
  • 网络european history;Europe;History of Europe;AP European History
  1. 声明标志着欧洲历史上一个伟大时代的终结。

    The announcement marks the end of an extraordinary period in European history

  2. 德国的收容法是欧洲历史上一个已逝去时期的遗留产物。

    Germany 's asylum law is a relic of an era in European history which has passed

  3. 我对欧洲历史不太熟悉。

    I am not very familiar with European history .

  4. 生物,微积分AB,微积分BC,化学,欧洲历史,法语,西班牙语,音乐理论,美国政府与政策,美国历史。

    Biology , Calculus AB , Calculus BC , Chemistry , European History , French Language , Spanish Language , Music Theory , US Government and Politics , US History .

  5. 要打败四岁时继承王位的路易十四(LouisXIV)成为欧洲历史上在位时间最长的君主,她需要活到98岁。

    To beat Louis XIV ( who succeeded to the throne at the age of 4 ) for the longest reign in European history , she would have to live to 98 .

  6. 欧洲历史文化名人与世界文化遗产

    Famous People of European History and Culture and World Culture Heritage

  7. 文艺复兴是欧洲历史上的重要时期。

    The Renaissance was an important chapter in European history .

  8. 对欧洲历史及文化还不够了解。

    To Europe , history and culture are not enough to know .

  9. 中世纪,通常是指欧洲历史上约公元1100&1500年之间的一段时期。

    The period in European history between about AD1100 and1500 .

  10. 欧洲历史上战争原因初探

    Quantitative Analysis of the Causes of Wars in European History

  11. 巫术大恐慌是欧洲历史上重要的一页。

    Witch hysteria is an important part of European history .

  12. 这类书可能会增长你有关欧洲历史的知识。

    Such books are likely to advance your knowledge of European history .

  13. 但是,整个美国历史与欧洲历史截然不同。

    But the whole history of America is quite different from Europe .

  14. 国际欧洲历史文献出版委员会

    International Committee for the Publication of Documents on European History

  15. 我们已经有英国文学,欧洲历史,地理学,心理学。

    So we got English lit , European history , geography , psychology .

  16. 我们正处于欧洲历史上一个重要的转捩点。

    We are standing at an important crossroads in the history of Europe .

  17. 球队的欧洲历史是球员们沉重的负担吗?

    Does the European history of the club weigh heavy on the players ?

  18. 独白:听下面一段欧洲历史课的演讲

    Narrator : Listen to part of a lecture in a European History Class

  19. 欧洲历史上家庭概念的演变及其特征

    The Notion of Family and the European History

  20. 我曾获得欧洲历史与语言学位,能讲流利的德语。

    I had a degree in European history and languages and spoke fluent German .

  21. 这是我为欧洲历史课不得不买的两本书。

    These are two books I had to buy for my European history class .

  22. 纵观这个欧洲历史,在炼金术师的工作中可以发现它,

    Throughout European history , we find them in the work of the alchemists ,

  23. 欧洲历史不是我的专业范围。

    European History is not my province .

  24. 查理一世的种种努力创造了欧洲历史上重要的“加洛林文艺复兴”。

    The result of Charlemagne 's efforts is ususlly called the " Carolingian Renaissance " .

  25. 欧洲历史对我何尝不是如此。

    So is European history to me .

  26. 教授:但是他们真的曾经在欧洲历史上起到过重要作用吗?

    Professor : But have they really played any kind of important role in European history ?

  27. 对于每位年轻人来说,很重要的是去了解美国历史,欧洲历史,还有地理。

    It 's vital that every young person know U.S.history , European history , and geography .

  28. 这很奇怪,因为无论美国还是欧洲历史上,并不是完全没有经历过人民战争。

    This is strange because the phenomenon has not been entirely unknown to America or Europe .

  29. 纵观欧洲历史,为争取出版自由进行最为持久、最早、最猛烈斗争的是英国。

    In the European history , Britain is the country that struggles long for the press freedom .

  30. 传统上对欧洲历史的解释,大都视中世纪为一个文化黑暗时期。

    To regard Middle Ages as a dark cultural age is a traditional interpretation of European history .