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  • civil court;civil tribunal;civil division
  1. 汪炳华指出,按照《跨境阴霾污染法令》(TransboundaryHazePollutionAct)的规定,与印尼非法垦荒活动有牵连的新加坡上市公司,可以因为给企业和个人造成经济损失而被告上民事法庭。

    Mr. Ang noted that under the Transboundary Haze Pollution Act , Singapore-listed companies involved in illegal land clearance in Indonesia can be sued in civil court for causing financial losses to businesses and individuals .

  2. 什么是民事法庭?

    What is a Civil Court ?

  3. 他将在下个月底就任民事法庭庭长一职。

    He will take up his post as the head of the civil courts at the end of next month .

  4. 几个月之后,他的司法部长埃里克•霍尔德(EricHolder)宣布穆罕默德将在纽约民事法庭接受审判。

    Several months later , his Attorney General Eric Holder announced that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would be tried in a civilian court in New York .

  5. 参议员乔·利伯曼(JoeLieberman)表示,陪审团的决定将导致今后不会有更多关塔纳摩囚犯在民事法庭接受审判。利伯曼是独立人士,他领导参议院国土安全和政府事务委员会。

    Senator Joe Lieberman says the jury 's decision makes it Senator Lieberman , an Independent , heads the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee .

  6. 我打算到民事法庭去起诉。

    I intend to bring an action in the civil courts .

  7. 该案将于秋季前在苏黎世的民事法庭开庭审理。

    The case could reach the Zurich civil courts by the autumn .

  8. 那是民事法庭的事了。

    That 's a matter for the family courts .

  9. 故意剽窃者要被带去民事法庭接受审判,并且被要求向原作者支付损失赔偿金。

    Professional writers who plagiarize can be taken to civil court and ordered to pay damages .

  10. 这样的事情不要发生在联邦民事法庭,”法学教授珍妮弗·达斯卡尔解释道。

    Those kinds of things just don 't happen in federal civilian court , " explained law professor Jennifer Daskal .

  11. 另外私人也在纽约民事法庭接受了审判,在2001年被判处终身监禁。

    The other four were also tried in civilian court in New York and received life sentences in two thousand one .

  12. 他们或许会因行为失端在民事法庭遭到轻微惩罚,最坏的情况也不过是处以罚款或吊销职业资格。

    They might suffer a slap on the wrist at a civil Misconduct Tribunal ; at worst , a fine or a professional disqualification .

  13. 据白宫发言人的说法,帕迪拉案中,民事法庭的审判公平,裁决公正。

    In MR padilla 's case the civilian court provided a fair trial and a just verdict , according to a white house spokesman .

  14. 盖拉尼是坦桑尼亚人,他是第一名在民事法庭而不是军事法庭接受审判的关塔纳摩嫌疑犯。

    The Tanzanian was the first terrorism suspect held at Guantanamo ever to face trial in a civilian court instead of a military court .

  15. 他是古巴关塔纳摩湾美国军事监狱第一个在美国民事法庭接受审判的嫌疑犯。

    He is the first suspect held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay , Cuba to be tried in an American civilian court .

  16. 在放弃继续上诉民事法庭后,主教练德尚方面已经用开赛后五战四胜的佳绩迅速填补罚分。

    After ruling out an appeal through the civil courts , Didier Deschamps'side have made quick inroads into the penalty by winning four of their first five games .

  17. 如果他们对最终结果不满意,也会向民事法庭提起诉讼,但是这一选择引起的反响将是巨大的。

    They may well take up the issue in the civil courts should the decision not go their way , but the repercussions of that choice could be monumental .

  18. 竟然有如此多的家长考虑给孩子改名,有的甚至不惜向民事法庭提交文件以达到这一目的。

    A surprising number of parents have considered changing their children 's names and some have even filed the paperwork and made the trek to civil court to do so .

  19. 同时,计划第一次在美国民事法庭审判关塔那摩监狱的囚犯&一名在1998年制造美国驻非洲大使馆爆炸事故的嫌疑犯。

    Meanwhile , plans were made to bring to trial for the first time in a civilian court in the United States a detainee from Guant á namo Bay , a suspect in the1998 bombings of American embassies in Africa .

  20. 被陪审团判定不犯有任何刑事罪的被告,可以在另一个“民事”法庭再次受审,而且这个法庭可以做出自己的判决。

    Defendants judged innocent of any crime by a jury can be brought before another " civil " court that can make its own judgment .

  21. 对我国民事诉讼法庭前准备程序作深入的探讨,从理论上厘清庭前准备程序的价值,进一步完善庭前准备程序,实现司法的公正和效率。

    This paper makes a discussion on civil court procedures , clarifies the value of court procedure , and perfects the court procedure in theory for realizing the efficiency and justice of judicatory .

  22. 此后奥巴马被说服,相信有些嫌犯因过于危险而不能开释,但又因缺乏普通民事或军事法庭所接受的证据而无法被起诉。

    Mr Obama has since been persuaded that some detainees are too dangerous to be released but cannot be prosecuted , for lack of evidence admissible in an ordinary civilian or military court .

  23. 对民事上的藐视法庭罪在当事人遵循法院命令后即结束。

    The sanctions for civil contempt end upon compliance with order .

  24. 中美民事诉讼中的法庭口译问题

    Viewing Court Interpreting in Civil Trial Proceedings in China and the United States

  25. 去年夏天,他裁定泰山石膏公司犯有刑事和民事类的藐视法庭行为,并禁止这家企业及其母公司在美国开展业务。

    Last summer , he found Taishan in civil and criminal contempt of court , and barred the company , and its parent corporations , from doing business in the United States .

  26. 郡法院主要是民事法院。治安法庭也审理某些有限类型的民事案件。高等法院就是高级民事法院。

    County Court are primarily civil law courts . The magistrates ' court also deal with certain limited classes of civil cases . The high Court of Justice the superior civil law court .

  27. 英国政府从1833年开始立法酝酿,为在广州地区建立具有刑事、海事及民事管辖权力的法庭进行准备,驻华商务监督义律积极推动这一进程。

    From 1833 , the British government started the legislative process of setting up in Guangzhou a court of law with jurisdiction over criminal , maritime and civil cases . Charles Elliot , Superintendent of British trade in China , was active in promoting this process .