
  1. 论国有企业法人产权共享制

    On the System of Corporation Sharing Property of the State-owned Enterprises

  2. 第六章对非营利组织法人产权制度的选择作了初步阐述。

    Chapter Six illustrates the options of corporation property rights institution in NPOs .

  3. 企业法人产权制度是现代企业制度的基础和核心。

    Corporation property rights system is the base and core of modern enterprise systems .

  4. 第一章对非营利组织的制度优势、弱势与产权特性及其产权行为效应进行分析,是我们探索非营利组织法人产权制度的前提。

    Chapter One analyzes the institutional characters of NPOs , their intrinsic property rights features and effects of behaviors .

  5. 理论界对法人产权的理解存在很大的分歧。本章通过对法人产权产生历史过程的描述、对股权和法人财产权性质的比较分析,得出法人产权不具有所有权性质的结论。

    It describes the historical process of the property-rights of corporation , compares and analysis the nature of stock rights and the property-rights of corporation .

  6. 提出所有权共享失灵对企业价值最大化原则的质疑,产权博弈契约对企业性质的一个见解,以及法人产权制度是现代企业制度最大漏洞;

    Fourth , proposes three points of view , failure of ownership sharing arrangement , contract of property right game and limitation of corporation property right .

  7. 本文开创性地提出了非营利组织法人产权制度这一概念,以有别于公司法人产权制度,但两者之间又存在着内在的联系。

    It initiates the concept of Corporation Property Rights Institution of NPO to differentiate it from property rights institution of enterprises , yet aware of the innate relations between the two .

  8. 因此,与以劳动合作为基础的法人产权联合制度相对应,一种新型的法人治理与农民合作自治相结合的治理机制,在非正式制度作用强大的农民专业合作经济组织中有很强的适应性。

    So , corresponding with the joint legal entity property right system based on labor cooperation , the legal entity governance mixed with farmer cooperative self-governance system can be very suitable .

  9. 第三章和第四章探讨了非营利组织的内外部治理结构及其优势激励机制,是非营利组织法人产权有效行使的内在要求。

    Chapter Three and Four explores the internal and external governance structure of NPOs and its incentive and constraint mechanism which harbors the calls for the effective use of corporation property rights .

  10. 确立法人产权共享制的关键是认识法人产权主体,法人产权主体根据收益分享权界定。

    The key to establishing the system of the corporation sharing property is to identify the main body of the corporation property , which is defined in terms of the profit sharing right .

  11. 国有企业改革迄今仍难以取得突破,其症结即在于已出台的一系列改革方案是以法人产权完全不需要自然人产权作基础而可独立运营来作其理论基础的。

    The core of the problem was that a series of reforms were based on the theoretical basis that the property rights of legal person would operate independently without that of natural person .

  12. 在此情况下,笔者希望能对非营利组织的法人产权制度作一初步性和前瞻性的探讨,为后续研究提供一个基础平台。

    That said , the author wishes to start an initial discussion on the corporation property rights institution of NPO , which , hopefully , can be of help for the researches that are to follow .

  13. 以建立现代企业制度作为完善我国监事会制度的出发点,实现法人产权的明晰化及在此基础上的企业法人交易市场,从而从根本上实施对企业法人产权结构的调整。

    Establishing modern enterprise rules to perfect our supervisor board system , and actualizing the clarity of property right of company and the trade market of enterprise company , radically adjusting the property structure of enterprise company .

  14. 公司治理结构命题的提出,根本原因在于现代公司法人产权的形成,在于现代公司法人产权制度是一种典型的关于资产权利的委托代理制。

    The proposal of corporate governance derives from the formation of the property right of the legal person in modern company , and the system of the property right of the legal person is typically the system of principal and agent about assets right .

  15. 法人财产权与信托财产权的比较研究

    Comparative research on juridical person property right and trust estate right

  16. 公司法人财产权与股权的比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Corporate Property Right and Stockholder-ship

  17. 法人财产权与国有企业改革

    Discussion on Corporation Property Right State-Owned Enterprise Reform

  18. 公司法人财产权与股东的股份权利既相互独立又相互制衡。

    Juridical person 's property rights and stockholders'share rights are mutually independent and conditioned .

  19. 公司法人财产权是现代公司制度中的一个核心问题。它伴随着公司法人制度的诞生而诞生,并相伴相随。

    The property right of corporation aggregate is a key to the modern corporation system .

  20. 论法人财产权与股权的性质、内容及相互关系

    On the Nature , Content and Relation Between the Corporation Property Right and Share Right

  21. 确立企业法人财产权是建立现代企业制度的关键

    The key to build the socialist modernized enterprise is to establish corporation property right of enterprise

  22. 法人财产权在公司法人治理结构中发挥着核心的地位与作用。

    The property rights of corporation play an active role in the administrative structure of corporation .

  23. 公司的法人财产权是一种综合性的财产权,所有权是其中最重要、最主要的部分;

    The corporate property right is a synthesized one , with ownership the most important and fundamental part ;

  24. 企业法人财产权是现代公司制度中的一个核心问题。

    Property right of the corporation artificial person ( PRCAP ) is the key to the modern corporation system .

  25. 企业法人财产权研究&从经营权、法人财产权到法人所有权的必然走向

    Studies on Property Right of Corporation ── The Inevitable Trend from Managerial Authority to Corporation Property Right . and to Corporation Ownership

  26. 进而又结合我国国有企业改革中的现实问题提出了落实法人财产权是国企建立有效公司治理的关键这样的命题。

    Proposition that the implementation of property rights of corporation is critical to effective management is raised with reforming problems in of state-owned enterprises .

  27. 财产权、产权与所有权的比较是界定公司法人财产权性质的基础。

    The foundation of defining the nature property right of corporation aggregate is to compare the conceptions as property right , title and ownership .

  28. 我国《公司法》首次使用企业法人财产权对公司产权关系作了明确规定。

    The corporation law of our country firstly used the property rights of corporation that regulated the relation of the property rights in the corporation .

  29. 最后,文章又从国有企业改制以及立法保障等方面,就如何发挥法人财产权在我国公司治理中的核心作用提出了一些具体的原则和措施。

    Concerning the system reform and legislative guarantee , concrete measures are advanced on the vital role of property rights in the management of corporation .

  30. 公司法人财产权包括物权、债权、知识产权、有价证券等权利,公司法人所有权只是其中一项,而公司产权即是指公司法人财产权。

    The property right of corporation aggregate includes right of thing ( or jus ad rem ), credit rights , intellectual property rights , and securities etc.