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  • gay;male comrade
  1. 我都忘了这是“男同志骄傲日”了。

    I kind of forgot it was gay pride day .

  2. 因为她们在男同志吧。

    Because they are in a gay club .

  3. 公司里的男同志很为她着迷。

    The men at the office are crazy about her .

  4. 为什么拉拉都要有男同志做朋友?

    Why do lesbians like to have gay male friends ?

  5. 所有的男同志们都享受了一回做王爷的感觉。

    Male comrades all enjoy a sense of Wangyeh to do so .

  6. 米兰达很想跟你说话,史密斯是男同志

    And Miranda really wants to talk to you , and Smith is gay .

  7. 就像是男同志国际警卫队。

    It 's Iike gay national guard .

  8. 哦,算了吧,还有比男同志和肥女孩更传统的么?

    Oh , come on . what 's more traditional than fairies and fat chicks ?

  9. 我只是讨厌那些男同志模特表现的像个正常人。

    I just hate that gay role models are supposed to be Iike straight people .

  10. 如果男同志都开始结婚。

    If gay guys start getting married .

  11. 男同志们则总是赞美之词不断。

    Gay men will unfailingly compliment him .

  12. 举办男同志预防爱滋病分享会,让不同组织分享他们在同志社群内推行预防爱滋病活动的经验。

    A sharing forum was organised for different organisations to share their experiences on MSM HIV prevention programmes .

  13. “耶!你知道吗?学姊,我是个男同志耶!”杰欢呼起来。

    " Yeah ! Do you know ? Sister Shelly , I am a homosexual !" Garrick cheers up .

  14. 浴室能够向男同志提供而其他同志场合不能提供的事是可以接受的。

    One thing the baths can offer gay men that no other gay establishment can offer is total acceptance .

  15. 而且男同志的传言一传开,那表示他真的是大明星

    And besides , once the gay rumors start , it means you 're really a star . Hello ?

  16. 对于这方面的浓厚兴趣让他投身于一项社会学工程:采访阿拉伯男同志,从而发掘现在的同志生活。

    His interest in the subject results in a sociology project of interviewing gay Arab men to explore contemporary gay lifestyles .

  17. 他们提出说当看一看对年龄、育、族和宗教加以分门别类的男同志夫妻们时待遇差异也一样浮现。

    They suggest that pay discrepancies also emerge when looking at gay couples in groups of age , education , race and religion .

  18. 研究印证,职场中反歧视政策对男同志员工的工资没有出现冲击。

    Anti discrimination policies in the workplace do not appear to have had an impact on wages for gay employees , research suggests .

  19. 英国政府上周四表示,男同志不得捐血禁令即将解除,不过条件是捐血男性必须在一年内无同性性行为。

    Britain said last Thursday that it was lifting a ban on gay men giving blood providing they have not had homosexual intercourse within a year .

  20. 本文会帮助人们好好理解为什么我和全世界这么多男同志会花这么多时间去浴室了。

    This essay will give people a better understanding as to why I and so many other gay men around the world spend time at the baths .

  21. 可是,有一位仁兄不断取得进球、一直为球队徽章而战,而当那个‘油腔滑调的假摔骗子’克里斯蒂亚诺。罗纳尔多俯身接受媒体集体的男同志的爱时,我们的迪迪尔只是努力地工作。

    However , one man keeps scoring goals , keeps fighting for the badge and whilst the greasy diving cheat Cristiano Ronaldo bends over and accepts the collective man-love of the press , our Didier just keeps doing the business .

  22. 其中针对沧州市男男同性恋(同志)人群中艾滋病疫情偏重的实际情况,重点对该人群的高危行为进行了一系列的干预宣传活动。

    Cangzhou City , which aimed at gay men ( Comrade ) emphasis on the AIDS epidemic among the actual situation , the focus of the group carried out a series of high-risk behavior intervention programs .