
hàn zànɡ yǔ xì
  • Sino-Tibetan language/family
汉藏语系 [hàn zàng yǔ xì]
  • [Sino-Tibetan family] 包括藏语和汉语有时还包括泰语的一个语系

  1. 闽语是汉藏语系汉语族中一种比较复杂的方言,内部各次方言既有一致性,也存在差异。

    There is not only commonness but also difference within the secondary Min dialect .

  2. 权威研究指出,泰语和汉语同属汉藏语系,其共同点之一是两种语言的原始词汇大部分是单音节。

    One of the common features is that their original words are mostly of monosyllable .

  3. 汉泰两种语言同属汉藏语系,因此在很多方面都有共同点。

    Thai and Chinese belong to the same group of languages , which has many common points .

  4. 语言学的一般理论主要是在研究、分析印欧语系语言的基础上建立起来的,没有很好地概括到汉藏语系尤其是汉语的研究成果和材料,和汉语语言学研究难免是会有所脱节的。

    The general theory of linguistics is founded mainly on the basis of research and analysis of the Indo european languages .

  5. 量词是汉藏语系语言所特有的,它的特殊性历年来吸引了一些研究汉语语法的学者,但是相对于其它词类的被关注程度而言,量词研究确实略显冷寂。

    Its particularities attract many scholars of Chinese grammar over the years . But comparing with other parts of speech , it seems infrequent .