
  • 网络Vadose Water
  1. 本文提出了一种确定出、入水库工程规模,水库蒸发、渗流水损失的方法。

    The paper presents the method that makes sure the reservoir engineering scale and flowing water loses .

  2. 他们还在渗流水中发现了这种细菌&儿童可能在街边的渗流水中玩耍。

    They also found it in seepage water – the water that children might play in on streets .

  3. 他们还在一些渗流水中发现了这种细菌,孩子们可能在街上的这种渗流水中玩耍。

    They also found it in seepage water - the water that children might play in on streets .

  4. 天山北麓平原区包气带水分运移机理与数值分析近期表层渗流水作用下的去白云化作用

    Study on Water Movement Mechanism in Vadose Zone and Its Numerical Analysis in the Plain Area of North Part of TianShan Mountain

  5. 经特殊设计的渗流剪切盒可以保证节理在进行剪切渗流试验中,一定压力的渗流水会沿指定路径流过节理面,且不发生渗漏。

    The sealing shear box is designed especially to meet the purpose that seepage water of high-pressure flows along appointed path of joint face during the test while no leakage will happen .

  6. 研究渗流水作用下冻结壁形成是冻结法凿井的一个重点和难题,也是冻结工程迫切需要解决的问题。

    The study on a frozen wall forming affected by seepage water is not only an important and difficult problem , but also an urgent one to be solved in the Artifical Ground Freezing engineering .

  7. 实验结果表明:当孔壁渗流水不大时,树脂锚固剂在搅拌过程中,通过摩擦挤压作用,能够堵住某些裂隙出水点,但是一些分散到树脂胶泥中的水滴,会影响锚杆的锚固力;

    The results show that the resin medicine-one can stem some crannies through the rub and extrusion in the mill process when the seeping water is less , but some drips maybe detract in the resin medicine-one , which would influence resin anchor-hold ;

  8. 洞穴滴水主要来源于大气降水的入渗,是岩溶洞穴内的低能量的渗流水,它受控于水-土-岩的相互作用。

    An understanding of temporal and spatial variability of cave drip water geochemistry is thus important in studying the stalagmite records for interpreting the paleoclimatic change .