
IT is knowledge-intensive , Technology-intensive , and the fastest growing industry .
As an element of the culture industry , TV plays industry is a high-risk investment which characteristic as integrating knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive .
Construction supervision enterprise is a kind of special social intermediary organization , also a knowledge-intensive , technology-intensive and personnel-intensive enterprise and bears special social responsibilities and functions .
Tentatively on Technical Innovations in Knowledge-intensive Type Enterprises
It is the fundamental way to improve the overall national strength according to developing the knowledge & technology-intensive industries .
Especially for information technology companies with intensive-knowledge , the importance of intellectual capital is more prominent in their process of growth and development .
The standard competition is characterized by a significant " winner takes all " . This character is more apparent in the knowledge-intensive industries and technology-intensive industries .
As a knowledge-intensive industry of high and new technology , the fast developing IT service industry is confronted with a lot of risks and challenge because of its own characteristics , especially the problem of strategic risk .
In the era of knowledge economy , high-tech firms with the nature of knowledge-intensity play an active role in knowledge creation , technological development and fortune creation .
With the advent of knowledge economy , high-tech enterprises based on knowledge-intensive technology gradually become the industrial core , for promoting sustainable socio-economic development and " boosters " of strengthening the national long-term competitiveness .
Under the premise of knowledge economy , the environment on which enterprises and organizations rely for survival and development has greatly changed .