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tè jì
  • stunt;trick;special effects;tour de force
特技 [tè jì]
  • (1) [stunt;trick]∶武术、马术、飞机驾驶等方面的特殊技能

  • 特技飞行

  • (2) [special effects]∶电影用语,指摄制特殊镜头的技巧

特技[tè jì]
  1. 英国特技表演者埃迪·基德骑摩托车飞越了中国长城。

    The British stunt man Eddie Kidd jumped over the Great Wall of China on a motorcycle .

  2. 他在今天早晨开始这一特技表演,并尝试打破之前由美国魔术师、耐力艺术家DavidBlaine所创造的世界纪录。

    He began the stunt this morning in an attempt to break the record of American illusionist and endurance artist David Blaine .

  3. 这都是利用特技摄影产生的假象。

    It 's all done using trick photography .

  4. 那部电影的特技效果尤其令人赞叹。

    The film 's special effects are particularly impressive .

  5. 表演中有很多惊险的特技。

    The show 's full of daredevil feats .

  6. 肖恩·康纳利在他的新片中为求真实,坚持自己出演特技部分。

    Sean Connery insisted on living dangerously for his new film by performing his own stunts .

  7. 这部电影里有一些可能是你见所未见、让人惊叹的特技。

    This movie has some of the most amazing stunts you 're ever likely to see .

  8. 倒飞是飞机的一种特技动作。

    Inverted flight is an acrobatic manoeuvre of the plane .

  9. 具体情况不同,“替身”的说法也不同,危险或复杂场景的替身叫做stuntdouble(特技替身)。

    The term is most commonly used in the context of head-to-toe ( or nearly ) shots involving nudity . More specific terms are often used in special cases ; a stunt adjustments .

  10. 我给这部电影的特技效果打满分。

    I give this movie ten out of ten for special effects .

  11. 一些动作场景中,特技演员代替主演。

    The stuntman will double for the main actor during the action scenes .

  12. 飞机着陆前做了一些特技

    The plane did a few stunts before landing .

  13. 这令人瞠目结舌的特技,其实是他的“基本操作”:李发彬在之前的比赛中也展示过这个动作,其中就包括2017年的亚洲举重锦标赛。

    Li has pulled off the move before at competitions , including at the 2017 Asian championships .

  14. 急性硬膜下少量出血CT特技诊断

    Special technique of CT diagnosis of small amount acute subdural hematoma

  15. 特技飞行前后血糖、血脂、载脂蛋白A1、B、心肌酶及免疫球蛋白的变化

    Effects of aerobatics on serum lipids , glucose , apolipoproteins A_1 , B , cardiac enzymes and immunoglobulin in pilots

  16. 在艺术表现手法上运用了高科技3D特技技术来渲染温泉的柔美。

    In artistic expression on the use of a high-tech3D rendering of hot spring stunt technology gentle .

  17. 它用3D技术和特技讲述了一个邪不胜正的故事。

    It uses3D technology and special effects to tell a story with a theme that righteousness can always defeat evil .

  18. 因此,在影视领域利用特技、3D技术变得越来越普遍,技术上越来越成熟。

    Therefore , the special effects and 3D technology in the production of the film are becoming more and more popular .

  19. 针对在MPEG-2视频中进行特技处理,给出了一种基于DCT域处理的快速划变方法。

    A novel method of wipe production in MPEG-2 video is proposed .

  20. 基于数字存储媒体命令和控制技术实现TS流特技播放

    Realization of Transport Stream Trick Mode Operation Based on Digital Storage Media Command and Control Technology

  21. N×N电视墙微机控制部分的主要任务是将完整的活动画面实时分割成N2个块,由于活动视频图像变化很快,采样的数据很多以及超过60个特技功能,因此微机控制部分较复杂。

    Because of the rapid changing of television signals , large amount data sampled and over 60 functions , the microcomputer controlling part is relatively complex .

  22. VO编辑系统制作快慢特技初探

    An Initial Exploration into the Making of Fast or Slow Trick Shot with VO Editorial System

  23. 攻击唐纳利的是42岁的罗伯特•埃尔哈特(RobertEarhart),一位全副武装的职业特技演员。

    Mr. Donnelly 's assailant was 42-year-old Robert Earhart , a professional stuntman in protective gear .

  24. Hollows只攻击特技人吗?

    Do Hollows only attack peculiars ?

  25. DTDS机尾驱动器允许完全尾部控制,包括在自动旋转中的特技飞行。

    DTDS and New Type Frame DTDS tail drive allows full tail control , including aerobatics , during auto rotation maneuvers .

  26. BitBlt函数与图形特技效果

    The BitBlt Function and Graphic Special Effects

  27. BG最近都在马不停蹄的进行培训、特技表演和活动日,我们希望通过不断的努力,让中国越来越多地区的车友们对我们的品牌和产品有更深入的认识。

    BG , with our recent non-stop weekly training course , Stunt shows and track days , we have managed to spread our branding and products into more and more regions of China .

  28. 在基于现场可编程门阵列的医用电子内窥镜设计中,保证了图像在PAL制式显示器上的正确显示,有效改善了显示图像的质量,实现多画面显示、图像冻结等多种数字视频特技。

    The design of therapeutic electronic endoscope of FPGA warrants correct display of image on PAL display , and effectively ameliorates the quality of image and realize many digital video special techniques such as multiple-Montag display and image freezing etc.

  29. 特技播放(TrickPlay)&以不同的速度播放视频

    TrickPlay – playing the video at different speeds

  30. 1904年,法国拍摄了一部有关中国魔术师的电影&《中国魔术》(LeThaumaturgeChinois),这是首部试图用特技效果让观众惊叹的影片之一。

    An early effort to amaze cinema goers with special effects was Le Thaumaturge Chinois , a 1904 French film about a Chinese conjurer .