
  • 网络wet deposition;dry deposition;Wet Removal
  1. 黄海西部大气湿沉降(降水)的pH与主要酸碱离子的关系

    Relation of pH and major acid and alkaline ions in atmospheric wet deposition ( precipitation ) of Western Yellow Sea

  2. 湿沉降TN中有95.5%是TDN。

    In wet deposition , 95.5 % of TN was TDN .

  3. 对湖南省城市大气湿沉降化学及降水pH值的时空特征分布规律进行了论述和研究;

    The precipitation chemistry and the seasonal and spatial characteristics of pH value of rainwater in Hunan province are discussed .

  4. 酸性沉降物包括干沉降物和湿沉降物,日本把pH值低于5.6的降水称为酸性降水。

    Acid deposits are fallen into two categories , the dry and wet . In Japan the precipitation with pH value less than 5.6 is called acid precipitation .

  5. 总沉降中TDN在TN中的平均含量为90.1%,湿沉降是TN主要的沉降方式。

    In total deposition , 90.1 % of TN was TDN . Wet deposition was the main deposition mode .

  6. 除Pb外,Cd,Zn和Cu的湿沉降通量均大于干沉降通量,说明湿沉降在大气对兴化湾重金属的输入过程中起主导作用。

    Atmospheric wet deposition fluxes of Cd , Zn and Cu are more than dry deposition fluxes of them , so atmospheric wet deposition of heavy metals to Xinghua Bay is more important .

  7. 为此发展了一种新的多重MonteCarlo算法,以求解考虑湿沉降的通用动力学方程,并用于模拟实际环境中气溶胶的湿沉降。

    A new multi-Monte Carlo method was introduced to solve GDE for wet removal , and then was used to simulate the wet scavenging of aerosols in the real atmospheric environment .

  8. 指出形成太湖大气TN污染的主要途径是湿沉降,而大气TP污染则主要来自气溶胶等固体物质的干沉降;

    Atmospheric rainfall was recognized as a major source of TN into Taihu Lake , whereas atmospheric TP is mainly resulted from dry deposition of solid material in aerosol .

  9. 对我国总S沉降、地面层ρ(SO2)分布,以及S干、湿沉降分布特点等模拟结果进行详细分析。

    A series of analysis about the total sulfur deposition , SO_2 surface mass concentration , and dry / wet deposition distribution characters were carried out based on the simulated results .

  10. 九龙江流域大气氮沉降通量为14.9kgN/(hm2·y),其中干沉降占34%,湿沉降占66%;

    The annual deposition atmospheric N flux amounted to 14.9 kg N / hm2 , of which dry deposition and wet deposition accounts for 34 % and 66 % , respectively .

  11. 湿沉降样品含量水平为15.02ng·g-1,其TEQ为2.87pg·g-1.首钢样品的TEQ远高于其它3个样品。

    PCBs concentrations in the wet deposition sample were 15.02 ng g - 1 and 2.87 pg · g - 1 . TEQ in Shougang was higher than other 3 samples .

  12. 采用国家标准GB/T13201-91中的一整套大气污染物排放总量控制A值法,对SO2和TSP的理想环境容量进行计算,在计算TSP的环境容量时考虑了干、湿沉降及地面扬尘的影响。

    The atmospheric total emission control model A value technique which explained by the National Standard GB / T13201-91 in detail was used . Dry deposition , wet deposition and the dust from the ground had been considered when the capacity of TSP was calculating .

  13. 陕西关中湿沉降输入农田生态系统中的氮素

    Nitrogen Added to Ecosystems by Wet Deposition in Guanzhong Area in

  14. 湖南省大气湿沉降化学研究

    Study on the atmospheric chemistry of wet deposition in Hunan province

  15. 四川酸性物湿沉降模式及预测

    Model and , prediction of Acidic Wet Precipitation in Sichuan Province

  16. 湿沉降对人工染污绝缘子闪络特性的影响

    The Effect of Wet Precipitation on Characteristics of Artificial Contaminated Insulators

  17. 长沙市大气湿沉降化学及变化特征

    Atmospheric Acid Deposition Chemistry and the Variational Characteristics in Changsha City

  18. 湿沉降离子平衡参数取值范围的计算

    Calculation of value range of ion balance parameter of wet deposition

  19. 北京市近二十年(1987~2004)湿沉降特征变化趋势分析

    Trend analysis of wet deposition between 1987 ~ 2004 in Beijing City

  20. 降雨过程中气溶胶湿沉降的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of wet removal of aerosols when raindrop falling

  21. 森林对污染物湿沉降过滤作用的研究

    Study on the function of forest in filtering wet deposition of pollutants

  22. 春季太湖水域无机氮湿沉降来源初探

    Sources of Inorganic Nitrogen in Wet Deposition in Taihu Lake in Spring

  23. 上海地区氮素湿沉降及其对农业生态系统的影响

    Nitrogen in wet deposition in Shanghai area and its effects on agriculture ecosystem

  24. 重庆典型地区大气湿沉降氮的时空变化

    Variation in wet deposition of nitrogen from atmosphere in typical areas of Chongqing

  25. 奥运期间北京大气降水酸化趋势及湿沉降来源探讨

    Acid precipitation and sources of wet deposition during the 2008 Olympics in Beijing

  26. 模型考虑了干、湿沉降、垂直扩散以及放射性衰变;

    Dry deposition , vertical diffusion , washout and radioactive decay were considered .

  27. 酸性湿沉降环境下污秽绝缘子闪络特性研究

    The Study about AC Flashover Characteristic of the Acid Wet Sedimentation Defilement Insulators

  28. 酸性湿沉降对绝缘子闪络特性影响的表征量研究

    The research to token on flashover characteristics of insulator in the acid wet precipitation

  29. 青岛地区大气湿沉降的研究

    The Study on Atmospheric Wet Deposition in Qingdao

  30. 大气湿沉降向太湖水生生态系统输送氮的初步估算

    Primary Estimation of Atmospheric Wet Deposition of Nitrogen to Aquatic Ecosystem of Lake Taihu