
  • 【电力】water separator
  1. 汽水分离装置的性能将直接决定蒸汽品质的好坏。

    Separator device performance would directly determine the quality of steam .

  2. 立式蒸汽发生器汽水分离装置的试验研究

    The testing of a steam-water separating device used for vertical steam generators

  3. 苏联压水堆卧式蒸汽发生器的汽水分离装置

    Steam Separators in PWR Horizontal Steam Generators in USSR

  4. 只有合理的汽水分离装置才能满足蒸汽发生器出口饱和蒸汽湿度的要求。

    Only reasonable separator device could satisfy saturated steam wetness in the export of steam generator .

  5. 阐述了这些上部构件相对大亚湾的设计特点,着重介绍了汽水分离装置、淤泥收集器、给水分配装置的结构特点。

    Structure characteristics of separator , dryer , sludge collector and feed - water distribution ring are described particularly .

  6. 汽水分离装置作为蒸汽发生器的关键部件,其性能影响了蒸汽发生器的整体性能。

    As a crucial component of steam generator , the performance of separator device plays a very important role in steam generator performance .

  7. 着重介绍了在高温高压水试验台上进行的立式蒸汽发生器汽水分离装置的热态考核试验。

    The article puts emphasis on the qualification test of the steam-water separating device at hot conditions in a high temperature and pressure water test rig .

  8. 压水堆蒸汽发生器水滴重力分离空间是汽水分离装置的重要组成部分,是连接汽水分离器和蒸汽干燥器的纽带。

    Gravity separation space of water droplets in the PWR steam generator is one of three important separating mechanisms and provides a link between primary ( vane ) separator and chevron dryer .