了我国上市公司融资行为的影响因素。

    Therefore , we use a Logit model , examining the determinants of China 's listed companies ' financing behavior from the aspects of financing cost , bankruptcy risk , debt capacity , agency cost and corporate control .

  25. 更为重要的是,在发生海难事故后,承运人常常破产或无赔偿能力,无法依照公约或国内法的规定对受害人承担赔偿责任,从而使受害人的利益得不到保障。

    More importantly , in the event of accident , carriers bankruptcy or no compensation ability to convention or national law , thus the interests of the victims are not guaranteed .

  26. 如果卖方破产或无清偿能力,买方可在任何时候以书面形式通知卖方,提出终止合同而不给卖方补偿。

    In case the Seller becomes bankrupt or insolvency , the Buyer may at any time notify the Seller in a written form , stating the termination of the Contract without paying compensation .

  27. 正在修订中的我国新《破产法》将赋予商合伙破产能力,其原因在于对破产性质的正确认识,对商合伙民事主体资格、民事诉讼资格的肯认;

    The revised Bankruptcy Law will endow bankruptcy qualification to commercial partnership , based upon proper acknowledgement to the nature of bankruptcy , the civil subject qualification and litigating qualification of commercial partnership .

  28. 本文第一章对自然人破产的基本问题进行了考察,对破产能力和历史演进进行了重点阐述,并就自然人破产和企业破产进行比较和区分,进一步明确自然人破产的概念。

    The first chapter in this article investigates the basic problems of the natural person bankruptcy , elaborates with emphasis on bankruptcy ability and the historical evolution , compares and distinct natural person bankruptcy and corporate bankruptcy and further clarifies the concept of natural person bankruptcy .

  29. 目前,世界上其他国家的破产法都不同程度地赋予自然人以破产能力,而我国现行破产法却实行企业法人破产主义。

    At present , A natural person is conferred the ability of bankrupt by bankruptcy laws in most foreign countries in varying degrees . While in China , the current bankruptcy law is carried on with " corporate bankruptcy " .

  30. 长期以来我国破产立法采企业法人破产主义,消费者不具备破产能力,这一立法上的滞后已对我国经济的发展造成了一定的负面影响。

    The lack of consumer bankrupt system in China has already caused certain negative effect to the economic development .