
  • 网络Positive bending moment;sagging moment;Mmax
  1. 正弯矩区组合扁梁承载性能分析

    Loading capacity of composite slim beam in the sagging moment region

  2. 钢-混凝土组合梁正弯矩区截面的组合抗剪性能

    Composite shear behavior of steel-concrete composite beams under sagging moment

  3. 承受正弯矩作用的钢-混凝土组合桥面板受力性能试验

    Experiment of Mechanical Behavior of Steel and Concrete Composite Deck Slab Under Positive Bending Moment

  4. 预应力框架的梁端支座截面,底部钢筋配置较少,负弯矩塑性转动能力较弱,正弯矩承载能力较小。

    The quantity of reinforcement of prestressed frames is small at the bottom part of beam-end .

  5. 在轨座上,正弯矩疲劳度测试,一个枕木对应两百万载荷的转换量。

    On the rail chair , positive bending moment fatigue , 2 millions load conversions on one sleeper .

  6. 因此,明确正弯矩区组合扁梁的受力性能是进行结构分析的基础。

    Clearly understanding the capacity of composite slim beam in the sagging moment region is the basis of structural analysis .

  7. 增大支撑刚度,可以减小墙身位移,引起连续墙正弯矩减小,负弯矩增大。

    Increasing brace stiffness will reduce the wall displacement and result in plus bending moment reducing , negative bending moment improving .

  8. 在规范中,对于正弯矩区的有效宽度与负弯矩区的有效宽度取值相同。

    In the code , the effective width values of the positive moment region and negative moment region are the same .

  9. 在轨座上,正弯矩静态试验,每一枕木对应一个轨枕,共5个枕木。

    On the rail chair , positive bending moment static test , one rail bearing for each sleeper , on5 sleepers .

  10. 分析结果表明开挖结束后坑底出现了比较小的回弹,开挖后坑外土体的水平侧向应力有所减小,连续墙的最大水平侧移发生在最大正弯矩的位置。

    Results turn out that , heave of pit base is small . The lateral earth pressure is reduced after the excavation .

  11. 为研究钢混凝土组合梁正弯矩区的复合抗剪能力,对16根密实截面钢混凝土组合梁的组合抗剪性能进行了试验研究。

    Experiments were conducted on 16 steel-concrete composite beams ( SCCB ) with compact steel sections to investigate their shear resistance behavior .

  12. 通过对盾构隧道管片接头进行精细的三维有限元分析,得到接头的极限荷载及极限荷载下的应力、裂缝分布。研究发现,正弯矩作用下的接头强度取决于接头的局部强度;

    Through the elaborate 3D FEM analysis , the ultimate loading of segment joints , the relevant stress and cracks distribution are obtained .

  13. 对1片处于正弯矩区域的组合桥面板进行试验,结果表明,这种形式桥面板在使用荷载作用下结构变形小,具有较大的刚度;

    In this paper , the experiment is made for a piece of the composite deck slab of the Bridge in the positive bending moment zone .

  14. 结果表明:接头抗弯刚度的变化主要影响边墙最大正弯矩、顶板最大负弯矩和顶板最大正弯矩;

    The calculation results show that the joint 's rigidity can affect the max positive moment of side-wall , the max negative moment and max positive moment of top-board ;

  15. 当荷载等级大大提高后,由于拱顶截面下缘承受拉应力,拱顶区域承受最大正弯矩,所以病害尤为严重。

    When the load level is greatly increased , the lower edge of the vault section resist tensile stress and the vault area subjected to the maximum positive moment .

  16. 对于连续组合楼板,可采用连续跨中正弯矩区的长度与简支楼板跨度等效的原则进行剪跨计算。

    In continuous composite slabs , the shear span is determined based on the assumption that the sagging region length of a continuous composite slab equalizes to the full span of a simply support slab .

  17. 进行了一个纯钢节点、两个组合节点的低周反复荷载试验。采用柱顶水平加载模式,连接的一侧承受负弯矩,而另一侧承受正弯矩。

    One bare steel joint and two cruciform composite joint specimens were tested under low cyclic loading at the top of columns so that one side of the beam-to-column connections was under negative moment and the other side under positive moment .

  18. 板在中间板带跨中截面处的最大正弯矩要小于弹性理论所求得的理想支承的单跨板的最大正弯矩,应该对其调整,并以调整后的弯矩值作为设计的依据。

    Under this condition , the positive middle span moment at midway strip is less than the moment obtained from the plastic theory , so the moment should be adjusted and the slab should be designed according to the adjusted moment .

  19. 受弯极限承载力的简化计算模型能够较好地预测弹塑性极限承载力,简化模型计算结果比按塑性极限理论计算结果在正弯矩区要低10%左右,在负弯矩区要高10%左右。

    The ultimate flexural capacity under positive moment according to the simplified formula is less about 10 % than the result of ultimate plastic theory , but the ultimate flexural capacity under hogging moment is greater about 10 % than that from the ultimate plastic theory .

  20. 最后探讨了局部张拉预应力筋位置对超静定梁内支座,跨中综合弯矩的影响,给出了使内支座截面产生的综合弯矩为正弯矩时的预应力筋优化布置方案。

    Finally , the influence of position of local tension of prestressed tendons on the inner support of statically indeterminate beam and mid-span composite moment are discussed , and an optimizing layout method of prestressed tendons is supplied also , which makes composite moment of inner-support cross-section plus .

  21. 应用有限条法,对圆端形桥墩正截面弯矩-曲率(Mφ)关系曲线进行计算。

    The normal cross section M φ curve of the round ended piers of reinforced concrete bridge was determined by finite element method .

  22. 再生混凝土对钢筋再生混凝土梁的正截面开裂弯矩无显著的影响。

    Recycled concrete has no significant impact on cross-section crack bending moment .

  23. 混凝土受弯构件正截面抗裂弯矩计算

    Calculation of cracking moment in flexural concrete members

  24. 根据平截面假定、材料应力应变关系和静力平衡条件导出混凝土受弯构件正截面抗裂弯矩计算公式。

    Based on the Bernoulli 's principle , stress-strain relationship of materials and the conditions of equilibrium , the formulae calculating cracking moments are derived .

  25. 通过12根钢筋钢纤维高强混凝土梁的试验,分析钢纤维对钢筋高强混凝土梁正截面抗裂弯矩的影响。

    Based upon the tests on 12 steel fiber reinforced high-strength concrete beams with reinforcements , the effect of steel fiber on the normal cross sectional crack-resistant moment of steel fiber reinforced high-strength concrete beams is analysed .

  26. 论文还按照钢骨混凝土梁的计算方法求解楼板单位宽度的正截面极限弯矩,在此基础上应用钢筋混凝土板的塑性铰线理论求解这种新型楼板的极限荷载。

    By adopting the calculation method of SRC ( steel reinforced concrete ) beams , the bending moment of per unit width floor can be worked out . The paper , hereby , discusses how to obtain the ultimate load by applying the yield line theory .