
zhí mín zhě
  • colonist;settler;colonizer;planter
  1. 印地安人经常袭击殖民者的定居点。

    The indians often attacked the settlements of the colonist .

  2. 在17世纪,殖民者在这里用茅草盖屋,就像他们在英国做的一样。

    In the seventeenth century , the colonist here thatched their roofs with reeds and straw , just as they did in england .

  3. 他们的土地看上去日后没什么用途,所以殖民者最终把大部分都归还给了他们。

    Their land looked so unpromising that the colonists eventually gave most of it back .

  4. 殖民者惨绝人寰地屠杀了成千的土著居民。

    The colonists massacred thousands of natives with brutal and callous force .

  5. 抗议者计划在美国所有50个州举行多项活动。该计划的灵感来自于1773年波士顿茶叶党(TeaParty)起义反对英国殖民者征税。波士顿倾茶事件引发了美国革命。

    Multiple events are planned in all 50 states , inspired by the 1773 Boston Tea Party rebellion against British colonial taxes , which helped spark the American Revolution .

  6. AaronJoelSantosforTheWallStreetJournalMoniqbyM品牌服装为了在他们所称的印度支那感觉像自家一样,法国殖民者从欧洲舶来了从家具到珠宝的所有东西。

    Intent on feeling at home in Indochina , as they called it , French colonists imported everything from furniture to jewelry from Europe .

  7. 有些作品赤裸裸地赞美殖民者,比如菲律宾艺术家胡安·卢纳(JuanLuna)于1884年创作的《西班牙与菲律宾》(SpainandthePhilippines),他曾在欧洲展出自己的作品。

    Some are unabashedly pro-colonialist , like " Spain and the Philippines " ( 1884 ) by Juan Luna , a Filipino artist who exhibited his work in Europe .

  8. 以弗所在古代安纳托利亚(Anatolia)是一座爱奥尼亚(Ionian)希腊城市,在公元前10世纪由雅典殖民者建立。

    Ephesus was an Ionian Greek city in ancient Anatolia , founded by colonists from Athens in the10th century BC .

  9. 中国水电(Sinohydro)董事会秘书王志平表示:我们看上去像殖民者吗?

    Do we look like colonists ?

  10. 但是他们的孩子看到荷兰殖民者的孩子收到来自一个名叫“圣尼古拉斯”(St.Nicholas)的礼物。他们认为送礼人的名字是“圣特克劳斯”(SinterKlass),再将名字英译就是“圣克劳斯”。

    But their children saw the children of Dutch settlers receiving gifts from someone called ' St. Nicholas . " They thought the gift-giver 's name was " Sinter Klass " and anglicized it further to " Santa Claus . "

  11. 英国殖民者在1607年抵达詹姆斯敦的时候,带来了一群鸡。鸡帮助处境艰难的殖民地度过了最初几个凛冽的寒冬。13年后的五月花号(Mayflower)上也带了鸡。

    English settlers arriving at Jamestown in 1607 brought a flock of chickens that helped the struggling colony survive its first harsh winters , and the bird was on the Mayflower 13 years later .

  12. 沙哑着嗓子,戴面罩,手执武器,殖民者的宣誓[57]。

    Hoarse , masked and armed , the planters ' covenant .

  13. 在后殖民研究中,属下用来强调被殖民者。

    Postcolonial study adopts " subaltern " to emphasize the colonized .

  14. 19世纪,殖民者从欧洲大量涌入美洲。

    Settlers flooded from Europe to America in the 19th century .

  15. 这是西班牙殖民者在美洲最后的扩张行动。

    This is Spaniard colonial in America final expansionism action .

  16. 外来殖民者将圣诞老人带到美国。

    Immigrants settlers brought Father Christmas to the United States .

  17. 然而,殖民者和英国之间的争议是不重要的。

    However , the dispute between the colonists and England was peripheral .

  18. 澳门问题的出现和形成是西方殖民者侵略的结果。

    The Macao issue arose from the aggression by the Western colonists .

  19. 捕鱼业是殖民者财富的主要来源。

    The fishing industry was a primary source of colonists ' wealth .

  20. 许多世纪以来,当地的美国人和欧洲的殖民者进行贸易。

    For centuries , Native Americans traded with European settlers .

  21. 1626年,西班牙殖民者入侵台湾北部。

    Two years later Spanish colonialists seized the northern part of taiwan .

  22. 第三章剖析了鲁滨逊的殖民者的形象,鲁滨逊具有一个早期殖民者所必须的特征,他是一个真正的殖民者。

    Robinson Crusoe has all the characteristics of a colonist .

  23. 欧洲的殖民者移居到了美洲的许多地方。

    Colonists from Europe populated many parts of the Americas .

  24. 在1843年,它因殖民者在此地发现铜而得名。

    It got its name because settlers discovered copper there in 1843 .

  25. 美洲土著人和欧洲殖民者之间发生了很多激烈的战争。

    There were many fierce wars between Native Americans and European settlers .

  26. 他们必须同殖民者战斗直到胜利属于他们。

    They must combat the colonists until victory was theirs .

  27. 随着信奉基督的殖民者到来,泰诺人全都沦为了奴隶。

    The Taino Indians were reduced to slaves by the Christian settlers .

  28. 这些英国的殖民者赞同于基督教的世界观。

    The English colonists adhered to the Christian worldview .

  29. 1887年,法国殖民者建立了印度支那联邦。

    French colonialists established the Federation of Indochina in1887 .

  30. 其他英国殖民者陆续到达了现在的新英格兰。

    Other English settlers began arriving in the area now called New England .