
  • 网络Il trovatore;minstrels;Troubadour
  1. 我发现了正在徘徊的衰老游唱诗人。

    I find him , the wandering grey bard .

  2. 有一个得克萨斯人对一个阿肯色人吹嘘自己的牧人们把即席作词演唱歌者称为“阿肯”,意即游唱诗人。

    A Texan was boasting to an Arkansan about his ranch . a person who can make up extemporaneous songs while playing the dongbula is called an aken , which means a wandering minstrel .

  3. 人们把即席作词演唱歌者称为“阿肯”,意即游唱诗人。“弹《我的肯塔基老家》吧,”他仿佛随随便便提议说,思嘉也高兴得立刻弹唱起来。

    A person who can make up extemporaneous songs while playing the dongbula is called an aken , which means a wandering minstrel . " Play ' My Old Kentucky Home , ' " he suggested smoothly , and Scarlett gratefully plunged into it .