
  • 网络SQY
  1. 温清饮加味治疗寻常性银屑病76例,总有效率90.8%。

    In 76 case , the rate of cure is 90.8 % .

  2. 明代茶艺的变革以及文人清饮之风的盛行是一值得重视的现象。

    The tea artistry 's revolution and the fashion of scholar 's light drinking is a phenomenon that need to pay attention .

  3. 目的探讨肾清饮对糖尿病大鼠肾脏的保护作用及可能的机制。

    Objective To investigate the possible protective effect of Shenqingyin Decoction on the kidney of experimental diabetic rats and its possible mechanism .

  4. 分别采用地克珠利和百球清饮水剂对3株来源和特性不同的柔嫩艾美耳球虫株进行了交叉耐药性检验。

    The cross-drug-resistance of three kinds of different source and characteristic strains in Eimeria tenella were tested by means of Diclazuril solution and Toltrazuril solution respectively .

  5. 结论肾清饮对糖尿病大鼠肾脏有保护作用,与贝那普利联用有协同作用。

    Conclusion Shenqingyin Decoction has a protective effect on the kidney of experimental diabetic rats , and it has some synergetic effect when combined with Benopril .

  6. 明代文人在饮茶方面所作的诸多追求,充分扩展了“清饮”的审美内涵,并集中体现了茶道精神,进一步丰富了茶文化意义。

    The numerous pursuits of the scholars in Ming Dynasty extend the aesthetic intension and reflect the spirit of teaism , enrich the meaning of tea culture .

  7. 结论:清毒饮、养正片确能下调Bcl-2表达,而对P53作用不够明显。

    Conclusion : QY and YP can lower the expression of Bcl - 2 but not act on P53 .

  8. 清毒饮对K562细胞周期的影响,还表现出明显的时间依赖性;

    The effects of Qing-Du decoction cell cycle of K562 cells were expressed on time-dependent manner .

  9. 清胆饮结合体外冲击波碎石治疗胆囊结石疗效观察

    Effect of treatment of gallstones with Qing Dan Yin and ESWL

  10. 清君饮戒毒效应的实验研究

    Experimental Study on the Effect of Herbal Preparation Qing Jun Yin on Abstinence

  11. 目的:从治疗作用评价、滑膜细胞超微结构观察的角度,探讨寒、热方剂清络饮、温络饮对胶原性关节炎大鼠的治疗作用、作用机理及作用异同。

    Objective : To explore the differences and mechanisms of two opposite approaches with heat or cold property chinese herbal formula in collagen induced arthritis ( CIA ) rats .

  12. 结论清胆饮结合体外冲击波碎石治疗胆囊结石碎石清除时间短,清除率高,复发率低。

    Conclusion For the patients with gallstones , treatment with the Qing Dan Yin and ESWL has less gallstones clean time and higher clean rate and lower recurrence rate compared with routine ESWL .

  13. 结论:清瘟败毒饮在治疗蛇伤致DIC中有明显缩短疗程,提高疗效的作用。

    Conclusion : QBD shows obvious effects of shortening therapeutic course and enhancing efficacy in treating snake bite induced DIC .

  14. 清瘟败毒饮治疗蛇伤致弥漫性血管内凝血临床观察

    Clinical Observation on Treatment of Snake Bite Induced Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation by Qinwen Baidu Decoction

  15. 清火养胃饮防治烧伤应激性溃疡出血的临床观察

    Efficacy of " Qing Huo Yang Wei Yin " for Preventing and Curing Hemorrhage of Burn Stress Ulcer

  16. 治疗组采用中药清瘟败毒饮加减,激素、抗病毒、抗细菌、对症及支持疗法等联合用药,对照组未给予中药治疗,其余处理与治疗组相同。

    They were treated with conventional therapy , including corticosteroid , anti-viral , anti-bacterial , symptomatic and supporting therapy , to the treated group , the modified Qingwen Baidu Decoction ( MQBD ) was administered additionally .

  17. 清脂安脉饮拆方对高脂血症大鼠血脂及脂蛋白调节作用的研究

    The Fat-clock Drinking on the Demolition Side of Hyperlipidemia and Lipid Regulating Role of Lipoprotein