
jí duān zhǔ yì
  • extremism
  1. 保持对“三股势力”(分裂主义,极端主义,恐怖主义)严打高压态势

    Strike hard and maintain high pressure on the three forces ( of separatism , extremism and terrorism )

  2. GoogleIdeas仍将把暴力极端主义作为重点关注领域之一,但它已经开始朝别的方向努力。

    Violent extremism will continue as one of Google Ideas ' focus areas , but it has already begun work elsewhere .

  3. 极端主义分子猖獗,致使安全部长被解职。

    The extremists prevailed , and the security minister was canned

  4. 这个极端主义组织有意避开了传统政治。

    This extremist organization has shunned conventional politics .

  5. 要求西伯利亚独立的人如今只局限于一小撮极端主义分子。

    Demands for a separate Siberia are confined for now to the lunatic fringe .

  6. 据NPR新闻的彼得·肯扬从伊斯坦布尔带来的报道,伊朗新任总统哈桑·鲁哈尼称这是智慧的胜利,是温和主义对极端主义的胜利。

    NPR 's Peter Kenyon reports from Istanbul Iran 's president-elect , Hassan Rohani , calls it a victory for wisdom and moderation over extremism .

  7. 挪威独立电视台TV2于23日报导,犯案后已遭逮捕的挪威籍男子与右派极端主义有密切关系。

    Independent Norwegian television TV2 reported on Saturday that the Norwegian man detained after the attacks had links to right-wing extremism ( 3 ) .

  8. 但是索马里Puntland总统AbdirahmanMohamedFarole呼吁国外援助以安定索马里,称这样是防止极端主义组织占领更多领土的最佳方式。

    But the President of the Puntland State of Somalia , Abdirahman Mohamed Farole , foreign ance to stable areas of the country , saying this would be the best way to prevent extremist groups from expanding areas they control :

  9. 最著名的支持者SeymourLipset在1959年写到“教育可能拓宽人们的视野,使他们能够理解宽容的必要性,减少他们对极端主义和一元论学说的依附,提高他们做出理性的选举决择的能力。

    One of its most famous proponents , Seymour Lipset , wrote in 1959 that " education presumably broadens men 's outlooks , enables them to understand the need for norms of tolerance , restrains them from adhering to extremist and monistic doctrines , and increases their capacity to make rational electoral choices . "

  10. 宗教极端主义催生的恐怖主义困扰着世界;打击三股势力,维护祖国统一;

    The terrorism caused by the religious extremists haunts the world .

  11. 我并不想使自己与极端主义的政治言论有何联系。

    I 'd rather not associate myself with extremist political statements .

  12. 神经过于紧张,极端主义的情绪笼罩着一切。

    Nerves get frayed , and a mood of extremism prevails .

  13. 极端主义分子还会设法破坏目前的形势。

    The extremists have yet to try to pull it apart .

  14. 这个国家有可能分崩离析,或者宗教极端主义者可能掌管这个国家

    the country would explode , or religious extremists would take over

  15. 中国坚决反对一切形式的恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义。

    China opposes all forms of terrorism , separatism and extremism .

  16. 他说,不同信仰之间的合作可以平衡极端主义。

    He says interfaith cooperation is a way to balance extremism .

  17. 但沙特的极端主义政策已经走到头了。

    But the policy of Saudi exceptionalism has run its course .

  18. 极端主义者在鼓动人民起来反抗压迫者。

    Extremists were exciting the people to rebellion against their oppressors .

  19. 这场阴谋一定有那个极端主义团伙参与。

    That extremist group surely has a part in this plot .

  20. 马利基也是一位什叶派教徒,但是他采取行动反对宗教极端主义军队。

    But he has taken action against religious extremist military groups .

  21. 他们举着写有“更多的战争等于更多的极端主义”的标语。

    They held up signs reading more war equals more extremism .

  22. 将他们国家推至内战边缘的政治上的极端主义。

    The political extremism which brought their country close to civil war .

  23. 那些极端主义者在大党外已组成了分裂出来的小派别。

    The extremists have formed a splinter group outside the main party .

  24. 这里是“基地”组织从事极端主义暴力活动的中心。

    This is the epicenter of violent extremism practiced by al Qaeda .

  25. 更多的极端主义分子梦想着报复美国。

    More extremist elements dream of revenge on the US .

  26. 他是党内反对极端主义的中坚分子。

    He was a buttress against extremism in the party .

  27. 确实,在阿萨德的反对派中有些是极端主义分子。

    Its true that some of Assads opponents are extremists .

  28. 但是,到底是什么把这些年轻人拉向极端主义的意识形态的呢?

    But what pulls young people towards these extremist ideologies ?

  29. 反对一切形式的恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义。

    We must oppose terrorism , separatism and extremism in all forms .

  30. 决定向恐怖主义、分裂主义和极端主义开战。

    Have determined to wage war against terrorism , separatism and extremism .