
  • 网络Folk Crafts;folk arts and crafts
  1. 妇女是民间手工艺传承的主要承载者,她们制作的民间工艺品巧夺天工。

    Women are the main folk arts and crafts tradition bearers , they are produced by nature 's intricate folk crafts .

  2. 传统民间手工艺现代生产组织形式研究

    Study on Modern Production Organization of Traditional Folk Handicraft

  3. 大理白族扎染,一种古朴的民间手工艺。

    Dali bai tie-dye , a simple folk crafts .

  4. 蒙古族民间手工艺是重要的非物质文化遗产之一。

    The Mongolian folk handicraft is one of important non - material cultural heritages .

  5. 蒙古族民间手工艺的发展体现了蒙古人与自然环境的斗争与和谐。

    The development of Mongolian folk handicraft manifested Mongolian 's struggleration and harmony with the natural environment .

  6. 在经济全球化浪潮下,西南少数民族地区民间手工艺面临着衰退和变异的趋势。

    In the tide of economic globalization , the folk handicrafts in southwestern minority nationality regions are facing the trend of decline and variation .

  7. 试论民间手工艺文化遗产的传承方式&以鄂、湘、黔三省的9个考察点为例

    An Approach to the Inheriting Mode of the Folk Handicraft Culture Heritage & Take nine survey spots in Hubei , Hunan and Guizhou Province as example

  8. 省妇联主席刘丽鸽在讲话中指出,陕西历史文化悠久,发展民间手工艺有得天独厚的优势。

    Provincial Women 's Federation Chairman Liu dove in his speech pointed out that the long-standing history and culture of Shaanxi Province to develop traditional handicraft has a unique advantage .

  9. 蒙古人把对自我生存、发展的祈福寄予信仰之中,衍生出蒙古族民间手工艺的门类、造型、纹饰等。

    The Mongolian placing the prays of self-survival and the development on the belief , Grows the type , the model , the decoration of the Mongolian folk handicraft and so on .

  10. 本文以非物质文化遗产保护的方法和途径为研究对象,探讨通过新媒体影像艺术来保护民间手工艺艺术。

    This paper of the protection of intangible cultural heritage method and the way as the research object , this paper discusses the new media art image through to protect folk arts and craft art .

  11. 随着经济、文化的全球化和经济、社会高速的发展,导致很多民间手工艺呈现出一种自生自灭的危机,民族的传动手工艺文化遗产受到了前所未有的冲击。

    With the globalization of world economy and culture , and rapid development of the society , many traditional ethnological handicrafts have been shocked that they never met before are under the crisis of running its own course .

  12. 摘要:民间手工艺是劳动者主要以手工劳动对各种原材料进行加工或处理,最终使之成为具有独特艺术风格的制品的方法,民间布艺是其中重要的组成部分。

    Abstract : An arts and crafts worker to manual labor on a variety of raw materials for processing or treatment , and ultimately making it unique artistic style products , civil fabric is an important part of .

  13. 本文通过介绍西南少数民族地区民间手工艺的文化和经济价值,针对目前民间手工艺发展中面临的形势,提出了一些传承西南少数民族地区民间手工艺的措施。

    Through introducing the cultural and economic values of folk handicrafts in southwestern minority nationality regions , and in the view of situations that folk handcrafts are facing , this paper is supposed to provide some measures to inherit the folk handicrafts in southwestern minority nationality regions .

  14. 近20年来中国民族民间传统手工艺研究述评

    A Study on the Traditional Chinese Folk Handicrafts over the Past 20 Years

  15. 随着保护的深入,我们越来越认识到,活态流变性是民间剪纸手工艺的基本特征,只有在实际的生产过程中,才能真正地保护和延续这种传统技艺。

    With the protection of in-depth , and we realized more and more live folk paper-cut state rheological properties of the basic characteristics of craft . Only in the actual production process , can we protect and continue this traditional art .

  16. 在主街上活跃着一大批民间艺术家、民间手工艺者,向人们展示着他们的民间绝技绝活。

    In the main street there are many folk artists and craftsmen who show their folk skills and stunt .