
shēnɡ mìnɡ jiàn kānɡ quán
  • rights of life and health
  1. 第九十八条公民享有生命健康权。

    Article 98 Citizens shall enjoy the rights of life and health .

  2. 医疗纠纷的妥善解决关系到医疗事业的健康发展和公民的生命健康权的有效维护。

    Perfect solution to medical treatment friction is of great importance to the healthy development of medical cause and the effective protection of civil rights of life and health .

  3. 侵权行为侵犯了直接受害人的生命健康权;

    This situation made the victim healthy right be violated directly .

  4. 生命健康权是人类的首要权利和基本权利。

    Life and health is the primary human rights and fundamental rights .

  5. 论器官移植供受体生命健康权的法律保护

    On Legal Protection of Healthy Right of Transferee and Transferor in Transferring Organs

  6. 保障公民的生命健康权是政府应尽的职责。

    Our government shall be responsible for protecting citizens ' right of life and health .

  7. 论生命健康权

    On The Right of Life And Health

  8. 农村少数民族女性生命健康权的法律保障

    A Study of the Legal Protection of Health Right for the Minority Women in the Countryside

  9. 生命健康权在第二次世界大战后就被各国普遍接受。

    After the Second World War , life and health is accepted universally by all countries .

  10. 保护公民的生命健康权已成为现代社会所普遍关注的问题。

    Protecting the citizens ' right of life and health has commonly focused by the public .

  11. 本文认为,医疗损害是一种事实,它主要表现为对患者生命健康权及身体权的侵害。

    Medical damages are generally manifested by the torts of the rights of life and body .

  12. 工伤保险:矿工生命健康权的基本保障

    Employment Injury Insurance : A Good Way to Protect Miners ' Right of Life and Health

  13. 患者同意权与生命健康权冲突的法律研究

    A Legal Research on the Conflict between the Right to Consent and the Right to Life and Health of Patient

  14. 身体权不隶属于所有权、生命健康权或人格权,是一项独立的民事权利,并与人格权、身份权并列且共同构成完整意义上的人身权制度。

    And right of health protection , together with right of personality and right of identity , makes a full personal right .

  15. 海上人身伤亡的侵害的客体是自然人的生命健康权,具有一定的特殊性:这些人身权是民事主体的固有权利,与主体不可分割。

    The objects that loss of life or personal injury encroaches on are the health right and life right of natural person .

  16. 器官移植中应注意保护罪犯的生命健康权、身体权和知情权。

    During the organ transplantation , the life and health right and the body right as well as the information-knowing right should be well protected .

  17. 为保护公民依法享有的生命健康权,必须对环境噪声污染进行标本兼治。

    In order to protect citizen 's right to life and health , its necessary to take serious measures to comprehensively deal with environmental noise pollution .

  18. 生命健康权是公民作为人的存在,作为权利主体的前提条件,是公民行使其它民事权利的基础。

    Right of life and health , as the existence and a prerequisite of a citizen , is the base for citizens to claim their rights .

  19. 这不仅可能导致侵害患者的生命健康权,更是激化了医患之间的矛盾。

    It not only has infringed upon the patients of life and health , but also has intensified the contradiction between the patient and the doctors .

  20. 三鹿奶粉事件为国人敲响了警钟,警示大家食品安全事件已经成为危害我们生命健康权的重大问题。

    Sanlu milk powder incident Sounded the alarm for the people , which alerts us that food safety incidents have become hazardous to our life and health .

  21. 近亲属精神损害赔偿的标准和生命健康权受到伤害的受害人精神损害赔偿的标准一样吗?

    Is the standard of moral damage to near relatives the same with that of moral damage to the victims whose right of life and health has been damaged ?

  22. 目前,由于家庭装修而引起的室内环境污染已经成为一个突出的问题,严重影响居住人的生命健康权、财产权和环境权。

    Nowadays , since family fitment , the indoor environmental pollution has become a serious problem , injuring residents ' life healthy rights , property rights and environmental rights .

  23. 医疗保障权是生存权的基本组成部分,与人格权中的生命健康权相关联。

    The right to health insurance is a fundamental component of the right to life , Which are associated with the personality of the of the right to life and health .

  24. 卫生执法应当尊重卫生法律的基本精神,而不应当对卫生法律断章取义,并应当切实尊重公民的生命健康权。

    The activity of executing the medicine law should serve for the intention and the spirit of the law . The medicine administrations also should respect the people 's life and healthy .

  25. 但应仅限于故意或恶意的行为、严重不负责的行为和重大过失行为,以更好地保障公民的生命健康权。

    But it is only used in the intentional or spiteful behavior , serious irresponsible behavior and behavior of great fault in order to guarantee citizen 's rights of life and health .

  26. 从这个意义上来说本文有一定的创新性,希望能对当前经济生活中存在的威胁消费者生命健康权、可持续发展权的状况有所解释与建议。

    In this way , this paper have innovation , with the hope to provide some advice for the situation that threaten consumers ' right of survival and develop in current life .

  27. 三是对患者知情同意权与生命健康权的冲突,分别就意图自杀患者、一般患者、代理人拒绝治疗这三种情况进行了具体分析。

    Life ? and ? health , also the author discusses on the assumptions of refusing treatment by the patients who intend to commit suicide , common patients , and the agents .

  28. 缺陷医疗器械侵权纠纷不仅涉及到患者的生命健康权和财产权,也涉及到医疗机构和医疗器械的生产者的合法权益。

    Defected medical devices tort disputes involve the property rights and right of health and life of patients as well as the legitimate rights and interests of medical institution and medical devices producers .

  29. 本文从公民人身自由权、公民生命健康权、财产权、精神损害赔偿4个方面对赔偿标准的提高进行了具体研究。

    From the perspectives of civil liberty rights , life and health rights , property rights and compensation for mental damage , this paper makes concrete research into the improvement of compensation standard .

  30. 隐私权是生命健康权、姓名权、肖像权、名誉权等人格权体系中较晚出现的一种。

    The right of privacy is the one appearing relatively late in the right system of personality , such as life and health right , right of the name , portrait right , reputation right , etc. .