
  • 网络Goal Assumption;goal hypothesis
  1. 常规单基地SAS成像基于点目标假设,不考虑合成孔径内目标散射模式(TargetScatteringPatten-TSP)起伏,仅仅接收目标后向散射回波。

    The conventional monos-tatic SAS imaging is based on the point target assumption , where the fluctuation of the Target Scattering Patten ( TSP ) within the synthetic aperture is not considered , and only backscatter echo from the target is used .

  2. 本系统借鉴将目标假设为刚性的数据关联算法JPDA和对系统资源消耗较小的卡尔曼滤波算法对目标原始数据进行处理。

    The system uses the data-to-target association algorithm JPDA which supposes the target as rigidity one and the Kalman filtering consuming less resource to cope with original target data .

  3. 企业价值最大化已经成为人们普遍接受的企业目标假设。

    The maximum of enterprise value has already become the enterprise goal that people have generally accepted to suppose .

  4. 知觉编组能用最少的领域知识形成目标假设。当目标满足格式塔准则时,知觉编组可以降低视觉过程中目标检测和识别的计算复杂度。

    Perceptual grouping can form the object hypothesis with the least specific knowledge , and reduce the computation complexity of visual recognition .

  5. 公司价值最大化已成为公司普遍接受的理财目标假设,价值链模式下研究公司价值创造有着现实的理论意义和实践意义。

    Firm 's value maximization has already became the generally acceptable financing goal to firms . Under the value chain pattern studies of firm value creation have the realistic theory significance and practice significance .

  6. 本章通过介绍碳会计的目标、假设和会计原则完善了碳会计的基本理论。

    This chapter introduces the carbon accounting objectives , assumptions , and accounting principles to improve the basic theory of the carbon accounting .

  7. 20世纪末,现代教育理论的基本目标和假设遭遇到疯狂的颠覆,比较教育的研究范式也发生了巨大的转换,从实证主义转变为多元主义和后实证主义。

    With the subversion of modern educational theories at the end of 20th century , the paradigm of comparative education has shifted from positivism to post-positivism .

  8. 它与持续经营状态下的会计程序在目标、假设、核算原则、计价基础、信息披露等方面存在较大差异。

    There are distinct differences about objective , hypothesis , accounting principles , measurement attribute and information disclosure between liquidation accounting and accounting in continuous situation .

  9. 此外,现行的收入管理模型均以期望收入最大化为目标,假设所有决策者均是风险中性,对不同风险下的相同期望不作区分。

    In addition , all present RM research aim to maximize expected revenue , assuming decision-makers are risk neutral and not distinguishing the different risks under the same expected revenue .

  10. 本文从环境管理会计的目标、假设、对象、职能、原则等层次探讨环境管理会计理论结构的构建;

    The opinions of the paper include three aspects : firstly , the theory structure of Environmental Management Accounting is composed of its target , assumption , object , function and principle ;

  11. 第三章讨论所得税会计的基本理论,包括企业所得税会计的概念,所得税会计的目标、假设、原则,所得税会计的理论框架。

    The third part discusses the basic theory of Income Tax Accounting , including concepts on Income tax Accounting , objectives , assumptions , principles , and the framework of Income Tax Accounting .

  12. 行动计划提出具体目标,假设钢铁产量维持在每年1亿t水平,到2010年钢铁生产所用能量要比1990年减少10%。

    The action plan set a specific goal to reduce the energy for steel production by 10 ? % in 2010 as compared to 1990 , assuming that the steel production level would stay at 100 million tons per year .

  13. 杂波抑制后,根据单帧多像素目标模型假设,采用在空、时域联合集成信号能量的检测算法,能有效地改善信噪比并且有利于实时实现。

    Then according to a target model of multi-pixel per frame , a detection algorithm integrating signal energy in spatial and temporal domain jointly was employed . The algorithm can improve SNR evidently and can easily be implemented in real time .

  14. 第二部分共分四节,首先是对绿色会计的概述,其次是有关绿色会计的基本观点,最后是对绿色会计特定的对象、目标、假设和原则进行阐述。

    The second part includes three segment parts , First , it is a summary to Green Accounting , Second , it is basic standpoint of introducing Green Accounting , Finally , it explains the target , goal , supposing and principle of Green Accounting .

