
  • 网络fineness of pulverized coal;coal fineness
  1. 论述了磨煤机能耗与煤粉细度以及煤粉细度与NOx排放的关系。

    The relationship between energy consumption and fineness of pulverized coal , as well as between fineness of pulverized coal and NO emission has been expounded .

  2. 风扇磨煤机中煤的可磨性系数对煤粉细度和压头的影响

    Effect of Coal Grindability Indices in Fan Mills on Fineness of Pulverized Coal and Pressure Head

  3. 通过大量的试验,得出了煤种、煤粉细度、炉膛温度和过量空气系数等因素对NOx排放和煤粉燃烬率的影响趋势;

    The results of influence on NOx emission and carbon in fly ash by coal type , coal particle diameter , furnace temperature and excess air are reached through tests .

  4. 对某电厂200MW燃煤机组运行过程中的煤粉细度进行优化分析,得出煤粉细度对机组运行性能的影响规律。

    Based on one200 MW coal-fired power unit , the optimization of the pulverized coal-fired fineness has been studied .

  5. 挑选不同的煤种,研究不同煤种在不同煤粉细度下NOx的排放特性,并且分析了不同煤粉细度下燃料特性对NOx的影响。

    Choose different coal and compare their combustion character under different particle of coal , analyzing the relationship of NOx emission and each particle of coal , and the effect from fuel character , Using the smoke analysis apparatus to achieve the NOx distributing character .

  6. 试验表明,NOx生成和径向分布与炉内温度、煤粉细度、给粉量、煤种、二次风温、一二次风比值及过量空气系数等有密切关系。

    Experiments show that the amount and the distributing of NOx emanation depend intimately on the furnace temperature , the quantity of coal powder , coal category , the temperature of the secondary air , the ratio of primary air and secondary air , excess air factor etc.

  7. 在分析与煤粉细度相关的多个运行状态参量基础上,根据历史运行数据,确定煤粉细度的典型样本,然后对各状态参量应用D-S融合规则得到结果。

    On the basis of analyzing several operation-status parameters relating to pulverized coal fineness and according to historical operational data , typical samples of pulverized coal fineness have been identified . Thereafter , the results of various status parameters can be ascertained by use of D-S fusion rules .

  8. 试验表明:运行参数包括过量空气系数,煤粉细度,分级燃烧方式下一、二次风配比等对SO2和H2S气体沿炉膛浓度分布有较大的影响。

    The results showed that the concentration of SO 2 and H 2S flowing the hearth was affected by the operating parameters including the factor of excess air , the granularity of the pulverized coal and the ratio of the primarily air and the second air in the staged combustion .

  9. 煤粉细度对再燃还原烟气氮氧化物影响的实验研究

    Experiments on Dependence of NO Reduction on Pulverized-coal Finesse in Reburning

  10. 双进双出钢球磨煤机煤粉细度调整试验及分析

    Pulverized Coal Fineness Adjustment and Analysis of Double-inlet and Double-outlet Ball Mill

  11. 研究煤粉细度对煤粉燃烧后一次颗粒物特性的影响。

    Research of formation mechanism of submicron particles in pulverized coal combustion ;

  12. 实现了煤粉细度、浓度、速度和粉量的实时监测。

    Realized coal fineness , concentration , speed and real-time monitoring of powder .

  13. 煤种及煤粉细度对炉内再燃过程脱硝和燃尽特性的影响

    Study of coal rank and fineness on no_x reduction with Coal Reburning Technology

  14. 浅谈煤粉细度对锅炉运行的影响

    Influence of the Fineness of Coal Powder on the Operation of the Boilers

  15. 同样不同氧气浓度下煤粉细度对着火温度的影响很小,且基本相近。

    Coal dimension has a weak effect on ignition - temperature under different oxygen concentrate .

  16. 实验测量了不同反应时间、不同再燃燃料比和不同煤粉细度下再燃过程NO还原效率。

    Experiments were carried out in an entrained flow reactor to investigate the NO reduction rate .

  17. 谈新型煤粉细度测量技术深井长裸眼跨隔测试新工艺的应用

    Application of a New Testing Tech of Long Depth Open Hole Straddle Test in Deep Well

  18. 控制煤粉细度提高机组经济性

    Controling Coal Fineness Increasing Unit Economy

  19. 研究结果对确定再燃所需要的最佳煤粉细度具有一定参考意义。

    The results of study have certain reference significance for determining optimal coal fineness required for re-burning .

  20. 合理选择煤粉细度是降低发电综合成本重要措施

    Rational choice of PC granularity is of an important measure to decrease comprehensive cost of generating power in an electric power plant

  21. 同时,还研究了煤粉细度与炉膛出口烟温、飞灰磨损的关系,得出了一些有意义的结论。

    Meanwhile , the relations between finenesses of coal_dust , temperatures of flue gas at boiler exit and fly ash erosion are studied .

  22. 分离器作为正压直吹制粉系统中的重要部件,直接影响到制粉系统的出力和煤粉细度。

    The separator directly affects the output and coal fineness as one of the most important parts of positive pressure direct firing coal pulverizing system .

  23. 分析了制粉系统煤粉细度和煤种及运行方式对锅炉排烟温度的影响,并且提出了一些措施,供参考。

    The fineness of coal powder from the pulverizing system and the coal variety effective on the fume discharge temperature of boiler have been analysed in the paper .

  24. 通过采用合适的数学模型,进行了炉内燃烧数值模拟,分析了煤质、负荷、煤粉细度、配风方式等对燃烧的影响。

    Adopted the feat mathematic models , completed the combustion numerical simulation , it analyses the influence of coal , load , pulverized coal fineness and air distribution mode to combustion .

  25. 根据运行数据验证,该方法能够有效诊断煤粉细度,且具有较好的鲁棒性,具有工程实用价值。

    As verified by the operational data , the above method could effectively diagnose the fineness of pulverized coal and is characterized by relatively good robustness and practical value in engineering applications .

  26. 本文通过测定煤粉细度、分析孔隙结构以及热重分析等试验,得到了煤粉粒径变化后煤粉特性的变化趋势。

    The results of the change tendency of pulverized coal character with particle diameter are got from particle diameter determining test , hole structure analysis test and TG analysis test in this paper .

  27. 燃烧温度、二次风温度、煤粉细度和过量空气系数对硫析出产物形式、浓度有较大影响。

    Combustion temperature , the temperature of the secondary air , pulverized coal fineness and extra air coefficient have a clear effect on the product form of sulfur release and concentration of sulfurous pollutant .

  28. 传统的风扇磨的选型往往是根据煤的可磨度、煤粉细度和原煤水份等修正系数来确定风扇磨的性能参数。

    In selecting traditional fan mills correction factors , such as coal grindability , coal fineness and raw coal moisture content , are taken into account to determine the Performance parameters of the fan mills .

  29. 着重考察了氧浓度、煤粉细度、水分、煤粉含氮量以及一二次风比例对氮氧化物排放量的影响。

    Primarily seeing about that the influence on the NO x emission of oxygen concentration , pulverized coal fineness , moisture , pulverized coal nitrogen content and the rate of the primary and the secondary air .

  30. 经采取降低空气预热器漏风率、提高煤粉细度、注重燃烧调整等措施后,遏制了高温腐蚀的形成和发展,取得了良好的综合效益。

    The formation and development of high temperature corrosion can be effectively prevented by reducing air leakage of air preheater , increasing coal fineness and improving combustion adjustment , which has gained considerable benefits in power plant operation .