
  • 网络game addiction;gaming addiction;Video game addiction;cyber-game addiction
  1. 网络游戏成瘾已经成为一个备受关注的社会问题。

    Online game addiction has become a social problem of concern .

  2. 产生网络游戏成瘾的原因是多方位的。

    These reasons of the online game addiction disorder are various .

  3. 结论1.正常对照组和网络游戏成瘾组均激活了默认网络(DefaultModeNetwork,DMN)相关脑功能区。

    Results of this fMRI study had shown activated brain areas relevant to the default mode network ( DMN ) both in control and addiction groups . 2 .

  4. Logistic多因素分层分析显示,学习成绩相对较好(包括中等)是保护因素,男性、上网时间≥4h/d、电子游戏成瘾、赌博和抑郁情绪等是危险因素。

    Multivariate logistic analysis indicated that good scholarship was the protecting factor , and male , using internet more than 4 hours a day , addictive behaviors of video game and gambling , and depression were the risk factors to IAD .

  5. 暴力网络游戏成瘾与青少年攻击性的相关研究

    Violent Online Games Addictive Disorder and Adolescent 's Aggressive Related Research

  6. 大学生电脑游戏成瘾及其影响因素初探

    Computer Game Addiction of the Undergraduates and Its Influential Factors

  7. 网络游戏成瘾倾向者的内隐态度及其干预研究

    Research on the Implicit Attitude of Online Game Addicts and Its Intervention

  8. 青少年网络游戏成瘾问题分析

    The Analysis of Online Game Addiction Disorder in Teenagers

  9. 应当采取措施对付网络游戏成瘾。

    Something must be done against net game addiction .

  10. 网络游戏成瘾大学生自我价值感和攻击行为的关系

    The Relationships between Self-worth and Aggressive Behavior in Undergraduate of Internet Game Addiction

  11. 电脑游戏成瘾的标准中存在核心标准和周边标准。

    The standard of game addiction has the core criteria and peripheral criteria .

  12. 网络游戏成瘾量表;界定指标;事件相关电位;神经管理学;

    Online game addiction scale ; Diagnostic score ; event-related potential ; Neuromanagement ;

  13. 大学生电脑游戏成瘾问卷的编制

    Development of Computer Game Addiction Scale for College Students

  14. 主要的研究目的是:编制大学生电脑游戏成瘾问卷;

    The first isto draw up a computer game addiction questionnaire for university students .

  15. 如果你喜欢猜谜游戏成瘾,需要技巧和逻辑来完成。

    If you like addictive puzzle games that need skill and logic to complete .

  16. 本文提出一种新的预防青少年网络游戏成瘾问题的思路。

    This paper presents a new idea to the problem of internet addiction disorder .

  17. 电脑游戏成瘾与网络关系成瘾倾向相关因素比较

    Correlated Factors Comparison : The Trends of Computer Game Addiction and Internet Relationship Addiction

  18. 治理网络游戏成瘾是青少年成长发展辅导的系统工程

    Coping with Internet Addiction as a Systematic Project for Guiding the Growth of Youth

  19. 网络游戏成瘾与行为重复、沉浸体验、玩家的孤独感线性相关。

    Online game addictions had linear correlation with activity repetition , flow experience and loneliness .

  20. 目的编制大学生电脑游戏成瘾问卷。

    Objective : To develop Computer Game Addiction Scale for college students ( CGAS-C ) .

  21. 网络游戏成瘾的动机及抑制性因素作用的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Impact of Motivation and Prevention Factors on Online Game Addiction

  22. 免受不良协会和坏习惯喜欢吸烟,饮酒或游戏成瘾。

    Insulated from bad associations and bad habits like smoking , drinking or game addiction .

  23. 浅析大学生网络游戏成瘾的原因与防治对策

    Analyzing the Causes of Undergraduates ' Addiction to Internet Games and Some Countermeasures for It

  24. 网络游戏成瘾现象研究

    Study on the Online Game Addiction Disorder

  25. 传播学使用与满足理论对网络游戏成瘾原因的探究

    A Study on Causes of the Network Game Addiction with the Theory of Use and Gratification

  26. 对于青少年网络游戏成瘾的原因本文在研究中认为是多方面的。

    The reasons of the teenagers ' addiction on online games are several in this paper .

  27. 初中生生活事件与电子游戏成瘾的相关研究

    Research on the Correlation between Life Events and Video Game Addiction in Junior Middle School Students

  28. 中学生自尊与网络游戏成瘾的关系:学校满意度的中介作用

    Middle School Students ' Self-esteem and Internet Game Addiction : The Mediating Role of School Life Satisfaction

  29. 避免游戏成瘾的最好方法,就是全家一起玩,他说。

    The best way to avoid addiction is for families to play games together , he said .

  30. 方法通过对546名大学生调查数据的探索性因素分析和242名大学生数据的验证性因素分析,检验大学生电脑游戏成瘾问卷的信度和效度。

    Methods : The reliability and validity of CGAS-C was tested through exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis .