
  • 网络Analog network;Sim Net
  1. 在对两个模拟网的几种不同方案进行试算之后,本文提出了几点结论和建议。

    After computing and analysing some plans , some useful conclusions and suggestions are given in the paper .

  2. 由于碰撞物体的外层,你可以复制模拟网的内层,内层衬衣和裤子。

    As collision objects for outer layer , you can duplicate simulated mesh of inner layers ; inner shirts and pants .

  3. 简单描述了技术演进历程,对模拟网、数字网、软交换网络三个标志性阶段进行了相关介绍。

    Then brief introduces the technology evolution process , including the analog network , digital network , and soft-switching network three landmark stages description .

  4. 本文的新思路是:以平板模拟网单元,基于薄板大挠度变形理论,结合桩网复合地基的具体情况,提出路基工后沉降量的直线计算方法,并给出工程算例。

    Under the common work of the " pile net soil " system used sheet to simulate net unit , the calculating method of subgrade residual settlement was deduced basing on the sheet deformation theory .

  5. 初步结果表明,在测量误差允许范围内,数字网的仿真位移型震级可以替代模拟网的位移震级,震级测定的连续性要求基本可以保证。

    Prime result shows that the simulation displacement magnitude of numeral network represent the displacement one of simulation network in the allowed measure error , and the continued requirements of magnitude determination are basically guaranteed .

  6. ΔM与PCM兼用的数字电话模拟交换网

    A Telephone Network Consisting of △ M and PCM Hybrid Digital Carrier and Analog Switching

  7. 讨论了以控制点文件和基线向量文件保存在电子地图上进行GPS网,顾及多时段重复基线和精密测距基线,用二维约束平差的方法实现对GPS模拟控制网的精度估算。

    This paper discuss that extract GPS network designed on electronic map by method of 2D restriction adjustment and GPS network simulation design and accuracy estimate come true .

  8. 介绍了一种用于模拟ATM网中的分组复用语音流传输的模型:流体流动模型。

    In this paper , a model for packet voice multiplexing system of ATM was introduced , which is called a fluid flow model .

  9. 增量调制(ΔM)与脉码调制(PCM)兼用的数字电话模拟交换网具有灵活、经济及满意的质量等特点,适用于工业通信系统及其它类似场合。

    A telephone network consisting of both △ M and PCM digital coding channels and analog switching is advantageous in flexibility and economization , also it has satisfactory quality , so it is suitable for applications in industrial communication systems and other similar fields .

  10. 计算机模拟雷达网平面探测范围的一种绘制方法

    A Method of Drawing Radar Plane Coverage in Simulating Radar Detection Ability

  11. GB/T4573-1984模拟通信网中相对功率电平的测试方法

    Measuring method for the relative power level over the analogue communication network

  12. 测试手机-模拟铜网的使用。

    Test Phone-for use on analogue copper network .

  13. 作为示范例子,文中最后还给出了一个模拟监测网的设计结果。

    Final-ly , design of a simulated monitoring network is made as a demonstrating example .

  14. 窄条带砂体随机模拟井网优化部署方法

    Well pattern optimization and arrangement method of the random simulation of narrow strip channel sand body

  15. 现阶段模拟移动网发展方向探讨

    Development Trend of Analog Mobile Network

  16. GB/T4574-1984模拟通信网中实际电路噪声与模拟系统负荷的电路噪声测试方法

    Measuring methods for actual circuit noise and the circuit noise in simulating system loading over the analogue communication network

  17. 但在以前,工程师的专业技能主要包括维护和修理模拟电话网,现在利文斯顿却期望他们能够承担更多任务。

    But whereas their expertise once covered mainly the maintenance and repair of an analogue telephone network , he now expects them to do more .

  18. 分析了传统的基于模拟电话网的远方活动图象监视系统的缺点,在此基础上,充分利用当今计算机先进的软硬件技术和数字摄象技术,提出一种新型系统。

    The disadvantages of the conventional image sequence transmitting system based on the telephone network are analyzed and a new kind of system based on advanced computer and digital camera technology is proposed .

