
pò chǎn shēn qǐnɡ
  • bankruptcy petition;bankruptcy application
  1. 破产申请是启动破产程序的先决条件。

    Bankruptcy application is a start of bankruptcy procedure .

  2. 破产申请立法完善的探讨

    Analysis of the Legal Perfection about Bankruptcy Application

  3. 这家公司于2003年提交了破产申请。

    The company filed for bankruptcy in 2003 .

  4. 在破产申请文件中,Leap报告说,在它提供服务的两个月期间取得了近2.1万美元的收入。

    In its bankruptcy filing , Leap reported that it made nearly $ 21000 in the two months during which it offered service .

  5. 此次破产申请是围绕Yellowstone的一系列争议中的最新一起。

    The filing is the latest in a string of controversies surrounding Yellowstone .

  6. 美国面包巨头Hostess向法院提出破产申请以出售资产。

    Hostess Brands will be in a New York bankruptcy courtroom to start the process of selling itself .

  7. 其次,应设立防止SPV主动提出破产申请的结构。

    Secondly , SPV should establish a structure to prevent it from applying bankruptcy in its own initiative .

  8. SPV的组织文件通常要求,只有在SPV的独立董事一致同意的情况下才可以提出破产申请。

    It is the requirement that the organizational document of SPV ordinarily that the independent directors should submit the application for bankruptcy by consensus .

  9. 被指夸大资产的中国林业公司嘉汉林业(Sino-Forest)打算提交破产申请,并将起诉研究公司浑水(MuddyWaters),要求后者就此前对其的欺诈指控所造成的损失赔偿40亿美元。

    Sino Forest , the Chinese Forestry company plagued by accusations of overstating its assets , intends to file for bankruptcy and is to sue research group Muddy Waters for $ 4bn in damages over the claims of fraud that preceded its failure .

  10. Atari今年拒绝了数家公司对其游戏组合产品的初步竞价要约,后来按照破产申请的要求将其部分资产进行了拍卖。

    Atari auctioned off some of its properties this year as part of a bankruptcy filing after rejecting preliminary bids from several companies for its portfolio of games .

  11. 如果情况特别糟糕,可能还要提交破产申请。

    In particularly messy situations , a bankruptcy filing is required .

  12. 债权人的破产申请权若干问题研究

    Discussion about Some Problems on Creditor 's Right to Apply for Bankrupt

  13. 香港经济低迷,破产申请个案随之上升。

    Hong Kong 's slumping economy also caused a rise in bankruptcy applications .

  14. 第二章破产申请的提出和受理

    Chapter II the submission and acceptance of bankruptcy applications

  15. 不涉及商业地产的烦恼都将导致破产申请。

    Not all of the troubles involving commercial real estate will result in bankruptcy filings .

  16. 我国破产申请制度改革刍议

    The Reform in Application for Bankruptcy

  17. 今年夏季,加州有三个城市递交了破产申请,震动了债券投资者。

    Over the summer , bond investors were stunned when three California cities filed for bankruptcy .

  18. 债务人有不能清偿情形的,则向法院进行破产申请。

    When the debtor is unable to repay , then he apply to the court for bankruptcy .

  19. 作为破产申请的一部分,公司往往请求对一些供应商给予特殊对待。

    Companies often request special treatment for a limited number of suppliers as part of bankruptcy petitions .

  20. 论破产申请主体

    On Bankruptcy Application Corpus

  21. 在填写破产申请之前已经发现其违法了,而在通知了受托人之后其违法行为仍在继续。

    The violation was discovered before the bankruptcy petition was filed and continued after notification to the trustee .

  22. 附利息的债权自破产申请受理时起停止计息。

    Interest on interest-bearing claims shall cease to accrue thereon at the time of acceptance of the bankruptcy petition .

  23. 第二,笔者介绍了工资优先权的实现程序,包括破产申请,债权申报和债权人会议。

    Secondly , the procedure of the realization includes application for bankrupt , declaration of credits and creditors ' meeting .

  24. 即使不包括世界电信的非美国子公司,这也是美国到目前为止最大的一宗破产申请。

    Even without WorldCom 's non-US subsidiaries , this will be by far the largest bankruptcy filing so far in the US .

  25. 取得担保,自破产申请之日起六个月内清偿债务的。

    Enterprises that have obtained guarantees for the repayment of debts within six months from the date of the application for bankruptcy .

  26. 但是,债务人的债务人因为法律规定或者有破产申请一年前所发生的原因而取得债权的除外。

    However , the debtor or the debtor law because a bankruptcy petition has happened a year ago for reasons made claims except .

  27. 随着衰退加深,破产申请数也将再次接近2005年的水平,从而加剧了信用卡大崩盘。

    As the recession has deepened , meanwhile , bankruptcy filings are once more approaching 2005 levels , fuelling the credit card meltdown .

  28. 三巨头都分享相同的供应链,因此一家提交破产申请也会给另外两家带来问题。

    The supply chain is shared among the Big Three , so a bankruptcy filing of one could spell problems for the other two .

  29. 为了防止破产申请提出后债权人对债务人财产的无序、破坏性争夺造成的公共鱼塘问题,破产保全制度应运而生,该制度的本质就在于保护债务人的财产在破产程序开始之后处于完整的状态;

    For sake of avoiding the " Common Pool Problem ", the bankrupt-protection system was designed to insure debtor 's assets against the out-of-order scratch of creditors ;

  30. 因无法平息市场对其在欧洲主权债券敞口上的担忧,这家经纪自营商于10月30日提出破产申请,此后资金缺口估值不断变化。

    Estimates of the shortfall have fluctuated since the broker-dealer filed for bankruptcy on October 31 after failing to douse fears over its exposure to European sovereign debt .