
  • 网络Boaz
  1. 波阿斯说:“我们承担电脑使用的费用,这样一来房主们就可以获得免费供暖。”

    " We pay for the computer using , so , in that way , homeowners get heating for free , " Boaz says .

  2. 而波阿斯与路得,便是大卫王的曾祖父母。

    Boaz and Ruth were the great-grandparents of king David .

  3. 波阿斯对路淂表现出那些恩典?

    What kinds of grace did Boas show to Ruth ?

  4. 路得和波阿斯的人格都无可指责。

    The honourable characters of both Ruth and Boaz were above reproach .

  5. 波阿斯这个名字的意思是“快速,力量”。

    Boaz in Hebrew means : fleetness , strength .

  6. 但是如果没有这个事件,就不会有波阿斯的出生。

    But if there is no such event , Boaz will not be born .

  7. 当拿俄米从路得口中得知波阿斯如何善待她们,心中感到异常的感动和兴奋。

    Naomi was tremendously excited when she heard what Boaz had said and done .

  8. 波阿斯、路得、拿俄米的故事告诉我们,这些都不是标准。

    Boaz , Ruth and Naomi stories tells us that these are not the standards .

  9. 波阿斯已经渐渐的非常喜欢鲁思了,想要娶她。

    Boaz had grown to like Ruth very much , and wanted to marry her .

  10. 当路得和波阿斯诞下俄备得后,伯利恒城充满极大的喜乐!

    What great rejoicing there was in Bethlehem when Obed was born to Ruth and Boaz !

  11. 尽管鲁思对请求波阿斯照顾自己和内奥米感到害羞,但她还是同意了。

    Although Ruth felt shy about asking Boaz to look after herself and Naomi , she agreed .

  12. 波阿斯正从伯利恒来,对收割的人说:“愿耶和华与你们同在。”

    Just then Boaz arrived from Bethlehem and greeted the harvesters ," The LORD be with you !"

  13. “她照顾内奥米,就像照顾自己的妈妈一样,”工人告诉波阿斯。

    ' She looks after Naomi as if Naomi were her own mother , 'the worker told Boaz .

  14. 那亲人对波阿斯说,你自己买罢;于是将鞋脱下来了。

    So when the kinsman said to boaz , buy it for yourself , he drew off his sandal .

  15. 拿俄米知道波阿斯是他们的亲戚,却不知道还有另一个人与她们有更亲的关系。

    Naomi knew Boaz was a relative but did not know there was another man even closer in relationship .

  16. 波阿斯又从本城的长老中拣选了十人,对他们说:“请你们坐在这里。”他们就都坐下。

    Boaz took ten of the elders of the town and said ," Sit here ," and they did so .

  17. 5波阿斯对监管收割之人的仆人说,那是谁家的女子?

    And Boaz said to his young man who was set over the reapers , whose young woman is that ?

  18. 就像她为拿俄米拾取麦穗,她现在想最为波阿斯的妻子服侍他。

    Just as she had worked for Naomi gleaning the wheat she now wanted to minister to Boaz as his wife .

  19. 所以第二个亲人代赎者波阿斯现在可以自由和路得结婚并代赎她丈夫的产业。

    So Boaz the next kinsman redeemer is free to redeem now and that included marrying Ruth and redeeming her husbands property .

  20. 她恰巧到了以利米勒本族的人,波阿斯那块田里。

    As it turned out , she found herself working in a field belonging to Boaz , who was from the clan of Elimelech .

  21. 波阿斯很高兴鲁思来向他寻求帮助,并让她带着麦子回家做为给内奥米的礼物。

    Boaz was pleased that Ruth had come to him for help , and sent her home with a gift of barley for Naomi .

  22. 得2:1拿俄米的丈夫以利米勒的亲族中、一个人名叫波阿斯、个大财主。

    Now Naomi had a kinsman of her husband , a man of great wealth , of the family of Elimelech , whose name was Boaz .

  23. 我们先来看波阿斯,从最后一段的家谱中知道,他的先祖是法勒斯。

    Let 's start with Boaz , from the last paragraph of the book of Ruth , there is a family line that shows Boaz forefather is Perez .

  24. 你与波阿斯的使女常在一处,波阿斯不是我们的亲族吗?他今夜在场上簸大麦;

    Is not boaz , with whose servant girls you have been , a kinsman of ours ? Tonight he will be winnowing barley on the threshing floor .

  25. 但是利米勒家族中的另一个成员住在伯利恒,波阿斯知道必须首先给这个男人娶鲁思的机会。

    But there was another member of Elimelech 's family living in Bethlehem , and Boaz knew that he must first give this man the opportunity of marrying Ruth .

  26. 蕴含在波阿斯个人生命中的,是一个令人惊讶的事实,上帝将灾难与罪一起编织在他的家族历史中,由此制造出一个波阿斯。

    Implied in the Boaz personal life , is an astonishing fact that God have weaved disaster and crime together in his family history , thereby creating a Boaz .

  27. 于是,波阿斯娶了路得为妻,与她同房。耶和华使她怀孕,她就生了一个儿子。

    So Boaz took ruth , and she became his wife ; and he went in unto her , and Jehovah made her conceive ; and she bore a son .

  28. 正午时,当鲁思正在田间一个角落里忙碌的时候,一位叫波阿斯的农场主来查看收割工作进行得如何。

    At midday , while Ruth was busy in a corner of the field , the farmer , who was called Boaz , came to see how the harvest was going .

  29. 得2:23于是路得与波阿斯的使女、在一处拾取麦穗、到收完了大麦和小麦.得仍与婆婆同住。

    So she stayed close by the maids of Boaz in order to glean until the end of the barley harvest and the wheat harvest . And she lived with her mother-in-law .

  30. 路得就告诉婆婆说,我今日在一个名叫波阿斯的人那里做工。

    Then Ruth told her mother-in-law about the one at whose place she had been working . " The name of the man I worked with today is Boaz ," she said .