
  1. 剖宫产后妊娠子宫特征及人工流产并发症的发生率

    Character of Pregnant Uterus and Incidence of Complications of Artificial Abortion in Post - cesarean

  2. 目的:应用介入性超声技术,减少困难人工流产的并发症。

    Objective To reduce the complications in induced abortions by intervening ultrasonic B.

  3. 接触组女工妊娠剧吐、贫血、高血压综合征、先兆流产等并发症的发生率以及孕龄、孕期产前检查次数和孕期服药等与对照组比较均无明显差异;

    There were no significant differences between two groups in pregnant complications , gestational age , medicines using and the numbers of examination during pregnancy .

  4. 人工流产术几种并发症的原因诊断及预防处理

    Cause diagnosis and prevention of several complications in artificial abortion

  5. 太原地区妊娠期感染TORCH的母婴传播及围产儿结局人工流产与产时并发症的相关性研究

    Maternal ? fetal transmission and perinatal complications during the pregnant women TORCH infection . A Study on the Relationship of the Artificial Labor and the Perinatal Complications

  6. 人工流产与产时并发症的相关性研究

    A Study on the Relationship of the Artificial Labor and the Perinatal Complications

  7. 目的:研究人工流产与产时并发症的相关性。

    Objective : To study the relationship of artificial labor and perinatal complication .

  8. 肥胖可以导致排卵异常、降低体外受精等生育治疗措施的成功率、使流产及其他怀孕并发症的发生机会增加。

    Obesity causes problems with ovulation , reduces the success of fertility treatments including IVF , increases the chances for miscarriage and other pregnancy complications .

  9. 结论方法简便、安全,能有效减轻孕妇人工流产时的痛苦,预防人工流产并发症的发生。

    Conclusion Use the drugs before induced abortion is a simple and safe to release the pain and prevent the complications .

  10. 目的为了减轻人工流产时孕妇的痛苦,预防人工流产并发症的发生。

    Objective To investigate the function of using to release the pain and prevent the complications of induced abortion .

  11. 人工流产不增加继发不孕的风险,人工流产发生并发症有可能影响后续妊娠。

    Induced abortion is not related to secondary infertility , but it may have some influence to subsequent pregnancy if complication happened .

  12. 结论:药物流产不全或失败者,5h内行主动清宫术,能够解除药物流产后阴道出血过多、过长的原因,减少药物流产并发症;

    Conclusion : If the pregnant women with incomplete or unsuccessful abortion are operated on with active curettage within 5 hours , the causes of excessive vaginal bleeding for long period can be dissolved , and the complications of drug abortion can be decreased ;