
  • 网络Goliath;GLORIA
  1. 马尔科姆?格拉德韦尔的《大卫与歌利亚》(DavidandGoliath)。

    David and Goliath by Malcolm Gladwell .

  2. “大卫打败了歌利亚”(DaviddefeatsGoliath,《圣经》典故,以弱胜强的典型&译注)这个众所周知的故事看来在高科技产业里又重演了。

    The proverbial story of " David defeats Goliath " played out in the high tech industry .

  3. 谁说巨人歌利亚(Goliath)不会害怕?

    Who says Goliath does not get scared ?

  4. 他有一次提到,甚至家族的姓氏都有个奇幻的来源,并证明说吉盖克斯(Gygaxes)家族就是歌利亚(Goliath)(注释1)的后裔。

    Even the family name , he once said , had fantastic origins , proving that the Gygaxes were descended from Goliath .

  5. 但在实践中,大多数“大卫-歌利亚”(David-Goliath)式的分销协议都类似于我们在2003年与惠普公司的合作:它们都是不错的公关手法,但也就仅此而已。

    In practice , however , most " david-goliath " distribution deals turn out like our 2003 HP deal : Great PR , but not much else .

  6. 大卫用的的弹弓和石弹杀死巨人歌利亚。

    David uses his sling and a stone to kill Goliath .

  7. 这次,总统先生,您扮演歌利亚。

    This time , Mr President , you are playing Goliath .

  8. 当大卫杀死歌利亚,他们就是扮演这个角色。

    Goliath was acting in this role when David killed him .

  9. 祂已经预备了一个愿意接受歌利亚挑战的人。

    God had a man willing to accept Goliath 's challenge .

  10. 里查得•布朗森我宁愿做大卫也不愿意做歌利亚。

    RICHARD BRANSON I 'd much rather be a David than Goliath .

  11. 大卫是杀死巨人歌利亚的人。

    David is the person who killed the giant Goliath .

  12. 身高超过三公尺的歌利亚,是一位天不怕地不怕的勇士。

    Goliath was a fearless warrior over three meters tall .

  13. 我宁愿做大卫也不愿意做歌利亚。

    I 'd much rather be a David than Goliath .

  14. 这起事件演变成了现代版的大卫与歌利亚。

    The issue turned into a modern-day version of David and Goliath .

  15. 其中最大最坏的是歌利亚。

    And the biggest and battiest of them all is the Goliath .

  16. 以一个圣经故事——歌利亚和大卫的战争——为例。歌利亚原本以为此战会是一场肉搏战。

    Using the titular biblical example , Goliath was expecting hand-to-hand combat .

  17. 歌利亚蜘蛛在南美洲偏远的雨林中安家。

    The Goliath makes itshome in the remote rainforests of South America .

  18. 歌利亚的毒液对这只老鼠是致命的。

    The Goliath 's venom proves fatal to this mouse .

  19. 假以时日,大卫也能击倒巨人歌利亚。

    With time , a David may topple Goliath .

  20. 大卫是个英雄,他杀死了歌利亚。

    David was a hero when he killed Goliath .

  21. 即使有八只眼睛,歌利亚像大多数蜘蛛一样视力也很弱。

    Even with eight eyes , Goliaths like most spiders have weak vision .

  22. 大卫准备就绪,出去与巨人歌利亚交战

    David gird up his loins and go out to meet the giant goliath

  23. 关于网络中立的辩论如今带有圣经故事中大卫对决歌利亚的意味。

    The net neutrality debate has taken on a David vs Goliath flavour .

  24. 夜晚是歌利亚蜘蛛最活跃的时候。

    Night is when the Goliath is most active .

  25. 你从大卫与歌利亚对话中看出大卫的信仰如何?

    What have you learned about David 's faith from his dialogue with Goliath ?

  26. 大卫战胜了歌利亚成为国王。

    David beat Goliath and became a king .

  27. 你知道我最喜欢大卫和歌利亚中的什么吗?

    Know you what I love most about the story of David and goliath ?

  28. 歌利亚下台后仍然激动不已。

    Backstage , she was still excited .

  29. 他如果靠自己的力量去迎战歌利亚,就一定被击败。

    Had he fought Goliath in his own strength , he might have been sadly defeated .

  30. 扫罗对大卫的勇气留下了印象,最终同意让他去跟歌利亚打仗。

    Saul was impressed by David 's courage and eventually agreed to let him fight Goliath .