
  1. 玩商(leisurequotient,简称LQ)是描述人们休闲、生活、玩乐能力的指数,心理学家认为玩商对于自我满足感和将来的成就都有重要意义。

    Leisure quotient ( LQ ) is an index used to describe the ability to relax and play , which psychologists say is important to contentment and future achievement .

  2. 德国玩商制造泰德熊玩偶纪念棕熊遭猎杀

    German toy producer releases Teddy bear to commemorate hunt of a brown bear

  3. 玩商高的人,说明其对自我生活的控制力比较强,懂得如何拓展个人价值,使人生更健康、更快乐、更平衡。

    A high LQ usually means that the person has a good command on his life , knows how to explore his potential and make his life healthier and happier with a well-balanced life style .

  4. 去吧,你会玩得很商兴的。

    B : Go for it . You 'll have a great time .