
  • 网络qi diabetes
  1. 他的气消了。

    He has cooled down .

  2. 他现在正在气头上,等他气消了再说吧。

    He 's very angry now , wait till he comes round .

  3. 我不同你计较,等你气消了再说。

    I won 't argue with you now . let 's talk it over when you 've calmed down .

  4. 介绍了新型合成尿素用CO2原料气消氢催化剂的设计思路,研制出一种高活性强抗硫节能消氢催化剂。

    An idea for designing new catalyst for hydrogen elimination from CO_2 feed gas in urea synthesis was suggested . The excellent catalyst with a high activity for H_2-O_2 and CO-O_2 reaction , good resistance to sulfur poisoning and good performance for energy saving was designed and prepared .

  5. 泡沫排水采气消泡效果监测系统方案设计

    Project Design of Monitoring System of Defoaming Effect for Foaming Drainage Gas Recovery

  6. 辛普森先生气消了,他一家人也安定下来了。

    Mr. Sympson was appeased and his family tranquillized .

  7. 高妈的气消了点。

    Gao Ma had cooled down a bit .

  8. 一段时间后,气消云散,转瞬间,去得无踪无影。

    After a time , the clouds will disperse and quickly vanish from sight .

  9. 枳实为常用中药,具有破气消积,化痰散痞的功效。

    It has the function of dispelling qi and eliminating the accumulation , reducing phlegm and dispersing the ruffian .

  10. 或许她只是一时赌气出走,等她气消了自然会回来的。

    Maybe she just went away in a fit of pique , when she is not angry , she will be back .

  11. 一段时间后,气消云散,转瞬间,去得无踪无影。顷刻间他已看到一艘快艇的幻影。

    After a time , the clouds will disperse and quickly vanish from sight . and for the instant he caught a vision of a steam yacht .

  12. 更何况,乱摔东西是个坏习惯,等气消了以后,你可能会为自己摔坏手机或砸破墙壁感到懊悔。

    Also , breaking objects is a bad habit . You 'll regret throwing and damaging your phone , or punching a hole in the wall once the anger wears off .

  13. 他们道了歉,那位旅客的气也消了。

    The angry passenger was appeased by their apology .

  14. 他勃然大怒,但听了解释后不久气就消了。

    He was very angry but soon came around after listening to the explanation .

  15. 双台阶气隙消色差磁偏转系统

    A two step gap achromatic deflecting system

  16. 你对他们的火光,他们一脸茫然的样子&保证让你心变软,气儿消。

    That confuse look , they get on their face when you are mad at them & guaranteed to make your heart melt and the anger fade away .

  17. 科林到的时候,她气还没有消。

    She was still in a temper when Colin arrived

  18. 我动气了,但她一笑,又将我的气儿给消了。

    I felt angry , but her smile disarmed me .

  19. 她现在气还没消肯定不想看到我。

    But she 's too mad at me to see me right now .

  20. 我爸爸的气较昨天消了一些。

    My father is less angry than yesterday .

  21. 通过对不同比尺试验中测量的孔管入口处的空气容积流量、透射系数等试验结果进行分析和外推,给出了气幕式消波系统模型试验的近似相似关系。

    Through the extrapolation of testing results with different scales , the empirical model law of air bubbles breakwater is given .

  22. 他开头也曾因为一时冲动,亲自去找女儿,如今他已经气平怒消,自然又变得象往常一样懒散。

    When the first transports of rage which had produced his activity in seeking her were over , he naturally returned to all his former indolence .

  23. 在物理模型试验方面,基于重力相似准则关系,设计了一套气幕防波堤消波性能试验研究方案。

    In the physical model experiments , a set of air bubbles breakwater wave elimination performance test research plan are designed based on similarity criterion of gravity .

  24. 针对原消泡系统存在的问题,采用气、水雾消泡技术,对消泡系统进行了改造。

    According to the problems existing in the old anti-foam system of the cleaning section , the old system is revamped by using the air and spray anti-foam technology .

  25. 不要理他,他的气很快就会消的。

    Leave him alone and he 'll soon come round .

  26. 掺气分流墩设施消能效果的试验研究

    Experimental Research on the Energy Dissipation Efficiency of Aeration Baffles

  27. 掺气分流墩射流消力塘的研究

    Study on a combination of aerated diversion pier and jet flow stilling pond

  28. 调气隙式自动消弧装置测量原理研究

    Study on measuring principle of adjusting gapped - core type automatic arc suppression device

  29. 他的气很快就会消。

    His anger will soon spend itself .

  30. 掺气分流墩与消力池联合应用消能机理分析与试验验证

    Analysis of mechanism of jointed energy dissipation of stilling basin and aerated baffle and its validation by experiment