
hàn cháo
  • Han dynasty
  1. 滇国的国王问汉朝的使者:“汉朝和滇国,哪一个大?”

    The King of Dian asked the emissary from the Han Dynasty : " The Han Dynasty and the State of Dian , which is bigger ? "

  2. 一次,汉朝派遣使者出使滇国(今云南)和夜郎国(今贵州)。

    Once , the Han Dynasty dispatched1 an emissary to the State of Dian ( now Yunnan Province ) and the State of Yelang ( now Guizhou Province ) .

  3. 夜郎国的国王也这样问汉朝的使者:“汉朝和夜郎国,哪一个人?”

    The King of Yelang also asked the emissary in the same way : " The Han Dynasty and the State of Yelang , which is bigger ? "

  4. 这个不太可能的二人组在最新的预告片里,站在阿德里安布罗迪的一旁,他们在一场架空的罗马VS中国汉朝的历史战争中一决雌雄。

    The unlikely duo are seen alongside Adrien Brody in a newly released trailer where they fight it out in a not-so-historically-accurate battle between Rome and China 's Han Dynasty .

  5. “没想到汉朝天下,竟在一个女子手中啊?quot;

    Who could believe , thought Wang that the destiny of the Han Dynasty lies in this girl 's hand .

  6. 近代朝鲜文献中的汉朝对音转写问题

    Problems on Transcription of the Chinese-Korean Transcription in Modern Korean Documents

  7. 汉朝时生产出了漆陶。

    In the Han dynasty , the lacquer-coated pottery was produced .

  8. 汉朝时期,人们制造了一种形如勺子的指南针。

    During the Han Dynasty , people made a spoon-like compass .

  9. 汉朝以后,又出现中华一词。

    The term Zhong Hua appeared only after the Han Dynasty .

  10. 浅析15世纪汉朝佛经翻译

    An Analysis of Chinese-Korean Buddhist Scripture Translation in the 15th Century

  11. 汉朝是第二个统一中国的朝代。

    The Han Dynasty ruled over the second unified Chinese empire .

  12. 此后,汉朝打了一系列对匈奴的胜仗。

    Since then a series of victories against Xiongnu had been won .

  13. 汉朝颜色词群造词类型对比

    Comparison between Types of Colour-Words Creation in Chinese and Korean

  14. 汉朝时,有一个叫汲黯的人。

    In Han Dynasty , there was a person who named Ji'An .

  15. 中国的张衡在汉朝时发明了地动仪。

    China 's Zhang Heng invented the seismograph during the Han Dynasty .

  16. 自然也就不知道汉朝的广大了。

    Naturally , they didn 't know how vast the Han Dynasty was .

  17. 这位汉朝的普众文化建立了基石。

    This laid the foundation for what became the common culture of Han .

  18. 我说的汉是汉人的汉,不是汉朝的汉啊,不要搞混了哦!

    I say Han people , not Han period , never make confusion !

  19. 几个壮汉朝我扑过来,知道吧?

    There are several of these big buggers coming towards me , right ?

  20. 扬州丝绸有悠久的历史,夏代就出产织贝,到汉朝已经达到了很高水平。

    Yangzhou boasts a long history in silks .

  21. 八条禁法不太可能是从古代中国输入的舶来品,它很可能是汉朝人根据自己的法律现实和法律观念附会韩国上古社会的固有习惯法而作的一种歪曲记录。

    It is not likely that " eight prohibition law " came from China .

  22. 纸是在汉朝发明的。

    Paper was invented in the Han dynasty .

  23. 地下的汉朝之石头上的史诗

    Han Dynasty Underground : Epic on Stones

  24. 从公元前60年西域正式归于汉朝版图。

    Western Region has been attributed to the territory of China 's Han Dynasty since B.

  25. 。他自称汉文帝,即“有学问的汉朝皇帝”。

    He earned the name Han Wendi , " The Learned Emperor of Han . "

  26. 皮影戏发源于汉朝,唐以后流传民间。

    Originated from Han dynasty , Shadow-play becomes popular among ordinary people in Tang dynasty .

  27. 哈萨克族的族源不是汉朝的乌孙。

    The ethnic origin of the Kazak is not the Wusun of the Han Dynasty .

  28. 汉朝的时候,在乾城住着一个名叫董永的人。

    In the Han Dynasty in Qiancheng lived a man by the name of Dong Yong .

  29. 当时的汉朝“无不流通之货,无购不得之物”。

    Every goods are in circulating , and nothing can not be purchased at that time .

  30. 汉朝初期农业生产的恢复发展与政府行为

    Recovery and Development of Agricultural Production and Government Action at the Beginning of Western Han Dynasty