  19. 这些映射的功能可以由模拟局网的协议、传输介质和站点的对应对象来分别完成,形成面向对象仿真系统的基本结构。

    The mappings can be implemented by corresponding objects , which imitate the protocol , the medium and stations in a LAN respectively , forming the basic structure of an object - oriented simulation system .

  20. 本文提出的模型在模拟配电网的故障和负荷点停电情况方面更加真实,并可以评估不同的调度策略可靠性风险指标和可靠性效益指标的影响。

    Therefore , the model presented in this paper is more accurate to simulate faults of distribution network and the outage situation of load points , and reliability risk indices and reliability worth indices can be calculated according to different dispatching strategy .

  21. 针对以上问题,论文主要做了以下工作:论文用马尔科夫模型模拟弓网离线噪声,把频率和持续世间法应用到弓网离线噪声的持续时间分析中。

    Aiming at the above problems . the main content of the thesis is as follows : The thesis simulates the disconnection noise by using Markov chain , and applies the frequency and duration methods to the reliability analysis of disconnection noise .

  22. 通过两种途径数值模拟了网面调整过程:一是对每片的16个纵向调整索都进行相应调整;另一种是对调整量和调整数目同时进行优化。

    The shape adjustment is simulated in two ways : one is that all the sixteen tie cables are adjusted simultaneously , the other is that the adjustment amount and the number of adjustable cables are optimized simultaneously , then shape adjustment is carried out accordingly .

  23. 在模拟纤网基础上又从理论上计算了占全部孔数10%的大孔对过滤性能产生的影响,并发现经过这10%大孔的流量比例与当量孔径标准差成线性增加的关系。

    Based on this simulated fiber web , the effect of the 10 % big pores on the filtration properties is analyzed theoretically . It is found that the flow proportion in these 10 % big pores is linearly increased with the standard deviation of the pores equivalent radii .

  24. 模拟GPS控制网精度估算方法研究

    Research of the precision estimate method about the simulated GPS network

  25. 随后又将交通分配理论运用于路网容量的研究之中,通过不同研究方法找到了一种较为简便、实用的方法&即增量加载O-D矩阵的交通分配模拟法对路网容量进行研究。

    Subsequently it applies traffic distribution simulation way to the capacity research of urban network .

  26. 采用MonteCarlo仿真的方法来模拟军事通信网的话务流量,并分析、比较组织迂回路由和不组织迂回路由时军事通信网的呼叫损失。

    The call traffic of military communication network is simulated by Monte Carlo simulation method , and the lost call is analyzed and compared between military communication network with alternate route and that without alternate route .

  27. 蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)系统是基于模拟蜂窝电话网的无线分组数据通信系统。

    The cellular digital packet data ( CDPD ) system is a wireless packet communication system based on analog cellular telephone networks .

  28. 分析了宽带IP网的发展现状和用户接入的问题,提出了基于HFC(光纤电缆混合)的模拟CATV广播网实现宽带IP网的跳频通信设计方案,对一些关键技术作了详细的叙述。

    This paper analyses the developing status of wide band IP network and the problems of linking terminal users , presents a plan of wide band IP network using jump frequency communication based on HFC CATV network . This paper also details some key technologies .

  29. CDPD(蜂窝数字分组数据)是利用模拟蜂窝电话网实现分组数据传输的一种网络技术,其数据链路层的功能主要是提供一条可靠、高效的逻辑连接。

    The data link layer ( DLL ) of CDPD ( cellular digital packet data ) MES ( mobile end system ) is mainly focused on providing a reliable and effective connection between MES and MDBS ( mobile data base station ) .

  30. 随机模拟在电信网性能评价中的应用

    Application of Computer Simulation to the Performance Evaluation of Telecommunications Network