
mín shì fǎ lǜ shì shí
  • Civil legal facts;civil fact of law
  1. 因此,对当前这一民事法律事实进行讨论具有十分重要的现实意义。

    As a result , discussion over this civil law actuality assumes considerable importance .

  2. 再论民事法律事实

    On the Juristic Fact in Civil Law

  3. 但是,在现有的法律框架中,这些主体对置身其中的民事法律行为或事实都没有权利主动干预,出于现实的迫切需要,民事公益诉讼主体范围有待扩张。

    However , within the current legal framework , the subjects involved in the civil juristic acts or facts have no rights of active intervention . This reality makes emergent the need to extend the subject scope in public interest litigation .

  4. 第四章为本文的核心章节,在这一章中,笔者从民事诉讼法律关系成立要件、民事诉讼法律关系主体、民事诉讼法律关系客体、民事诉讼法律关系事实五个部分进行论述。

    The fourth chapter is the core chapter of this article . In this chapter , the civil litigation law relationship established condition and civil litigation law relations subject , object , the content and the facts of civil procedure will be discussed .