
  • Hermes;Hermès;Hermes Birkin
  1. 在亚洲地区,爱马仕计划于11月在东京举行名为“影子的颜色”的展示会,随后将于明年1月份在新加坡与“艺术登陆新加坡”(ArtStageSingapore)博览会合作举行展览。

    In Asia , Hermes plans to kick off a ' Couleurs de l'Ombre ' show in Tokyo in November , followed by Singapore in January , in conjuction with Art Stage Singapore .

  2. 据瑞银(UBS)统计,如果算入日本游客的海外购物,爱马仕和宝格丽等一些品牌的收入中,日本所占比重几乎提高了一倍。

    Include Japanese tourists shopping overseas and the figure almost doubles for some brands like Hermes and Bulgari , according to UBS .

  3. 苹果手表(AppleWatch)推出的表带样式五花八门,其中就包括由爱马仕(Hermes)设计师在法国手工打造的一个系列。

    The Apple Watchoffers a wide range of straps , including a collection handmade by Hermesartisans in France .

  4. 12月份,我们卖出了23只爱马仕Kelly包,而且卖价均超出了它们的购买价格。

    In December we sold 23 Herm è s Kelly bags that exceeded their purchase prices .

  5. 6月中旬爱马仕在巴塞尔艺术博览会(ArtBasel)上推出了这批140厘米长的方巾,官网售价7000欧元(约合8820美元)。

    Since mid-June , when the French luxury brand unveiled the 140-centimeter-square scarves at Art Basel , it has been selling them online for 7,000 ( about $ 8,820 ) .

  6. 其他的赢家包括蔻驰(Coach),爱马仕(Hermès)和古驰(Gucci),而迪奥(Dior)和阿玛尼(Armani)的市场份额下降了。

    Other winners include Coach , Herm è s and Gucci , while Dior and Armani lost share .

  7. 这家初创公司发现,香奈儿(Chanel)、克里斯提o鲁布托(ChristianLouboutin)和爱马仕(Hermès)保值时间最长。

    The startup found that Chanel , Christian Louboutin , and Herm è s hold their value the longest .

  8. 这款游艇是摩纳哥著名游艇品牌沃利(Wally)与法国巴黎时装品牌爱马仕(Hermès)合作的结晶。

    The vessel is the result of a collaboration between Monaco yacht brand Wally and Parisian fashion house Herm è s.

  9. 也就是说,如果你是爱马仕(Hermes)或路易威登(LVMH),那么,在接下来的几个月,你的生意会比Burberry或Coach更兴隆。

    In other words , if you 're Hermes or LVMH , you 're going to do better in the coming months than Burberry or Coach .

  10. 据彭博资讯(Bloomberg)援引未具名消息人士的话报道,LVMH在爱马仕中的股份将为其带来约30亿欧元的资本收益。

    LVMH stands to make a capital gain of around 3 billion euros on its Herm è s holdings , Bloomberg reported , citing an unnamed source .

  11. 你能想象买4w美元的爱马仕麻将的人,那麻将会打多大的啊!

    Can you imagine how much people gamble when playing this , if they can afford a 40000 dollar Mahjong set ? !

  12. 进入中国市场相对较晚的爱马仕(Hermès)一直扩张缓慢,部分原因是产量限制。

    Herm è s , a relatively late entrant to the Chinese market , has expanded slowly , partly because of production constraints .

  13. 今年夏季艺术世界最令人眼热的饰品之一当属杉本博司(HiroshiSugimoto)为法国奢侈品品牌爱马仕(Hermes)设计的限量版丝巾。

    One of the art world 's most coveted accessories this summer is a limited-edition Hermes scarf by Hiroshi Sugimoto .

  14. 这对双胞胎姐妹在NadègeVanhee-Cybulski2014年转投爱马仕(Hermès)门下后,亲自接任了创意总监一职,随后推出了没有性别界限的时装。

    The twins , who took over creative direction after losing Nad è ge Vanhee-Cybulski to Herm è s in 2014 , offer garments that have little intimation of gender .

  15. 去年6月,爱马仕的新任首席执行官阿克塞尔·杜马(AxelDumas)称路威酩轩集团为不受欢迎的股东。

    As recently as last June , the new Herm è s chief executive , Axel Dumas , labeled LVMH an unwelcome shareholder .

  16. 杜迈于今年因重病辞世,但他四年前就已经将接力棒传给了帕特里克托马斯(patrickthomas)由一位外来者掌管公司,这在爱马仕的历史上还是首次。

    Mr Dumas died this year after an acute illness but he had passed the baton four years ago to an outsider Patrick Thomas to run the company for the first time in its history .

