
  • 网络Prime minister;Prime Minister of France
  1. 他辞去法国总理职务并非出于自愿。

    He did not quit as France 's prime minister of his own accord .

  2. 法国总理曼努埃尔•瓦尔斯(ManuelValls)在法国国民议会(NationalAssembly)发言称,目前还不能排除任何假设。

    Speaking at the French National Assembly , Manuel Valls , the prime minister , said that no hypothesis could be ruled out .

  3. 首相接待了法国总理雅克·希拉克。

    The Prime Minister played host to French Premier Jacques Chirac .

  4. 法国总理曼努埃尔•瓦尔斯(ManuelValls)承认道:“法国不得不与恐怖主义生活在一起。”不过一年半时间,这个国家就发生了翻天覆地的变化。

    As prime minister Manuel Valls admitted : " France must live with terrorism . " In just 18 months , the country has fundamentally changed .

  5. 在接受《星期日报》(LeJournalduDimanche)的采访时,法国总理曼努埃尔•瓦尔斯(ManuelValls)称:“调查将还原事实,但是我们现在知道这名杀手被激进化的过程极快。

    In an interview with newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche , Manuel Valls , French prime minister , said : " The investigation will establish the facts , but we know now that the killer was radicalised very quickly .

  6. 萨科奇此前有意在布鲁塞尔一次欧盟(eu)峰会上保持低调,让法国总理弗朗索瓦菲永(francoisfillon)在昨日晚间的电视采访中对此次罢工做出回应。

    Mr Sarkozy had intended to keep a low profile at an European Union summit in Brussels , and leave it to Franois Fillon , the prime minister , to respond to the strike in a television interview yesterday evening .

  7. 上述审计机构计划对2011年edf与中广核拟议的核技术共享协议展开调查,该协议当时遭到法国总理的否决,因为它将法国反应堆制造商阿海珐(areva)排除在外。

    The audit body is planning to examine a proposed 2011 deal between EDF and CGNPC to share nuclear expertise , which was blocked by the French prime minister because it excluded Areva , the French reactor maker .

  8. 法国总理的汽车来了。

    Here comes the premier of france 's car .

  9. 1950年的今天,雷内·普列文成为法国总理。

    1950-Ren é Pleven becomes Prime Minister of France .

  10. 法国总理多米尼柯?德?维勒平说法国文学失去了她的一位最伟大的作家。

    Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said French literature had lost one of its greatest authors .

  11. 从2002年到2005年任法国总理之后,让·皮埃尔·拉法兰与中国一直保持着良好的关系。

    Jean-Pierre Raffarin has maintained close ties with China following his tenure as French Prime Minister from 2002 to 2005 .

  12. 法国总理爱德华·菲利普表示,法国在减缓病毒传播方面取得了足够的进展。

    Prime Minister Edouard Philippe says the country has made enough progress in slowing down the spread of the virus .

  13. 他指出,周四,法国总理的厨房就是正常化的一部分,包括经济关系。

    The French prime minister 's visit , Thursday , he notes , is part of that , including economic ties ....

  14. 法国总理表示,法国准备按计划从下周一开始解除疫情封锁措施。

    The French Prime Minister says his country is ready to start lifting its coronavirus lockdown from next Monday as planned .

  15. 法国总理弗朗索瓦•菲永告诉议会,希腊必须快点决定是否想留在欧元区。

    French Prime Minister Francois Fillon told parliament Greece must decide quickly , whether it wants to remain in the euro zone or not .

  16. 法国总理已经重申他的愿望看到欧盟撤销对中国的武器禁运,一个“时代错误”的烙印。

    The French prime minister has reiterated his desire to see the EU arms embargo on China lifted , branding it " an anachronism " .

  17. 法国总理让·马克·艾罗公开了法国情报机关就此事件的九页调查报告,这份报告由军方和外国情报机构拟订。

    Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault made public the French Secret Services " nine-page report into the incident drawn up by military and foreign intelligence services .

  18. 在贾拉普尔建设核设施的协议是去年12月法国总理萨科齐访问印度时,印度与一家法国公司签订的。

    The deal to build the nuclear park in Jaitapur was inked with a French company during French President Nicholas Sarkozy 's visit to India in December .

  19. 但是,如今幽着法国总理多米尼克-德维尔潘倡导“经济爱国主义”想,可以说,柯尔贝尔土重来了。

    But now Colbert is back with a vengeance , as Dominique de Villepin , the prime minister , promotes his notion of " economic patriotism " .

  20. 法国总理菲永刚对中国进行了成功的访问,双方就进一步推进中法全面战略伙伴关系达成广泛共识。

    French Prime Minister Fillon has just paid a successful visit to China , during which the two sides reached broad consensus on further advancing China-France comprehensive strategic partnership .

  21. 来自柏林的报道称,德国总理默克尔与法国总理萨科齐均称,作为欧盟的单一货币,欧元高于一切,一定要优先考虑欧元。

    Speaking in Berlin , German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy said the stability of Europe 's single currency , the euro , is their top priority .

  22. 法国总理菲永在迪拜发表讲话谴责暗杀哈马斯领导人的行径。他要求找出本次事件的真相。

    The French Prime Minister has condemned the assassination of the Hamas commander in Dubai . Fran ç ois Fillon is calling for the truth about the killing to be established .

  23. 本月初在下议院的一次演讲中,法国总理曼纽尔·瓦尔斯赞扬该提案是“一次改革,可以维护患者权利,让患者不受痛苦,得以安详、有尊严地面对死亡”。

    Earlier this month in a speech at France 's lower house of Parliament , Prime minister Manuel Valls praised ' a reform that proclaims the right to die peacefully , in dignity and without suffering ' 。

  24. 本月初在下议院的一次演讲中,法国总理曼纽尔·瓦尔斯赞扬该提案是一次改革,可以维护患者权利,让患者不受痛苦,得以安详、有尊严地面对死亡。

    Earlier this month in a speech at France 's lower house of Parliament , Prime minister Manuel Valls praised ' a reform that proclaims the right to die peacefully , in dignity and without suffering ' .

  25. 法国总理近日宣布,包括英国脱欧后的英国学生在内的所有来自非欧盟地区的留学生,其大学学费将最多飙升至目前学费的16倍。

    University fees for students outside of the EU , which would include Brits after Brexit , are set to shoot up by as much as 16 times the current cost , the French prime minister has announced .

  26. 法国总理爱德华·菲利普称,目前一个“富裕外国留学生支付的学费和一个贫穷法国学生支付的学费一样多,而后者的父母已在法国居住、工作并纳税多年”。

    French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said that at the moment a " wealthy foreign student pays the same tuition fees as a poor French student whose parents have lived , worked and paid taxes in France for years . "

  27. 民调显示,在第二轮决胜投票中,相对于萨科齐,法国前总理阿兰•朱佩(AlainJuppé)是一个更好的选择。

    Opinion polls indicate that Alain Jupp é would be a better bet in a second round run-off than Mr Sarkozy .

  28. 法国前总理:中国需要新的工业革命。

    Ex-French PM : China needs new Industrial Revolution .

  29. 中右翼的法国前总理德维尔潘(注4)抨击道:“法国将面临外交地位的萎缩”。

    Dominique de Villepin , a centre-right former prime minister , claims that France will " find itself shrunk on the diplomatic scene " .

  30. 布莱尔在大会的开幕式致词上说,另一位法国前总理洛朗法比尤斯的出席使他敢于在此展示他拙劣的法语。

    Blair said in his speech to open the conference that he had been inspired to speak of his linguistic shortcomings by the presence here of another former French Prime minister , Laurent fabius .