
  • 网络actual possibility;possibility
  1. 在对中国哲学作了四种划分的基础上,提出了中国哲学现代化的现实可能性。关键词中国哲学;

    According to four kinds of Chinese philosophy , the author points out actual possibility of the modernization of Chinese philosophy .

  2. 反全球化运动的趋势揭示了社会主义的全球化替代资本主义的全球化,社会主义制度取代资本主义制度的现实可能性,昭示了马克思的两个必然理论的时代价值和深远意义。

    The trend of anti-globalization has exposed the actual possibility for socialist system replacing the capitalism and has clearly shown the time value and profound significance of Marx 's " two necessities " theory .

  3. STR型聚变堆的长脉冲和大聚变功率特性使其具有相对良好的经济性和现实可能性。

    It concludes that the feature of longer burn time and larger fusion power gives STR a relatively better economic and practical possibility .

  4. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)此前曾援引其他国家的经验表示,存款保险制度的推出可能导致存款流出中小银行,因为它凸显了银行倒闭的现实可能性,并明确地将部分存款界定为不受保护。

    Citing the experience of other countries , the International Monetary Fund has previously said that the rollout of deposit insurance could lead to deposit outflows from smaller banks , as it highlights bank failure as a realistic possibility and explicitly defines some deposits as unprotected .

  5. 本文分析了RDD恐怖事件威胁存在的现实可能性及其危害,并在后果评估基础上,提出了对RDD的防范建议。

    This paper analyzes the possible realism and hurt on RDD terrorist event , and the suggestion of countering RDD is brought forward on the base of the consequence assessment .

  6. 建立翻译学:历史必然性与现实可能性

    Establishing the Science of Translation : the Historical Necessity and Practical Possibility

  7. 刑罚轻缓化已成为世界发展趋势,我国实行刑罚轻缓化有其现实可能性。

    The venial penalty has become a worldwide trend .

  8. 鲁迅思想的现实可能性

    The Realistic Possibility of Lu Xun 's Thought

  9. 宋代私学与理学的结合有其历史必然性和现实可能性。

    The union between private education and neo-Confucianism had its historical inevitability and realistic possibility .

  10. 危险犯的危险的概念是建立在可能性基础上的,具有客观性和实害结果发生的现实可能性等特点。

    Possibility is the basis of the concept of the danger of the dangerous criminals .

  11. 信心随之恢复,一年之内,任何违约的现实可能性都消失不见了。

    Confidence came back and any realistic prospect of default was gone in a year .

  12. 其次,通过金融创新来规避有现实可能性的金融风险。

    Second , we can circumvent the possibility of a real financial risk through financial innovations .

  13. 双方确定要探索两国在能源以及其它一些新领域开展长期合作的现实可能性。

    The two sides explored various possibilities of conducting long-term cooperation in such areas as energy .

  14. 从国家主权可分理论出发,分析主权让渡的现实可能性。

    Author analyses the likelihood of sovereignty demisability from the theory that sovereignty can be divided .

  15. 实现公平与效率均衡的必要性和现实可能性探析

    Probe into the Probability of the Reality and the Necessity of the Balance between Equity and Efficiency

  16. 这种双层的矛盾运动就为民族国家的跨越式发展提供了现实可能性。

    As a result , this double movement of contradictions refers the possibility for developing countries ' surpassing .

  17. 文章对开展病人教育的必要性、意义及利用互联网开展此项工作的现实可能性及方法进行了探讨。

    This paper discusses necessity , significance , possibility and method of carrying out patient education with network .

  18. 本文探讨了我国企业实施共生营销策略的必要性与现实可能性,提出了实施共生营销战略的途径和对策。

    The paper expounds the necessity and possibility of adopting the strategy in our country and proposes countermeasures .

  19. 主观主义就是不从客观实际出发,不从现实可能性出发,而是从主观愿望出发。

    Subjectivism means proceeding not from objective reality and from what is actually possible , but from subjective wishes .

  20. 能把理论变成为结合了现实可能性与人的要求的理想,并把它落实的人才具有自由人格。

    External freedom referred to the ability to implement an idealistic vision , which combined practical possibilities with human needs .

  21. 而今中国社会之和谐文化的建构,不仅存在着现实可能性,而且也存在着限度。

    The construction of harmonious culture in China today does have a possibility of success , but also some lim .

  22. 在此基础上,我们研究了区际产业转移演化为碳排放转移的现实可能性及其危害。

    On this basis , we focus on the real possibility of carbon emissions ' transfer in the inter-regional industrial transfer .

  23. 强调取消预算外收支,是因为我国经过多年财政治理后,已经具备了这种现实可能性;

    To lay emphasis on cancelling extra-budgetary revenue and expenditure is now becoming a real possibility because of years of financial management in China .

  24. 村庄组织化在本质上是农民组织化,它是现阶段有着现实可能性的农民组织化。

    Organization in Village is firmer organization in essence , and it is a farmer organization that is realistic and possible at this stage .

  25. 可以说,网络时代为人的发展和社会的进步创造了更加优越的条件,为人的自由全面发展提供了现实可能性,必将极大地促进人的全面发展。

    In the network era the productive forces manner developed highly , which will laid the material base to human 's free and all-round development .

  26. 主要包括改革开放以来我国农民收入增长的特征分析、制约因素分析和现实可能性分析。

    It includes the characteristic analysis of increase about our country farmer income , analysis of making the roughly factor and Analysis of realistic possibility .

  27. 只有这样去思考,自由才能成为人的生存原则、成为目的本身,并具有现实可能性。

    Only thinking in this way , freedom becomes the principle of human existence , as an end in itself , and a real possibility .

  28. 相比较而言,立足于我国行政诉讼制度,探讨行政公益诉讼的现实可能性会更有意义。

    There will be more significances if we can research the realistic possibility of administrative public interest action basing upon our system of administrative litigation .

  29. 结论如下:第一,地方性股份制商业银行面临着外部人控制与内部人控制间的权衡取舍,因而在客观上不存在短期内建立完备市场经济国家银行法人治理结构的现实可能性;

    Conclusions are as follows . First , the trade - off between outsider and insider control restricts the short - run corporate governance restructuring .

  30. 本文试图通过对20世纪科学主义与人文主义思潮历史的反思,来探索科学主义和人文主义实现统一的现实可能性及其对高等教育理论与实践的影响。

    This paper provides a discussion about the possibility of the integration of Scientism and Humanism , and its influence on the higher education theory and practice .