
  • 网络Bankruptcy risk;insolvency risk;risk of ruin
  1. 另外一个角度是SPV自身的破产风险。

    The second risk is bankruptcy risk of SPV itself .

  2. 与此同时,SPV对投资者发行资产支持证券,将创始人的破产风险与投资者隔离开来。

    At the same time , SPV isolate the investors from the bankruptcy risk of the founder too .

  3. FDIC指出,存在破产风险的银行数量已降至772家。

    The number of banks that the FDIC says are in jeopardy of failing dropped to 772 .

  4. 从SPV在住房贷款证券化中的作用入手,阐明其核心是隔离破产风险。

    This paper explains the core of SPV ( Special Purpose Vehicle ) is the segregation of bankrupting risks from the function of SPV in the mortgaged-backed securitization .

  5. 最后本文选取反映上市公司财务状况的相关指标,利用主成分分析法提取了5个主因子,然后利用5个因子通过Logistic方法建立了我国上市公司破产风险的预警模型。

    At last , based on the relative financial indicators , the paper chooses Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) as research methods , introduces five principal factors and build the Early Warning Models of Public Listed Companies by using Logistic Analysis .

  6. 作为一种新型融资手段的应收账款证券化,需要构建一个特设目的实体SPV,用以受让应收账款并单独对证券持有人承担风险,而不受原始权益人破产风险的影响。

    Receivables securitization needs a special purpose vehicle ( SPV ) for assigning account receivables and bearing risk for investors of the securities , and preventing the creditor from the bankruptcy remote .

  7. 对于特殊目的机构SPV的构建,要从他的行为形式、组织形式、运营模式进行建构,使其成为破产风险的隔离体,具有相对独立性。

    SPV for the construction of special purpose , from his behavior in the form , organization , operation mode of construction , making it the risk of bankruptcy isolation body , with relative independence .

  8. 为此,我们进一步采用Logit模型,从融资成本、破产风险、负债能力约束、代理成本和控制权等因素多角度考察了我国上市公司融资行为的影响因素。

    Therefore , we use a Logit model , examining the determinants of China 's listed companies ' financing behavior from the aspects of financing cost , bankruptcy risk , debt capacity , agency cost and corporate control .

  9. 带破产风险控制的投资消费问题

    The Problem of Investment - consumption with Control of Bankruptcy Risk

  10. 本章模型中将信用风险由流动性不足风险和破产风险组成。

    Credit risk consists of illiquidity risk and insolvency risk .

  11. 过去几个月,三大厂商的破产风险显然在上升。

    The risk of bankruptcy has obviously risen in the past few months .

  12. 破产风险、管理者机会主义行为与债务期限结构

    Bankruptcy risk , managerial opportunism behavior and debt maturity

  13. 中国保险控股公司破产风险及其防范

    The Precaution System Against the Risk of Bankruptcy for Insurance Holding Company in China

  14. 破产风险对项目评价的影响

    Influence of Bankruptcy Risk on Project Evaluation

  15. 负债融资与企业投资决策:破产风险视角的互动关系研究

    Interaction Relationships of Debt Financing and Corporate Investment : On the View of Bankruptcy Risk

  16. 破产风险的度量方法

    Research on Measurement of Bankrupt Risks

  17. 养老基金的破产风险一般会随着退休年龄的提高而减小。

    The bankrupt risk of the fund will generally be reduced with improvement at retirement age .

  18. 为了达到隔离原始权益人破产风险的目的,法律要求应收账款转让必须采取真实出售的形式。

    Laws require that the assignment of the assets should be a true sale for this purpose .

  19. 此外,对如何实现特殊目的载体破产风险隔离这一问题也进行了深入的探讨,这是本文的又一重点。

    And also , I made a systemic discussion on the problem of how to realize SPY bankruptcy-remote .

  20. 检验证明本文研究提出的破产风险预警指标具有一定的实用性和有效性。

    The bankruptcy risk-warning index that has been put forward in this paper has its realities and effectiveness .

  21. 特殊目的机构的风险隔离机制包括特殊目的机构自身的破产风险隔离以及与外部机构的破产风险隔离。

    Such Risk Mechanism includes the risk of bankruptcy remote of an SPV itself and other external organizations .

  22. 那么,从风险控制的角度来看,上市公司管理层势必厌恶负债带来的破产风险;

    Thus risk control is most likely to make the corporate management unwilling to ponder the risk of bankruptcy due to liabilities .

  23. 而且,随着企业杠杆度的不断提高,投资者的有限套利行为将使企业的破产风险增大。

    Furthermore , with the enterprises ' leverage ratio increasing , their bankrupt risk rises because of the investors ' limited arbitrage .

  24. 待遇确定型企业年金计划面临着雇主破产风险,需要政府出面提供担保。

    Defined Benefit type of occupational pension plan ( DB plan ) faces the sponsor 's bankruptcy risks and needs governmental guarantee .

  25. 那些希望提升业绩和降低破产风险的公司应该在董事会中增加女董事的比例。

    Companies wishing to perform better and cut their risk of bankruptcy should have more female directors on their board of directors .

  26. 得出了我们可以通过调整资产负债结构防范银行体系破产风险的结论。

    We can draw a conclusion that we can prevent the insolvency risks through adjustments of assets and liabilities of the banking system .

  27. 一旦发生海上事故,船东本身即面临着巨大的经济损失和破产风险,遑论对受害人的高额赔偿。

    Without mentioning the high compensation for victims once marine accidents happen will the ship owners face huge economic losses and bankruptcy risks .

  28. 在繁荣期间,许多人选择忘掉破产风险,而对债务利息相对于股权红利的优惠税收待遇念念不忘。

    Many chose during the boom to forget the bankruptcy caveat while rejoicing in the privileged tax status of debt interest versus equity dividends .

  29. 通过构建银行业市场结构与脆弱性的模型来研究竞争性的市场结构对利率、项目选择、破产风险和社会福利涵义的影响,结果表明其不会增加银行脆弱性,并且能一定程度改善社会福利。

    Models of the banking market system and fragility show that the fragility will not be increased and the social welfare can be improved .

  30. 从事前预防和事后防范两方面,提出完善我国关联企业破产风险规制的立法的建议。

    It puts forward the proposal about perfecting the legislation guarding against the risk of bankrupt affiliated enterprises from two aspects of advance and afterwards .