  15. 主要涉及到农村初中女生学习自我效能感的研究目标与假设、研究方法、思路及工具、研究重难点与研究框架及研究流程。第三部分:量表编制及质量检验。

    This part mainly involves research objectives , hypothesis , methods , ideas , tools , important and difficult points , the research frameworks and process about the girls of the rural junior middle school whose learning self-efficiency . Part ⅲ: Programming the measuring scale and quality inspection .

  16. 经典古诺寡头模型以及目前相关的寡头定产竞争模型最致命的缺陷是对寡头博弈目标的假设、时序假设、有限理性与知识的假设与现实严重不符。

    The most fatal flaw of the classic Cournot oligarch model and the related oligarch output-making competition model at present is that the assumption for the goal of oligarch , the assumption for time-order and the assumption for bounded rationality and bounded knowledge are all badly different from reality .

  17. 知识经济时代的会计目标和基本假设

    Accounting Goal and Basic Hypothesises in the Knowledge Economy Age

  18. 论审计目标与审计假设之关联

    Relation Between Auditing Objectives and Auditing Assumptions

  19. 在此基础上对环境会计的定义、目标、基本假设进行了阐述。

    On this basis , the environmental accounting definition , objectives , basic assumptions are described .

  20. 现行成本会计在会计目标、会计假设、会计概念和会计原则四方面,相对于传统的历史成本会计而言,均有明显的差异。

    There are obvious differences between the traditional HistoricalAccounting and the Current Cost Accounting in Accounting objects , Accounting Assumptions , Accounting Concepts and AccountingPrinciples .

  21. 在第四章当中探讨了社会关联会计的会计主体、会计目标、会计假设和计量模式等基本问题。

    In chapter 4 , we discuss fundament problems of social related accounting , such as accounting entity , accounting purpose , accounting assumption and measurement model .

  22. 新经济时代对我国会计目标、会计假设、会计计量和确认、会计核算内容、会计报告及会计教育产生深刻影响。

    New economy times brings profound influence for accounting object , accounting presuming , measure and confirmation of accounting , accounting settlement contents , accounting statement and education .

  23. 第二章研究了人力资本进行核算时需要注意的几个基本问题:人力资源的资产属性,人力资本会计核算的对象、目标和基本假设等。

    We discuss several basic problems during the accounting of human capital in chapter two : assets attributes of human resource , objects , aim and basic hypothesis of human capital accounting .

  24. 当前,网络经济迅猛发展,它影响了传统的审计环境、审计对象、审计线索、审计目标、审计假设、审计准则等诸多方面。

    Currently , network economy develop rapidly , and greatly influences the traditional audit in many respects , such as auditing environment , auditing object , auditing clue , auditing postulate , auditing standards .

  25. 现代信息社会的新生事物&网络型经营组织,它具有与传统经营组织明显不同的诸多特点,而这些特点的存在使传统会计目标与会计假设受到了冲击。

    The net-typed operation organization , a new product of the information society , possesses characteristics different from the traditional operation organization . These characteristics violently impacted the objects and assumptions of the traditional accountant .

  26. 第二部分分析电子商务对传统会计理论的影响,包括对会计目标、会计假设等方面的影响并提出自己的一些见解。

    The second part is about the impact of e-commerce on the traditional accounting theory , including the accounting objectives , the impact of accounting assumptions and so on , and put forward some personal ideas .

  27. 第二部分主要从会计理论的角度出发,分析了电子商务对会计目标、会计假设、会计一般原则、会计确认和会计计量产生的影响,并提出了一些改进建议。

    The second part mainly from the angle of accounting theory , analyzes the influence of the Electronic Commerce to the accounting object , assumption , general principles , identifying and measuring , and put forward some improvements suggestions .

  28. 具体地讲,会计理论中的会计目标、会计假设、会计准则、会计方法、会计政策等概念,在制约会计实践的各种环境因素下,形成了不同环境下的会计理念。

    To speak in detail , some conceptions , such as accounting targets , accounting hypothesis , accounting rules and accounting policy in accounting theory have formed accounting concepts under different environment effected by all kinds of environmental factors which limit accounting practices .

  29. 按照农户退耕还林选择以利益最大化为目标的经济学假设,本文应用成本效益分析方法,构建了国家补偿政策与农户响应的关联分析模型。

    According to the economic hypothesis of maximal benefits in choice of peasant household for returning cropland to woodland , the paper set up the model of associated analysis of peasant household responding to the paying policy of returning cropland to woodland , using the method of cost efficiency analysis .

  30. 在五月里重新检查你的目标、动机和假设吧。

    Spend May reexamining your aims , motivations , and assumptions .