
  • 网络Modern Educational Technology;modern education technology;cai
  1. 随着Internet和多媒体技术的快速发展,现代教育技术也迈上了一个崭新的台阶。

    With the rapid development of Internet and multimedia technology , the modern educational technology strides a new stage .

  2. 对基于Blog的《现代教育技术》课程教学实践的思考

    The Practice of the Course Modern Educational Technology Based on Blog

  3. CAI教学课件的开发成为现代教育技术的热点。

    The CAI teaching courseware has became a hotspot of the modern educational technology .

  4. 《现代教育技术学》多媒体教学系统CAI的设计与开发

    Media Mix of Modern Educational Technology & the Design and Development of the Teaching System

  5. 在高等数学教学中应用CAI课件等现代教育技术,可以提高医学院校高等数学教学效果。

    The application of CAI in teaching higher mathematics can improve the teaching effect and achieve the teaching goals .

  6. 计算机辅助语言学习是一项重要的现代教育技术手段,它为语言习得者提供了一种更加有效的学习手段,CALL技术在大学英语教学中的运用更是一个非常具有研究价值的课题。

    Computer Assisted Language Learning , an important means for modern education , is also an effective way for language acquisition . It is a valuable research work to apply CALL to college English teaching .

  7. 本文针对Blog网络学习平台这一现代教育技术在计算机基础课程中的应用进行了研究。

    This article is on the applied researches of Blog Network Learning Terrace ( BNLT ), one of the modern educational technologies , in computer basis courses .

  8. 本文从现代教育技术、远程教育与教学方法的改革等基本概念入手,系统地分析和设计了基于WEB的现代远程教学系统。

    This text starts with modern education skill , distant education and basic conception , such as reform of the teaching method , etc. , Had analyzed and designed the modern long-range tutoring system based on internet systematically .

  9. 研究了现代教育技术的相关知识,并在现代教育理论的指导下将本系统应用于PAR方法为核心的程序设计基础课程的教学中。

    Have studied the relevant knowledge of modern education skill , and apply this system to the method teaching of PAR under the guidance of modern education theory ;

  10. 本文从教学的角度出发,借助统计数据,根据目前中学数学教学中思想方法教学的现状以及现代教育技术的使用情况,探讨了基于CAI的数学思想方法的教学。

    From the point of view of teaching , this thesis discussed thought and method teaching based on CAI , which according to present middle school mathematical thought and method teaching and modern educational technology using as well as statistical data .

  11. 基于现代教育技术的理论与实践,探讨了多媒体CAI课件设计与开发的教学思想以及几项最新技术,包括多媒体技术,超文本、超媒体技术和交互技术的运用。

    Based on the theory and practice of modern education technology , the teaching thoughts and the application of several new information techniques , including Multimedia , Hypertext , Hypermedia and Interactive techniques , in the design and development of multimedia CAI courseware are discussed in this paper .

  12. 现代教育技术被多数中国外语教师接受,但是,部分教师视其为一个集合了黑板,录音机和录像机(VCD或DVD机)的技术平台。

    Modern educational technology has been embraced by the majority of Chinese college English teachers . However , most of them consider that MET is only a tool that combines blackboard , tape recorder and VHS ( or DVD / VCD ) together .

  13. 教学改革的思路是:从三维实体入手,用图视思维思想指导学生自主学习,推进CAx课程群的建立,并充分运用现代教育技术。

    The cultivation of thought of the teaching reform starts with 3D solid , using view thinking to direct self study and then to propel the establishment of CAx courses group , while adequately making use of modern educating technology .

  14. 以学为中心的教学设计(ID3)是现代教育技术学中一个活跃的领域,许多专家已将更多的精力从支持教的系统设计转移到支持学的系统和环境设计上来。

    Learning-focused instruction design ( ID3 ) is an active field in modern educational technology . Many ex-perts have transferred more efforts from designing ″ teaching ″ support system to ″ learning ″ support system and its environment .

  15. 将EWB运用到《电子技术》教学中,使学生学习到电子电路新的设计手段的同时,提高《电子技术》现代教育技术水平,改善实践实验的环境,培养学生自主学习能力和创新能力。

    This essay tells to use EWB in the teaching of Electronic Technology , so that the students can learn the new method of design in electronic circuit , improve the technology of modern education , and train the ability of self-study and innovation .

  16. 抓住主要因素推广应用现代教育技术

    Grasp the key factors , boost applications of modern educational technology

  17. 钻研教育理论,掌握现代教育技术;

    Delving into education theories , controlling the modern education techniques ;

  18. 现代教育技术公选课的改革与实践

    The Innovation and Practice of Optional Course of Modern Educational Technology

  19. 美国推广现代教育技术概览

    Present Situation and Ways of Promoting Modern Educational Technologies in USA

  20. 运用现代教育技术实现教学模式更新

    Adoption of Modern Education Technique to Renew Teaching & Learning Model

  21. 论现代教育技术在教育改革中的重要地位

    A Study on Position of New Instructional Technology in Education Reforming

  22. 现代教育技术与高技能人才培养

    Modern education technology and cultivation of talents with high technical ability

  23. 利用现代教育技术,构建个性化大学英语教学模式

    Modern Teaching Technology Application to Constructing a Personalized College Teaching Mode

  24. 现代教育技术在生物学教学实践中发挥着重要作用。

    Modern education technology is very important in Biology teaching practice .

  25. 发展现代教育技术促进教育教学改革

    Developing modern educational technique and promoting educating and teaching reform

  26. 现代教育技术中的电视教育与网络教育

    Television Education and Network Education in the Modern Education Technology

  27. 现代教育技术与学科教学的整合应用研究

    Merger application study of modern education skill and discipline teaching

  28. 利用现代教育技术促进继续医学教育的飞速发展

    Using modern educational technology to accelerate rapid development of CME

  29. 现代教育技术对教学的影响研究

    Study on Influences of the Modern Education Technology to Teaching

  30. 现代教育技术与新型教学模式的构建

    Construction of A New Teaching Mode With Modern Educational Technology