
  • 网络The Game;gamer;Gamers;players;The Player of Games
  1. 现在,如果你不是一个游戏玩家

    Now , if you 're not a gamer ,

  2. 十年前,职业游戏玩家的想法被认为是荒谬可笑的。

    Ten years ago , the thought of a professional gamer would have been absurd .

  3. 压力对于游戏玩家来说是个大问题。

    Stress is a big problem for gamers .

  4. 前游戏玩家乔治说,你需要投入很多时间和精力。

    You need to spend much time and put all your efforts to it , says ex-gamer George

  5. 许多人认为,这项规定肯定能更好地保护中国年轻的网络游戏玩家,而另一些人则怀疑这项规定能否成功阻止他们过多地玩游戏。

    Many people think that the regulation can surely better protect Chinese young game players online , while others doubt whether it can successful stop them from playing games too much .

  6. 它的读者定位是全体PC游戏玩家。

    Its targeted readers are PC game players .

  7. 虽然美国职业篮球协会(NationalBasketballAssociation)的板凳球员每年能挣到逾50万美元,但职业游戏玩家却拿不到这么多。

    While even bench warmers in the National Basketball Association make more than $ 500,000 a year , the same is not true of professional gamers .

  8. 这样,游戏玩家就可以通过虚拟的屏幕键盘或者是插入游戏机的USB键盘随意的聊天了。

    Players will then be able to chat with their instant-messaging contacts using a virtual on-screen keyboard or a USB keyboard plugged into the game machine .

  9. Dennis“Thresh”Fong可说是电子游戏玩家中的迈克.乔丹。

    Dennis " Thresh " Fong is the Michael Jordan of electronic gamers .

  10. 而对于即将在11月上市的XboxOne(售价500美元),按照游戏玩家的观点,微软还有许多工作要做。

    Microsoft has a lot of work to do in the court of gamers ' opinions when it comes to the Xbox one , which launches in November for $ 500 .

  11. HBO也找到RiotGames公司,利用《英雄联盟》这个平台向游戏玩家们推广第四季《权力的游戏》。

    HBO reached out to Riot Games and used the League of Legends online audience to promote the launch of the fourth season of Game of Thrones .

  12. 通过将游戏玩家需求特征、网络游戏特征和网络游戏虚拟物品特征分类、量化分析,建立了基于QFD及改进BP算法的网络游戏个性化推荐系统。

    Trial version of recommendation system in lab is built based on the classification of game , gamer and virtual items by the using QFD and BP neural network .

  13. 此后一个月,partygaming的竞争对手empireonline改变了游戏玩家登陆网站的方式后,市值损失三分之一。

    The following month PartyGaming rival Empire online lost a third of its value after changes were made to the way players access the site .

  14. 但是,当一个虚拟对手出现,游戏玩家得到惩罚对手的机会时,P300反应最弱的玩家给予了对手最严厉的惩罚。

    When the game players were given the opportunity to punish a pretend opponent those with the greatest reduction in P300 meted out the severest punishments .

  15. 自2001年发布首款Xbox设备以来,微软(Microsoft,《财富》500强(Fortune500))一直在为争夺游戏玩家而与索尼(Sony)和任天堂(Nintendo)展开激烈竞争。

    Microsoft ( MSFT , Fortune 500 ) has been battling against Sony ( SNE ) and Nintendo ( ntdof ) for gamers ' attention since the original Xbox launched in 2001 .

  16. 最近,在加利福尼亚洛杉矶的电子娱乐展(简称E3)上,游戏玩家和游戏开发商们展示并测试了他们的产品。

    Gamers and game developers recently showed and tested their products at the Electronic Entertainment Exhibition in Los Angeles , California . The event is called E3 for short .

  17. 游戏玩家们也值得拥有一份自己的榜单,尤其是一年前我们迎来了XboxOne与PS4两款游戏机,一大批画面精美的互动式游戏也陆续登陆这两大平台。

    Gamers deserve a list of their own , especially with the release of Xbox One and PS4 one year ago . In the time since , both systems have unleashed a torrent of interactive games with beautiful graphics .

  18. 园中大约有30处“宝可站”,3处“健身房”,游戏玩家可以与其他玩家的精灵宝可梦作战,日本放送协会(NHK)报道说。

    There are around 30 Pokestops in the park , and three " gyms , " where gamers can battle other players ' Pokemon , reports Japanese broadcaster NHK .

  19. 在论坛上,中国的游戏玩家也表示,在史克威尔艾尼克斯公司颇受欢迎的角色扮演游戏《最终幻想XV》的全球发布会上,他们会获得该游戏。

    At the conference , Chinese gamers were also told that they would have access to Square Enix 's popular role-playing video game Final Fantasy XV upon its global release .

  20. 天美艺游通过微信(中国最知名的移动社交应用平台,月活跃用户人数逾4亿人)和移动QQ(月活跃用户人数逾8.48亿人)向中国的游戏玩家们交叉推广新游戏。

    Timi Studio uses WeChat , China 's leading mobile social communications platform with over 400 million active monthly users , and QQ Mobile , which has over 848 million monthly active users , to cross-promote new games with Chinese gamers .

  21. 布朗大学副教授YukaSasaki和研究生AaronBerard共同开展的这项研究,他们挑选了9位游戏玩家与9位很少玩或不玩游戏的人进行对比研究。

    The study conducted by Brown University Associate Professor Yuka Sasaki and graduate student Aaron Berard , pitted nine avid gamers against a control group of nine individuals who had rarely if ever , played video games .

  22. 你们对游戏玩家有什么建议吗?

    Do you have any suggestions for the gaming community ?

  23. 游戏玩家常常非常在意他们购买的芯片组型号。

    And gamers are often particular about which chip sets they buy .

  24. 游戏玩家们投诉无法使用自己的账户。

    Gamers complained that they could not use their accounts .

  25. 我觉得那样比较适合游戏玩家你哦。

    Dante : I think that look suits you better .

  26. 届时,我们就会有15亿之众的游戏玩家

    It will bring us up to 1.5 billion gamers .

  27. 同时这也是一个很多游戏玩家的难题

    And this is a problem that a lot of gamers have .

  28. 为此,腾讯需要投入更多资金打广告来吸引游戏玩家。

    And this translates into higher spend on advertising to capture gamers .

  29. 游戏玩家正期待出现更多这样的游戏。

    Players are looking forward to the game like this .

  30. 那不是游戏玩家的人怎么办呢?

    What about the people that aren 't gamers ?