  17. 大多数零售业分析师认同上述看法:中国消费者越来越青睐小众顶级品牌,比如爱马仕,对印有醒目logo的大众奢侈品牌热度下降,比如爱马仕的竞争对手路威酩轩集团和古驰(Gucci)。

    Most retail analysts agree : Chinese consumers are growing keener on niche top-level brands such as Herm è s and less fond of logo-laden , mass luxury rivals such as LVMH and Gucci .

  18. 爱马仕(Hermes)和蒂凡尼(Tiffany)则是业内严守产品高贵血统这一黄金准则的楷模,它们用高利润来填补销量的不足。

    Hermes and Tiffany 's are typically seen as the gold standard in maintaining brand purity -- compensating for small sales volume with really , really high margins .

  19. 他坐在自己办公室里白色的皮毛沙发上,然成栗色的头发束近黑色的Gucci帽子里,白色的牛仔裤上束了一条爱马仕皮带。

    He sits on a white fur couch in his office , his dyed chestnut locks tucked into a black Gucci cap , his white jeans cinched with a Hermes belt .

  20. 完美的丝巾:赛尔贝德市场的“世界旅游”(LeMondeduVoyage)店有经典的爱马仕丝巾,用最柔软的丝绸制造而成,其中许多有数十年历史,价格60欧元起。

    The perfect scarf : vintage Herm è s scarves , many of them decades-old and in the softest of silks , start at 160 euros at Le Monde du Voyage in March é Serpette .

  21. 爱马仕(Hermès)的女装设计师克里斯托弗·勒梅尔(ChristopheLemaire)将辞职,“专注于”自己的服装品牌。

    The Herm è s women 's wear designer Christophe Lemaire is leaving " to dedicate myself fully " to his own line .

  22. 伯纳德o阿诺特的家族控股公司阿尔诺集团(GroupeArnault)也是LVMH的主要投资者,该集团仍将持有约8.5%的爱马仕股份。

    Groupe Arnault , the businessman 's family holding company and a major LVMH investor , will still hold around 8.5 % of Herm è s shares .

  23. 这一点最明显的表现是2010年10月,路威酩轩集团通过之前没有公布的股权互换悄悄获得了爱马仕国际公司(HermèsInternational)14%的股票,然后在接下来的几个月里把股权增长到23%。

    This was nowhere more true than when LVMH quietly acquired 14 percent of the stock of Herm è s International in October 2010 via previously undisclosed equity swaps , then increased its stake to 23 percent in the next few months .

  24. 此外,像爱马仕(Hermes)、香奈儿、路易威登和范思哲等公司大部分产品在欧洲制作,因此原料和劳务费都用欧元支付。

    In addition , brands such as Hermes , Chanel , Vuitton and Versace make most of their products in Europe , paying for their materials and labor in euros .

  25. 和桑德罗的超大款一样,菲拉格慕(SalvatoreFerragamo)、爱马仕(Hermès)和Lemaire也推出了大同小异的、帅气的帐篷状结构风衣。

    Like the oversize version from Sandro , others by Salvatore Ferragamo , Herm è s and Lemaire offer similarly beautiful , tentlike constructions .

  26. 这些听起来像是谷歌总部才会有的活动,但在这里你会看到人们穿的是爱马仕(Hermès),而不是卫衣,而这些冥想者们都在为高盛(GoldmanSachs)工作。这家可敬的投资银行已有144年的历史。

    It may sound like the Googleplex , but you 'll find Herm è s rather than hoodies here : The meditators work forGoldman Sachs ( GS , Fortune 500 ) , the venerable 144-year-old investment bank .

  27. 六月份的回程的时候,拿了一个包,是爱马仕的Birkin价值13500美元。

    While arriving back from a trip last June , she was spotted carrying an overnight bag : a Herm è s Birkin bag worth $ 13500 .

  28. 去年,法国证券监管机构金融市场管理局(AMF)对LVMH处以罚款,原因是未能恰当披露收购爱马仕股份的情况。

    Last year , the French stock market regulator , Autorit é des march é s financiers , fined LVMH for failing to properly disclose it was buying a stake in Herm è s.

  29. 今年5月份,零售网站Net-a-Porter开始提供洛杉矶设计师布赖恩・利希滕贝格(BrianLichtenberg)设计的运动衫,它们戏谑地运用了爱马仕(Hermes)和Celine等令人梦寐以求的品牌的标识。

    In May , retail website Net-a-Porter began to stock Los Angeles designer Brian Lichtenberg 's sweatshirts , which play on the logos of coveted brands including Hermes and Celine .

  30. 在中国政府倡导节俭运动之际,爱马仕(Hermès)是为数不多的继续在中国市场保持繁荣的奢侈品牌之一,它最著名的是备受追捧的铂金包(Birkin)和凯莉包(Kelly)。

    Herm è s , the luxury dynasty best known for its sought-after Birkin and Kelly handbags , is one of the few luxury brands that has prospered despite Beijing 's abstemiousness campaign .